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Empire Rising Public Beta 4

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 10:55 pm

In honor of May the 4th, I thought I would share some updates to this mod. New units have been added to fit more of a pre-rebel theme. Out of the four maps that have support (including kashyyk, mos eisley, death star and tantive 5) some bug fixes have been applied. Trying to cut down on bugs, so any feedback will go towards fixing them right away.
If there is anyone interested in helping me in the sound department, send me a pm. I have pre-edited sound files I would really like to get into the game.

Updated link: ... beta+4.rar

Re: Empire Rising Public Beta 4

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 8:51 am
by Sandtrooper956
I also posted this on your WIP page, but ill post it here as well: I haven't tried this as the Rebel sniper yet, but reloading as the Imperial Sniper freezes the game until you press ESC. (At least on the Death Star) I'll report back later.

Re: Empire Rising Public Beta 4

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 11:53 am
by Fives
looks nice....the stormtroopers look like the stormtrooper in Star Wars VII :eek:

Re: Empire Rising Public Beta 4

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 1:55 pm
by AnthonyBF2
It's nice to see new mods not focused on clone wars era. I need to do some stuff and I will test this mod later in the day and come back. :yes:

Re: Empire Rising Public Beta 4

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 2:39 pm
by thelegend
I have played around a bit and I must say this is one of the greatest era mods I have played. I really love all the realistic and colorful looking skins and textures, effects and models too. I still need to try out some other classes on other maps. The gameplay is absolutely exciting especially the better and improved weapons instead of the stock weapons.
The new HUD and scope textures are also extremly nice done. Some new textures in your mod inspired me (e.g. the colors, reskinned tanks...).

Re: Empire Rising Public Beta 4

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 5:13 pm
by Sandtrooper956
Fives wrote:looks nice....the stormtroopers look like the stormtrooper in Star Wars VII :eek:
Well they aren't. They are just a different model.

Re: Empire Rising Public Beta 4

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 5:49 pm
by AnthonyBF2
I just played a bit and think it's heading a good direction.

What I like most is the lasers, trail effects for grenades, etc.
They are way better than what the regular game has and even some other big mods.

I also like the effort that went into making custom mines and detpacks and other small things.

The only thing I can think of that is bad is the imperial engineer. The textures are too black. In some lighting the model looks completely black (the result you get if you did not even have a texture)

The mod is good and I would like to see it expanded to all regular maps. :mrgreen:

Re: Empire Rising Public Beta 4

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 2:20 pm
by commanderawesome
I made a video about this:

Re: Empire Rising Public Beta 4

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 3:49 pm
by Generalfacu
1) Mod works perfectly!
2) Suggestion: I think it'd be cool if in Kashyyyk and Mos Eisley you could have camouflaged snipers for the Empire

Re: Empire Rising Public Beta 4

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 8:58 am
by MikeTheBeast55
I do remember this mod from a while back and I must say when it was in its first beta I really enjoyed it so much I made a video on it but that was around this time last year I believe. Anyways, it seems you have made quite a bit of progress on this map and all I have to say about these units are AMAZING! The only question I have about this is will the mod just stay an Era mod or will you make a map or two to go with the Era Mod?

Re: Empire Rising Public Beta 4

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 4:37 pm
Well I do have future plans for new maps. I think there is a lot less man power in smaller maps and you can do more creative things to accomendate for the size. I like the tantive 4 and utapua levels, so something around that layout is always a good idea in my book.

Commander awesome, thank you sooo much for your video! I love it and the commentary.

Re: Empire Rising Public Beta 4

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 4:50 pm
by commanderawesome
TWINKEYRUNAWAY wrote:Commander awesome, thank you sooo much for your video! I love it and the commentary.
You mean mean you could hear it? :| Anyway, no problem, man. This mod is truly superb, even though it's not finished.

Re: Empire Rising Public Beta 4

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 3:17 am
by hunpeter12
commanderawesome wrote: You mean mean you could hear it?
I think it's perfectly hearable :wink:

Re: Empire Rising Public Beta 4

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 2:21 pm
by commanderawesome
It seems my hearing loss is worse than I thought. All I hear at some spots is the battle sounds and music.

Re: Empire Rising Public Beta 4

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 4:22 pm
by hunpeter12
That's sad to hear. (No pun intended) I think that you should improve on the quality of the commentary audio rather than volume.

Re: Empire Rising Public Beta 4

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 4:31 pm
by MileHighGuy
nah, it is pretty hard to hear you at some points

Re: Empire Rising Public Beta 4

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 6:16 pm
by Marth8880
commanderawesome wrote:I made a video about this:
Pro-tip: When you record commentary for things, don't have Fraps (or whatever) set to record your mic, Instead, use Audacity to do it, that way you can mix the volume of the commentary and video separately and appropriately. If syncing the video with your commentary is an issue, one thing you can do is in the beginning of the video, click a menu button or something and at the exact same time, make a loud, quick sound into your mic. Then it's easy to sync them up in your video editing software. ;)

Re: Empire Rising Public Beta 4

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:02 pm
by bonystyle
Hey. Do you need help with smth? I'm a 3D modeller. So I could do some models. You know, that's what we do.

Re: Empire Rising Public Beta 4

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 5:10 pm
bonystyle wrote:Hey. Do you need help with smth? I'm a 3D modeller. So I could do some models. You know, that's what we do.
Sure thing, I was looking for someone whom could do some modeling. Do you have experience making and putting models into battlefront?

Re: Empire Rising Public Beta 4

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:18 am
by bonystyle
Nahp, my first time