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Starship Troopers - Whiskey Outpost v1.0 [OFFICIAL RELEASE]

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 11:23 pm
by razac920
Whiskey Outpost v1.0

This is my first ground map, and it attempts to recreate the battle at Whiskey Outpost from the movie Starship Troopers. For those of you unfamiliar with the movie, essentially the battle is set in the future, between humanity's military, specifically the Roughnecks unit of the United Citizen Federation's Mobile Infantry, and giant sentient killer bugs known as "Arachnids".

Game modes:
- Team DM mode: Play as either the Roughnecks or the Arachnids in the rocky desert outside the outpost. Multiplayer compatible.
- Objective mode: Play as the Roughnecks in a cinematic objective campaign, in which you must defend your outpost against an Arachnid attack until rescue shuttles arrive. Singleplayer only

Roughneck Units:
- Roughneck Soldiers carry an assault rifle and a shotgun. They are most effective at repelling waves of Warrior Bugs.
- Roughneck Grenadiers carry an assault rifle and grenades. Their grenades are highly effective against Tanker Bugs, but they are more vulnerable to Warrior Bugs and Hopper Bugs.
- Roughneck Snipers carry a sniper rifle and a shotgun. Their sniper rifles are highly effective against Hopper Bugs, but they are more vulnerable to Warrior Bugs.
- Roughneck Field Support lack a secondary weapon, but are your only source of ammunition. Use them wisely.

Arachnid Units:
- Warrior Bugs form the core of the Arachnid army. While not as fast as Hopper Bugs, they can take quite a beating, and pose a significant threat in packs.
- Hopper Bugs are the scouts of the Arachnids. They can rapidly fly across the map, and their blows are deadly, but they are extremely vulnerable to shotgun and sniper fire.
- Tanker Bugs are slow, lumbering giants. Their firebreathing attack can quickly incinerate infantry, and also is effective at destroying the outpost walls. They are extremely resistant to concentrated gunfire, but they can succumb to a well-placed grenade in the mouth.

- This mod requires the UnOfficial v1.3 patch

Still not convinced? Here are some gameplay videos:
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video 5
Video 6
Video 7

Download link: here

Installation Instructions:
copy WSK to your Star Wars Battlefront II/GameData/addon folder (if it's not there, create it first)

To uninstall just remove WSK from your addon folder.

Known bugs (pardon the pun):
- There is a hidden tanker bug vehicle spawn point outside the map
- Ammo containers will remain floating if they were on a ledge that is later destroyed
- Pausing the game in objective mode will make the messages be out of sync with the audio
- When densely packed the Roughnecks units can flicker between high and low resolution models
- Freecam can make units geometry look distorted
- Tanker bugs may spontaneously die at low health (occurs if the AI try to exit the vehicle, killing themselves and the vehicle)
- Tanker bugs can climb on top of each other

If you find any other bugs, or have any comments or questions, feel free to contact me at

Pandemic and LucasArts
Taivyx for the Terra Strife Sides
Skyhammer for blood effects
THEWULFMAN for the custom CP hologram
LRKfm946 for help with redefining functions for the gun sound effects
TriStar Pictures and Touchstone Pictures for the Starship Troopers movie
Basil Poledouris for the Starship Troopers soundtrack
AceMastermind and MileHighGuy for collisions/modeling help
- anthonybf2
- Noobasaurus
- MikeTheBeast55
- jedimoose32
everyone else who's helped me at Gametoast Forums

Anyone can do whatever they want with this, so long as credit is given.

Re: Whiskey Outpost v0.9

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 11:50 pm
by AnthonyBF2
I love that [Diet Dr. Coke] movie!
I shall love this mod as well and try it soon, looks really cool! :runaway:

Re: Whiskey Outpost v0.9

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 11:54 pm
by razac920
Well thank you! Just keep in mind that I'm much better at scripting, than say skinning or modeling (I don't think I tried to model anything new here). But hey I hope you like it, and I'm open to collaboration with anyone who wants to provide models/textures :)

Re: Whiskey Outpost v0.9

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 12:41 am
by AnthonyBF2
I started learning the Sketchup program recently, but have not gotten much past making simple objects with cut outs such as doors and windows, and applying textures. I can convert them to swbf series if you or anyone would want anything.
Anyway I just played 2 times on this map, and the detail to everything is well done. I really like the realistic scope textures.

The bugs( pardon the pun :P )
- The terrain is unstable around basically anywhere in the edge of the dwelling, I fell through repeatedly, and easily.
That was about all I noticed apart from the giant beetle with it's legs twitching around which has been addressed.

I have 1 suggestion, which could be updated easily.
The sniper woman character may be of more use if you were to setup a long string of "snipe" nodes on the top/front of the big wall facing outward.

Then change her UnitType to "Scout" so that they will sit on the nodes and snipe outwards.
Also I am not sure what the whole thing is with the shuttles, they land... and nothing happens?
I did find a good use to stand on them to avoid the Acklays a bit better.

Anyway I guess that's another bug, the timer reaches 0:00 and the shuttles come but it just remains me and the bugs 1 vs All (which is cool anyway) The game ends randomly after the timer sticks on 0:00 for a few minutes.

More likes:
The beginning messages in yellow
The machine gun turrets
The green bugs
Well everything except the broken thing with shuttles/timer.

Played again using your dead body code and was very entertained when dead men remained on fire :mrgreen:

Edit 2:
This mod is really good, I keep playing it more, and now I think it will be a good addon for default maps, of course large open ones; Hoth,Yav,Kas,Geo.

Re: Whiskey Outpost v0.9

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:54 am
by Deviss
wow, great idea, i love that movie, great work ;)

Re: Whiskey Outpost v0.9

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 12:22 pm
by razac920
Some comments:

When you said the terrain was unstable around the edge, were you playing as the bugs? I thought I did a good job putting in panels at the back of the human base to keep them from ever falling through. I also put barriers around the edges so that even if the player could choose to fall through, the AI wouldn't, did you see the AI fall through the walls much?

As for the snipe nodes, I actually did place them on the wall, but they didn't seem to work much. Ah, I didn't know I had to set the unittype to scout, that helps, thanks!

As for the timers, sorry I should have been more clear. It's not actually a bug in the code. I just wanted to play a big extended victory/defeat themes (~ 30 s). The way the humans lose is if the reinforcement count goes down to zero. Then the defeat theme plays and in 40 seconds the game ends. The way the humans win is if any surviving player enters the dropship, then the victory theme plays and in 30 seconds, the game ends. The idea was that you would see a dropship flying off into the sunset as the bugs swarm in the base with some victory music :) But I see I was not clear, would it help if I added messages saying that you've won or lost? Also I will display the music endgame timer, so that people don't think anything has crashed.

And what were your thoughts on balance/teams? I tried to give unit a specialty: the snipers are good at taking out the hopper (flying) bugs, the grenadiers grenades are the only quick way of taking out the tank bugs, the soldier is pretty solid at everything, and the ammo dispenser guy... ehh not so useful, as you rarely run out of ammo if you use the turrets a lot.

Also, how do you make the AI get in the turrets? I mean I can force them via LUA but that involves weird teleporting and I'm much rather just have them man the turrets when they stand near them.

Re: Whiskey Outpost v0.9

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 3:57 pm
by AnthonyBF2
The bots did not go around the terrain walls much but if a human does, they're bound to fall under the map. You can solve this by using "blend" around the areas where terrain walls meet the terrain floor.

About bots in turrets, I did see it, but bots won't always use them, its a random thing.

I didn't really pay attention to balance but I would say I always had a minute or more left on the timer where all of the men were dead.

I did enter the ships, but I didn't notice anything, perhaps because I have music deleted in the menu options. When I didn't notice any weapons in the ships so I just kept playing until I died or it ends.

Re: Whiskey Outpost v0.9

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:09 pm
by razac920
I'll work on fixing up the terrain walls. I might get rid of them entirely and replace them with mountains or something...

I might be able to get the bots to use the turrets more often, I'll see what I can do.

Balance-wise, what time on your timer is left when the wall first is breached? For me it varies a lot, sometimes I have 4-5 min, sometimes only 2. Depends on how effective the humans are at keeping the bugs off the wall.
anthonybf2 wrote:I have music deleted in the menu options.
Ah! That's one the best things of this mod, IMO. I strongly suggest you enable it, it's very nice custom music that makes you feel "epic".

Re: Whiskey Outpost v0.9

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:26 pm
by Noobasaurus
The exit point of the left side turret (looking at the base from the bugs) is quite odd. You usually appear on the thin wall but sometimes you fall out of the entire base. The tank bug also had its feet on its head and some other floating articles.

Also, it's a little difficult to get out of the mess of bugs when you spawn as one.

Re: Whiskey Outpost v0.9

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:48 pm
by AnthonyBF2
I played again and noticed the shuttles will explode if they try to land with Acklay characters under them.

I'm not sure what your shuttle is; animated prop or flyer, or something else...
If it's a flyer class you can mess around with CollisionScale = "0.0 0.0 0.0"

You'll see that code on the jet trooper odf as well, it's how he lands without taking damage.

Re: Whiskey Outpost v0.95 [Updated 4/14/15]

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 4:19 am
by razac920
Moved the turrets so people don't fall out of the base, also more in reach of the AI to use.
Fixed walls around edge of map so people don't fall through
Fixed bug spawn points so they no longer get stuck
Added informative messages about the end of the game
Added a ghostly spectator mode for after death
Fixed shuttle collision bug

Re: Whiskey Outpost v0.95 [Updated 4/14/15]

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 7:59 pm
by MikeTheBeast55
I did play this map all the way through one time and I really did enjoy this since I know this mission from the Starship Troopers movie because well I obviously watched it! You said you wanted feedback on the sides and I do think the sides are a little unbalanced since after the Arachnids destroy the wall it is quite difficult to kill them all unless you are on a turret which their is only one of on the ground and could be destroyed very easily. Speaking of the turret I feel it should have a faster cooldown time since it feels like it takes twenty seconds for it to go down just a little bit and I saw it as a disadvantage. Also, I noticed the ramp leading up is a little too high and needs to be lowered so people do not have to continuously jump up on it to get down. For the side balance though I suggest removing like five to ten of the arachnids and maybe one tank bug and that should make the game a little bit more winnable for people but I understand it is supposed to be challenging and all, these are just suggestions. Just a little side note too, it seems when I try to call my leftover guys into the shuttle before taking off they will not come in the shuttle, I am not sure if this is a bug or this just how you intended to make the troops stay and you leave while they get killed off, I just think it would be neat to be able to take some guys with me so I do not call the mission a total loss.

Re: Whiskey Outpost v0.95 [Updated 4/14/15]

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:13 pm
by razac920
Were you playing the original (v0.90 or the update v0.95)? I have since made several more changes to try to balance things, the biggest one being getting rid of the ground turret. I also I think improved the strategy that the humans use (falling back to the center of the base after wall breach, and pushing forward slightly after the wall is completely gone). I also did speed up the turret cooldown somewhat, decrease the heat per shot a bit, etc. When do you see players trying to go down the ramp? I just want them to jump off the ledge the moment the wall is breached, and never try to go up the ramp after that point. Also, what did you think of the spectator (or are you too talented to ever die? :P).

And huh, well I've never had problems calling AI to the shuttles (I assume you mean hitting F4 when inside the shuttle?)

Re: Whiskey Outpost v0.95 [Updated 4/14/15]

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:21 pm
by AnthonyBF2
razac920 wrote: And huh, well I've never had problems calling AI to the shuttles (I assume you mean hitting F4 when inside the shuttle?)
You can also look at team mates and press F4, then get in the transport, and if they're following you from the command they'll get in with you.

The max guys you can call I think is 4, and that's only if your career medals is a certain rank.

Re: Whiskey Outpost v0.97 [Updated 4/14/15]

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:25 pm
by razac920
Huh. Seems like a much more risky approach, given that you're guaranteed to win once anyone enters a shuttle.

Did some more rebalancing, and fixed/removed some of the tank bug's glitchy animations. Now the tank bug does not look super glitchy as before, but its legs don't move when it turns or moves.

Re: Starship Troopers - Whiskey Outpost v0.98 [Updated 4/15/

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 2:53 pm
by MikeTheBeast55
I was playing the older version (v9.0) of this map and it was still fun and all and I enjoyed it but after downloading the new one, it is pretty much fair when it comes to the sides but I would add another ten or fifteen units for a little bit more firepower even though you get pretty much plenty of it. I also enjoy the faster cooldown from the turret which really helped me survive the few extra minutes (but I did not win). I made a video of it so you can see firsthand what I did to try and survive. The reskinned geonosians annoy me since they kill me in one hit and I made a big fuss about it. Still I like it the way it is but it would never hurt to try and add a few more units.

Re: Starship Troopers - Whiskey Outpost v0.99 [Updated 4/17]

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 9:39 pm
by razac920
Sure, I'd like to see the video, did you upload it to youtube?

One bug I did notice in the newer version (v0.98) is that the tank bugs are missing collision geometry, so basically they are nearly impossible to kill, and thus completely ruins balance. It is possible that once this bug is fixed, balance will be restored (to the force :P)

I do agree that the hopper bugs (reskinned geonosians) are annoying, but I think it is in a good way. They are weak, and very vulnerable to sniper and shotgun fire, but at the same time, they are fast and deadly, so you need to be very careful around them. And they do closely (combatwise) resemble the creatures in the movie, see here.

And I'm pretty happy with the number of units as it is now, you start with 64, and although a few still fall over the edge, you do usually have 50 or so still alive until the wall breaches.

EDIT: New update!
- Made survival mode SP-only (probably wouldn't have worked MP anyway)
- Added (I hope) MP-compatible hunt mode
- Made the spectator in survival mode a ghost (can fly through walls, units, etc.)
- Did more rebalancing
- Tentatively removed tank bug until geometry/animation issues can be fixed

Re: Starship Troopers - Whiskey Outpost v0.99 [Updated 4/17/

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 9:56 pm
by Noobasaurus
Download is broken.

Re: Starship Troopers Whiskey Outpost v0.99 [Update 4/17/15]

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 9:57 pm
by razac920
Whoops, lol, forgot to change the DL link. Fixed.

Oh and I forgot to mention, could anyone test out the online hunt mode to make sure it works?

Re: Starship Troopers - Whiskey Outpost v0.99 [Updated 4/17/

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 10:13 pm
by Noobasaurus
Yeah, lemme test it right now on this handy laptop I've got next to me. I just tested out the normal mode and the spectator is really neato.

EDIT: MP seems to work just fine. I tested it in survival just for fun and the host was unable to click any buttons and when I spawned as the client as the spectator the game crashed. I'm able to spawn as a normal soldier as the client, though. When I died, the game crashed.