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Caron Prime: Liberation Action [V 1.0]

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 5:42 am
by Luke
Hey Guys,
I'm back here. I hadn't done any work on the map for a long time as I haden't had time left for modding, but in the last two weeks I started again and finished it to V 1.0.


I did many changes to the map, but the overall look of it is the same as it had been before - dark, with many lights any many units on the battlefield. Also, there are some very strong (and maybe overpowered) weapons and when I played the map, I died very often (However, the reason could also be that I'm not that good player... :D ) . So sometimes it isn't easy to play and maybe a bit unbalanced, but it's exactly the way I want it to be.

The Story

Caron Prime [21 BBY]

On the search for a place for a new droid factory, the CIS under the leadership of Count Dooku invades more and more into the depths of the Outer Rim.
As their scouts discovered the neutral system Caron Prime, the government of it saw no other chance as to call the Galactic Republic for help...

Short Info

Gamemodes: only Conquest under Clone Wars (Hunt and CTF may follow)
Teams: Confederation of Independent Systems vs. Galactic Republic
  • 212th Assault Trooper
  • 395th Assault Trooper
  • 212th Elite Scout Trooper
  • 395th Explosives Specialist
  • 212th Recon Jet Trooper
  • 212th ARC Assault Trooper
  • 212th Clone Commander CC-2224 "Cody"
  • 395th Clone Commander CC-1993 "Jet"
  • Hero: Jedi-Master Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Baktoid B1-Series Battle Droid
  • Baktoid B1-Series Anti Vehicle Droid
  • Baktoid B1-Series Scout Droid
  • Baktoid B1-OOM-Series Pilot Droid
  • Baktoid B2-Series Super Battle Droid
  • Colicoids HDD-5.1 Droideka
  • Baktoid BX-Series Commando Droid
  • Baktoid B1-OOM-Series Droid Commander
  • Hero: Seperatist General Grievous
  • All Terrain-Tactical Enforcer (AT-TE)
  • All Terrain-Recon Transport (AT-RT)
  • Saber Class Battle Tank (IFT-X)
  • Amored Assault Tank (AAT)
  • Single Trooper Aerial Platform (STAP)

  • The map *may* be not online compatible, it hasn't been tested in multiplayer yet
  • You'll need to set your graphic settings to the highest that it looks like on the screenshots (the light part is important, otherwise the map will be much brighter)
  • If you find it to hard to see the enemy units, you can activate "show enemy symbols" on the options panel


******************************* Caron Prime: Liberation Action *******************************

Map version: V 1.0

A Clone Wars Map for Star Wars: Battlefront II.

Map Installation (for those who don't know how to):

1. Go to your ..\Lucasarts\Star Wars Battlefront II\Gamedata folder in your programms folder.
2. In it, create a new folder called "addon".
3. Put the downloaded folder "SCI" (not the archive) into it and start Battlefront II.

Note: You should have the official V 1.1 patch from Lucasarts and the unofficial v 1.3 patch from Zerted
installed. (You can download them from )

--------- Credits -----------
(Note: I wont write down every mesh or something the person I name here created, I will just write down the
name of the people who created any asset I used on the map. Otherwise the list will get an astronomical lenght.)

So, let's start with me, Master_Luke, for the general map design and Pandemic for the stock SWBF2
assets. And here are the other ones who created some stuff I used:

- DarthD.U.C.K
- Deviss
- CodaRez
- AceMastermind
- Kinetosimpetus
- B.I.G Cookie
- RepsharpShooter
- Jaspo
- RogueKnight
- psych0fred
- ForceMaster
- MandeRek
- Glitch25
- Bantha55
- ForceMaster
- ARC_Commander

If I forgot someone whose asset I used, please send me a PM on with the asset creator's
name and I will add him to the credits.

Also, if you find any bugs or if you have any problems with the map, please tell me.

Thanks for downloading and enjoy playing :)

- Luke
...and again, it's screenie time :D

  • DarthD.U.C.K
  • Deviss
  • CodaRez
  • AceMastermind
  • Kinetosimpetus
  • B.I.G Cookie
  • RepsharpShooter
  • Jaspo
  • RogueKnight
  • psych0fred
  • ForceMaster
  • MandeRek
  • AQT
  • Glitch25
  • Bantha55
  • ForceMaster
  • ARC_Commander
  • for modding tutorials and help


I hope you like the map! :)
If you have problems with it, feel free to tell me about them by posting them into this topic or by sending me a PM.

Re: Caron Prime: Liberation Action [V 1.0]

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 2:04 pm
by MissingTexture
Awesome! Finally get to play it :D

Re: Caron Prime: Liberation Action [V 1.0]

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:01 pm
by MikeTheBeast55
Wow, I remember playing this map about a year and a half ago and really enjoying it! Now that you finished the work on it and it is now Version 1.0 I really will be enjoying this even more! I am surprised my computer ran the map pretty well, I have a regular computer that does not perform very well gaming wise but still was very happy. Like you said, I died multiple times as well but I tried sniping to not die as much but then I ended up getting killed by the enemy snipers. A very well done map and a very good job on the map Luke! Do you plan on making any more maps or is this your last project?

Re: Caron Prime: Liberation Action [V 1.0]

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:59 pm
by Generalfacu
I can't believe this...finally...this map...with street lights! hahaha now I'll see where I go

Re: Caron Prime: Liberation Action [V 1.0]

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:27 pm
by Isaac1138
Wow, so this is a remake. Do u have the ENB addon because those pics look soooo realistic!

Re: Caron Prime: Liberation Action [V 1.0]

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 12:47 pm
by Luke
Yes, I use the ENB series ported from GTA: San Andreas to SWBF 2. I found it some time ago on another forum and I wanted to test it. Now I must say, it's a really good addon, it makes the graphics much better! Unfortunately, I don't now where I downloaded it...
MikeTheBeast55 wrote:Wow, I remember playing this map about a year and a half ago and really enjoying it! Now that you finished the work on it and it is now Version 1.0 I really will be enjoying this even more! I am surprised my computer ran the map pretty well, I have a regular computer that does not perform very well gaming wise but still was very happy. Like you said, I died multiple times as well but I tried sniping to not die as much but then I ended up getting killed by the enemy snipers. A very well done map and a very good job on the map Luke! Do you plan on making any more maps or is this your last project?
No, this wont be my last project, I have already made plans for a new map I will work on. However, this time I try to keep the developing process much shorter than the 2 years Liberation Action needed till V 1.0 release! :P

Thanks for the good feedback! :)

Re: Caron Prime: Liberation Action [V 1.0]

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:26 pm
by Isaac1138
also if this isn't your final release, I do have to say that the gameplay is really laggy and I can't see anything cuz of the rain.

Re: Caron Prime: Liberation Action [V 1.0]

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 7:00 pm
This looks different. Will have to try this out. Looks like the lighting is about as dark as the night varient for GABs resort map, which is a very good thing.

Re: Caron Prime: Liberation Action [V 1.0]

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:55 pm
by Drenaldo
Dude this map is amazing!!!!! Definitely a permanent addition to my addon folder.

Re: Caron Prime: Liberation Action [V 1.0]

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 7:21 am
by Luke
Thanks :D
Isaac1138 wrote:also if this isn't your final release, I do have to say that the gameplay is really laggy and I can't see anything cuz of the rain.
On my PC I don't have lags when playing the map, so the lags are related to the specs of your PC I guess. And if you can't see the enemys, select the show enemy symbols in the options of Battlefront.