- Unit count halfened
- Fixed the sky
- More Capital Ships in the background and some up close with just turrets.
- Strengthened Frigates
- Using conversion pack vehicles rather than the boring stock vehicles.
- Normal Point system except for strict death penalties.
1.01/03 fixes:
- Fixed Shields
- Fixed auto turret defense systems
- Fixed certain vehicles not spawning
- Changed positions of cis vehicles
- Slightly more Stormtroopers from 25 to 30 (forgot to include that in the readme)
- Turret chairs that didn't spawned removed, extra turrets assigned to chairs removed (system reconfigured but still broken) th
- Deleted old ship parts that I forgot to erase.
The vehicles.lvl is only for if you do not have the conversion pack. If you have it, just delete the one that came with this package as you already have it and they are exactly the same. If you don't have the conversion pack, I strongly recommend it as it has a lot of good content. Credits goes to Maveritchell, Teancum and the others who worked on it as well for the vehicles and the Conversion Pack in general.
http://www.mediafire.com/download/fnxd4 ... Final03.7z
http://www.moddb.com/games/star-wars-ba ... ino-modern
After the destruction of the second death star, the empire became desperate for solutions to bring back their army back up and shape. With no leader, it was hard to figure out how. Only the Emperor and Vader knew how to create the Death Star. Meanwhile, they come across the planet kamino and rediscovered that they have cloning facilities and can steal it to create more stormtroopers. With the few Imperial Star Destroyers left, they head to Kamino, but as they reach Kamino, they get caught in a battle between the Republic and the CIS. They immidiately looked at them as enemies and started attacking each other.]
Beta 2 screenshots:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/m7ldw ... odernb2.7z
http://www.gamefront.com/files/25548542 ... dernb2.rar
beta 1 download links:
http://www.gamefront.com/files/25542513 ... dernb1.rar