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A Very Large SWBF2 Map List

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 11:31 pm
by Jaspo
Hello, Gametoast! I present you with a full list of all the SWBF2 maps I have, in the form of a downloadable .txt file...I was hoping to make a nice pretty post on here instead, but it exceeded the post character limit (it's a big list). I put the file on my personal website, so I hope it doesn't give you all sorts of "untrusted website" warnings or anything when you download it.

link: ... aplist.txt

Reminder: If you're looking for something specific, you can use the "Find" function in whatever program you're using, even web browsers.

In total, there are:
- 10 full/1 incomplete addon folders of maps
- 2 full/1 incomplete addon folders of beta maps
- 1 full/1 incomplete folder of map packs
- 6 other incomplete addon folders with specific content;
"BFX, Maveritchell's Dark Times II, KotOR sides, Mav's other maps, related maps" (this one's very nearly a full folder)
"contest entries"
"Conversion Pack 2_2, KotOR Galactic Conquest"
"Jaspo's Battlefronts Galactic Conquest (with Marvel4's BF1 Conversion Pack)"
"Jaspo's Extended Galactic Conquest"
"Jaspo's most up-to-date maps"

So, if there's a map on here that you can't find elsewhere, PM me and I'll upload it to mediafire or to my website for you.

Back when the first rumors of swbffiles' imminent demise began swirling around, a number of modders endeavored to attempt to move the entire site's content here to Gametoast. It was in the end a rather unsuccessful effort, but in the process I downloaded the entire contents of the site, and have had them sitting around in a rather disorganized fashion since sometime in 2009.
Since then, I've been adding to the collection with maps from here there and everywhere (mostly from gametoast, some from gamefront, some from who knows where) and, sometime around 2013, I began organizing them into full addon folders. About 2 years ago I temporarily abandoned the project because I got a Steam account and got all distracted. But now, I've come back and completed it...not to say I've got every map ever made; I know I don't, but its complete in that everything I have ever downloaded is now on the list and assigned to a folder.

Edit: Here are the addon folders which are featured on the map list above, uploaded in ultracompressed form.
I see that people are making suggestions below for maps I've left out; I'll gather them all together and at some point in the distant future add them the folders in the collection which aren't yet full, and reupload them. ... collection
They're in .7z format so you'll need 7zip to unpack them.

Update 8/27/18:
I discovered that Steam is blacklisting Mediafire due to some malware in some of the popup ads, so I moved everything to Google Drive and made a Steam guide with new download links, here: ... 1493175096
Some other minor changes accompanied this, I added just a handful of additional maps to folder 11, and included some missing side files with my own stuff (the EGC and most recent folders), so now Dobido: Deep Crater and Lazer Tag mode should work again :) (note: side files need to go in the game's side folder, not in addon)

Re: A Very Large SWBF2 Map List

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:42 am
by Anakin
Very useful. Thank you a lot.
Were theses:
"Jaspo's Battlefronts Galactic Conquest (with Marvel4's BF1 Conversion Pack)"
"Jaspo's Extended Galactic Conquest"
"Jaspo's most up-to-date maps"
released before?? I Couldn't remember them. What are they about??

Re: A Very Large SWBF2 Map List

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 4:38 pm
by Jaspo
Anakin wrote:Very useful. Thank you a lot.
Were theses:
"Jaspo's Battlefronts Galactic Conquest (with Marvel4's BF1 Conversion Pack)"
"Jaspo's Extended Galactic Conquest"
"Jaspo's most up-to-date maps"
released before?? I Couldn't remember them. What are they about??
The answer to that is, mostly yes, they were released before. The two galactic conquest folders are custom galactic conquests that I made, in which the planets are all relocated to their canon positions in the galaxy. The first is a combination of the swbf1 and swbf2 stock maps (via Marvel4's conversions) and the second is a mix of stock bf2 maps, some of my maps, and notable maps or notable locations covered by other modders.
The most "up-to-date maps" is simply the most recent version of anything I've released, as well as my various test levels and unfinished (or even unstarted) map concepts.
I've got a lazertag arena hiding in the YOT folder, no planning or barriers or anything and not at all laid out properly as of yet, since it was originally just to test the props (which are all finished), those were for an apparently dead lazer tag project someone else wanted the props for; at this point I'll probably just use the props with my own lazer tag mod, so expect that sometime in the future :mrgreen:.
HMK is a project that got bogged down at the very start, since I wanted custom music in it (guess which) and the music munge just won't go. I want to make a nice mountain castle of fairytale that I've downloaded that utility for converting tga heightmaps to terrain (while also decreasing the grid size!!), I'm once again more enthused about the project. But I might need someone else to get the music working for me.
DOW is a map intended to be based on and potentially used for a movie project of mine, that has very much gone by the wayside (and it would be kind of weird to try to release the movie now since everyone involved was way younger when it was filmed)...instead the map's just become a test map; it's got a large chunk of DSI in it currently, and some other things.

Re: A Very Large SWBF2 Map List

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:35 pm
by AnthonyBF2
I am not sure if you took this into consideration but some mod packs such as BFX put SIDE files, into the default SIDE directory, instead of using dc: (GameData\Data\_LVL_PC\SIDE\BFX) You would need to include those files or the game would crash trying to play the mods.

Re: A Very Large SWBF2 Map List

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:15 pm
by MikeTheBeast55
This seems like a really good idea and I am know this is not complete yet but will you be adding in the Designated Days maps and sides mods as well to your Star Wars Battlefront 2 map list?

Re: A Very Large SWBF2 Map List

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:43 pm
by Jaspo
In cases where there are files outside the addon folder, the zipped folder is actually gamedata, with the addon folder and any other files inside it, as well as added instructions for installation of those extra files.

There are a number of Designated Days maps on the list; there's been so many made that its hard to know if I have them all or not.

Re: A Very Large SWBF2 Map List

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 2:15 am
by Twilight_Warrior
I'm a moderator over at the /r/StarWarsBattlefront subreddit now, do you mind if I post this there to let the few SWBF2 players we still have there that you've made/are in the process of making this repository? Figured I'd ask before potentially flooding your PM inbox with a whole bunch of new GTers.

Re: A Very Large SWBF2 Map List

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:51 pm
by Jaspo
Sure, that's fine, just know that I'll probably be editing the OP to include links in the future.

Re: A Very Large SWBF2 Map List

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:07 pm
by RevanSithLord
Jaspo wrote:There are a number of Designated Days maps on the list; there's been so many made that its hard to know if I have them all or not.
I will PM you a list of links to our most recent versions of these maps. I have made a Facebook page dedicated to Designated Days. That list will contain a few more in the coming days, but for now, I'll PM you the link to the direct page/post.

Re: A Very Large SWBF2 Map List

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:17 pm
by squipple
Here's some you don't have :)
FYI, filefront went down but many of the files got put on gamefront.

or if you want them all in one place + Ancient Research Facility and Nelvaan Village: ...

Re: A Very Large SWBF2 Map List

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:31 am
by Jaspo
squipple wrote:Here's some you don't have :)
FYI, filefront went down but many of the files got put on gamefront.

or if you want them all in one place + Ancient Research Facility and Nelvaan Village: ...
I think you missed it :wink: "Squeddies Mappack SQS Eddie / squipple" -from Map Packs & +123

Re: A Very Large SWBF2 Map List

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 3:09 pm
by MikeTheBeast55
I did not see Pax Empiricae on the list yet, so I thought I would give you the link to it in case you do not have it yet. Also there is a Yavin map just called "Yavin" when you download it, I will give you that link as well.
Pax Empiricae: ... 8v/
Yavin: ... sp=sharing

Re: A Very Large SWBF2 Map List

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 11:40 pm
by Nedarb7

Code: Select all

Battlefront Extreme Campaign (1.0)		BXC, ZE_ccsupport	yuke5
ZE_ccsupport is actually its own mod. I can understand the confusion though, as Yuke included in the BFX Campaign download.

Re: A Very Large SWBF2 Map List

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:27 pm
by Jaspo
I've begun comparing the contents of my collection to the listings in "SWBF-2-Map-Archive FINAL GD.xlsx" (dated 08.30.2012; does anyone know if a more recent version was made or is available anywhere?) and I'm finding that there are a LOT of maps not on my list. Fortunately, many that aren't were uploaded to mediafire or google docs rather than filefront, and so, my list of maps to add to the folders at some unknown distant future date grows steadily.

Re: A Very Large SWBF2 Map List

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:08 pm
by MikeTheBeast55
Jaspo wrote:I've begun comparing the contents of my collection to the listings in "SWBF-2-Map-Archive FINAL GD.xlsx" (dated 08.30.2012; does anyone know if a more recent version was made or is available anywhere?)
I downloaded the map archive a couple weeks back but have not gotten too far with it. Most of the work was put into color coding the old one with green being a working link and red being a broken link. I have not started going to to search and replace links with but I hope to get around to it this weekend. I might be able to help you find certain links for certain maps you do not have but if you would rather just look what I have done so far I will send you a link to it.

EDIT: Here is a link to the more updated archive if you want to take a look: ... sp=sharing

Re: A Very Large SWBF2 Map List

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:17 pm
by RedHardcore
Jaspo wrote:Hello, Gametoast! I present you with a full list of all the SWBF2 maps I have, in the form of a downloadable .txt file...I was hoping to make a nice pretty post on here instead, but it exceeded the post character limit (it's a big list). I put the file on my personal website, so I hope it doesn't give you all sorts of "untrusted website" warnings or anything when you download it.

link: ... aplist.txt

Reminder: If you're looking for something specific, you can use the "Find" function in whatever program you're using, even web browsers.

In total, there are:
- 10 full/1 incomplete addon folders of maps
- 2 full/1 incomplete addon folders of beta maps
- 1 full/1 incomplete folder of map packs
- 6 other incomplete addon folders with specific content;
"BFX, Maveritchell's Dark Times II, KotOR sides, Mav's other maps, related maps" (this one's very nearly a full folder)
"contest entries"
"Conversion Pack 2_2, KotOR Galactic Conquest"
"Jaspo's Battlefronts Galactic Conquest (with Marvel4's BF1 Conversion Pack)"
"Jaspo's Extended Galactic Conquest"
"Jaspo's most up-to-date maps"

So, if there's a map on here that you can't find elsewhere, PM me and I'll upload it to mediafire or to my website for you.

Back when the first rumors of swbffiles' imminent demise began swirling around, a number of modders endeavored to attempt to move the entire site's content here to Gametoast. It was in the end a rather unsuccessful effort, but in the process I downloaded the entire contents of the site, and have had them sitting around in a rather disorganized fashion since sometime in 2009.
Since then, I've been adding to the collection with maps from here there and everywhere (mostly from gametoast, some from gamefront, some from who knows where) and, sometime around 2013, I began organizing them into full addon folders. About 2 years ago I temporarily abandoned the project because I got a Steam account and got all distracted. But now, I've come back and completed it...not to say I've got every map ever made; I know I don't, but its complete in that everything I have ever downloaded is now on the list and assigned to a folder.

Edit: Here are the addon folders which are featured on the map list above, uploaded in ultracompressed form.
I see that people are making suggestions below for maps I've left out; I'll gather them all together and at some point in the distant future add them the folders in the collection which aren't yet full, and reupload them. ... collection
They're in .7z format so you'll need 7zip to unpack them.
You I hearby call you everyone's savior.

As some people already mentioned and I'll be one of those people as well, some mods do put stuff into the actual data folder rather than the addon folder. For the special addon folders with that, make sure you include the data folder with the special modifications. Also it looks like you don't have the Dark Space Map Pack with Last Days and requires the Dark Times mod for the era to work. ... ds/FAI.exe in case you start looking for it.

Also, there are some maps on that list that are compatible with mods like conversion pack Kotor, Dark Times, BFX, BF0, Ultimate Battlefront, and other mods. You should make another addon folder(s) or just a list of maps compatible with one or more of these major mods or any other major mod I did not mention.

I'll edit this post if I dig up any maps that I have or have found that you don't have that are good. Also I think you should opt out listing the default maps for each addon folder.

Re: A Very Large SWBF2 Map List

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 12:44 am
by MetalcoreRancor
Any chance you can upload my GFAQ map I made?

Re: A Very Large SWBF2 Map List

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 10:44 am
by MikeTheBeast55
MetalcoreRancor wrote:Any chance you can upload my GFAQ map I made?
That map still has a working link on Gamefront, here is the link: ... ty_1.1.exe

Re: A Very Large SWBF2 Map List

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 11:04 pm
by RedHardcore
I just got every single one of these 7 zip files loaded up onto a USB stick. Only about 21.9 GB. If these Media Fire links ever die, I can infinitely re-upload these, regardless if you come back or not.

Re: A Very Large SWBF2 Map List

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 11:40 pm
by Marth8880
RedHardcore wrote:I just got every single one of these 7 zip files loaded up onto a USB stick. Only about 21.9 GB. If these Media Fire links ever die, I can infinitely re-upload these, regardless if you come back or not.
Until your USB drive dies anyway lmao