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EA's Battlefront

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 1:10 pm
by Delta-1035
Hey all, this is what I made this afternoon just for the sake of doing it.

This is the stock tatooine map, but with new sides. I've tried to remake them somewhat similar at the ones that the new battlefront game has.
It's nothing special, but I had fun making it sooo yeah you can play it too.

GCW only, of course. (shame on you, EA) Each faction has the same weapons and equipments!

Trooper class
E11 Blaster Rifle (slower fire rate than the a280 but does more damage)
Smart Rocket Launcher (a simple rocket launcher... not that smart)
Thermal dets
Jumptrooper class - has a jetpack
A280 Blaster Rifle (higher fire rate than the e11 but does less damage)
Mortar Launcher (shoots 3 nades at time - very usefull aganist heroes)
Scout class - low health, faster movements
DH17 Blaster Pistol (good for close quarters)
Tusken Cycler Rifle (one shot, one kill... but you need to reload)
Personal Shield (AI do not use it... idk why)
Shocktrooper class - higher health, slower movements
DLT19 Heavy Blaster Rifle (very high fire rate)
Deplyable E-Web (that can be manned)
Thermal dets
Hero class
Force Powers
Have fun, I hope you will.

Download here:

-kinetosimpetuos: a280-dh17 models
-sereja: zam's sniper rifle model
-whoever has made the dlt19 model that I found in the BFX assets
-trainmaster611, Repsharpshooter for the deployable e-web assets

Random pics:

PS: I still need to change my IP online to get here, it is a bit annoying

Re: EA's Battlefront

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 7:36 pm
by booperdoo
:eek: This looks epic! downloading it now! :D

Re: EA's Battlefront

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:16 pm
by MikeTheBeast55
Looks like a promising mod, I have not really seen the EA Battlefront units but I should go take a look at that now. The units as you describe are pretty close to what they looked like in the Battlefront beta. It is definitely different to have new units on a stock map, maybe you can work on a map to put the units on? If not, then I still will enjoy the mod!

Re: EA's Battlefront

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 11:26 am
by Generalfacu
Nice! Gonna try this out.
Delta-1035 I also have to change my IP to get here. It is like an annoying routine. I turn the PC on, I activate the VPN, I enter here, check for updates, download something, turn the VPN off.

Re: EA's Battlefront

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 11:56 pm
by jomhar97
Your map keeps crashing when attempting to load. I'm playing with the graphic settings to see if I can get it working.

Re: EA's Battlefront

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 6:58 am
by TheMastermindOfMaom
Do you have the 1.3 patch r129 correctly installed? I don't think this map needs it,but it may help.

Re: EA's Battlefront

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:48 am
by jomhar97
Yes I do have patch 1.3 v129 correctly installed.