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Zombie Infection Mode v0.9
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:07 am
by razac920
I was looking over this old mod and had forgotten how fully functional it was. I'd call it a "beta" since I do want to polish it up more, but since I don't expect to have time to work on it for several more months, I decided to release what I have currently, since some of you were asking for it.
Gameplay videos:
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Download link: ... n-mode-v09
Zombie Infection Mode v0.9 release
The Empire boards the Tantive IV, but encounters an enemy far deadlier than the Rebellion...
Try to survive while your whole team turns into zombies, or infect them all! The rules are simple. Hold out as long as you can. Kill your teammates if you must, to keep them from becoming infected. You can choose to spawn as the first zombie, but you cannot switch teams midgame (unless you get infected). This mode is currently only on Tantive IV, Galactic Civil War Era.
- This mode requires [RDH]Zerted's UnOfficial v1.3 Patch, found here:
- This mode uses the Conquest timer and bot settings. To be able to win as the Empire, you MUST set a timer (usually 5 or 10 minutes is good). Also, the bot count is multiplied by 5 -- so the default of 16 AI actually becomes 80 and the maximum of 32 AI becomes a chaotic 160. For less crowded and chaotic battles, try 30-60 bots (6-12 in the settings).
- This mode is on Tantive IV only
Installation Instructions:
copy ZMB to your Star Wars Battlefront II/GameData/addon folder (if it's not there, create it first)
To uninstall just remove ZMB from your addon folder.
Score counts may be inaccurate
A few spawn points may be inside objects or outside the map.
Multiplayer may be very buggy, and will NOT work if there is a warm-up timer set
If you find any more bugs, or have any comments or questions, feel free to contact me at
TWINKEYRUNAWAY for zombie skins
- KeepAmazinn
- Noobasaurus
- CommanderCody
everyone else who's helped me at Gametoast Forums
Anyone can do whatever they want with this, so long as credit is given.
Re: Zombie Infection Mode v0.9
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 2:31 am
by jedimoose32
Looks really cool. I'll try it out right away!
Re: Zombie Infection Mode v0.9
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:06 pm
by razac920
So what do you think of it?
Re: Zombie Infection Mode v0.9
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:18 pm
by jedimoose32
I wasn't expecting it to be that fun. I really had a blast with it.
I'm not sure if this was intentional on your part but it is very hard for the Empire to win (though I only played 3 rounds so maybe I just had bad luck).
I'd really like to see a version of this game mode on a darker, spookier map. Tantive IV is great for its layout and the confined spaces... maybe you'd consider doing a "zombified" Tantive IV map that has dim lighting and has blood and structural damage everywhere?
Re: Zombie Infection Mode v0.9
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:57 pm
by razac920
Oh, I agree, it's very difficult for the Empire to win. I don't think that was deliberate, it really just is a matter of balancing sides. But settings matter too. I've never survived much more than 3 minutes when I play with 160 bots, but it's very easy to last at least 5 minutes with just 5 bots.
I've certainly thought about having this mode on a dark, spooky map, but I personally am not very good at making maps like that, so I'd need help on that point.
Re: Zombie Infection Mode v0.9
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:43 pm
by jedimoose32
I decided to play this mod some more, and I encountered a problem... I was playing as the Empire and I was the last person left on my team (ticket count was 1 to 40). I had found a really great spot for taking out lots of zombies and replenishing my ammo every one or two minutes. I camped there for literally almost 10 minutes and killed upwards of 50 zombies and their ticket count didn't change at all. So there was literally no way for me to win. I could let the zombies get me, or keep playing forever.
Is this a bug or was that done intentionally?
Re: Zombie Infection Mode v0.9
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:17 pm
by razac920
Heh, guess I wasn't very clear about the ticket counts... Your ticket count represents the number of players on your team, and the enemy's ticket counter represents the number of players on the enemy team. If a zombie infects an imperial, the imperial ticket count decreases by one and the zombie ticket count increases by one. If instead you kill a teammate, nothing changes. The only way to win as the Empire is to set a Conquest timer -- the Empire wins if anyone avoids infection for that long. So no, it's not a bug, but it's unfortunate that Conquest doesn't have a timer by default.
I am curious though: where were you fighting from? And what weapon were you using? Sniper rifle?
Re: Zombie Infection Mode v0.9
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:29 pm
by jedimoose32
I misunderstood this instruction.
razac920 wrote:- This mode uses Conquest settings, in particular the timer and five times the bot count setting (so up to 160 bots, with a default of 80)
Honestly the way it's worded kind of implies that the timer and bot counts are scripted into the mode. Maybe consider re-wording it to something like:
- Change your Conquest settings to "Timer - 5 minutes" and "Bots - 160"
As for my camping location/loadout, I found a small, slightly elevated area in a corner next to the reactor turbine that is right next to an ammo droid. I played as an engineer. I would place a detpack at the bottom of the steps there, and if there were too many zombies and I couldn't kill them easily with my shotgun I would detonate the detpack. Whenever there was a lull in the fighting I would quickly run over to the ammo droid. If the ammo droid was destroyed for any reason it was pretty easy to fix it with the fusion cutter. And of course it didn't take long for me to unlock the flechette shotgun.
Re: Zombie Infection Mode v0.9
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:40 pm
by razac920
Good point. Better now?
And that's cool. So how many bots do you like to play with? I could add a bot count recommendation as well.
Re: Zombie Infection Mode v0.9
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:48 pm
by jedimoose32
That wording is much more clear.
I tried setting the bot count to 8 and had a lot of fun with that. So I guess that would mean there are actually 40 AI in-game if I understand correctly. With those numbers there are fewer full-scale massacres and a lot more concentrated skirmishes, which is something that suits this map.
Again, really fun mod. Add this mode to more maps and/or make a few maps of your own and the replayability of this mod will skyrocket.
Re: Zombie Infection Mode v0.9
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 12:01 am
by razac920
Huh, interesting. I enjoyed the pandemonium that came with 160 bots, but it's nice to give the player a wide range of choices. This summer I will work on adding this mode to more maps, but probably focus more on balancing the sides and giving some actual variety to the zombie team.
Re: Zombie Infection Mode v0.9
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 2:51 pm
by thelegend
I have been playing this mod a few seconds ago and I must say it's really scary to play. Especially when you turned off all lights and play with first person mode enabled.
Anyway I must say this mod is absolutely amazing to play. It'd be great to see this mode on other maps, especially interoir maps such as the Deathstar or Jabbas Palace.
What I really like are the infected skins. You did an awesome job on those skins+the setting for the units were perfect. I mean You wasn't too fast or too slow.
Here are some suggestions which probably increase the scary feeling of this map/mode:
-Green or Red World lighting. It would be more scary if the most of the map has a greenish (like poison) or a more redish (like blod) looking.
-Like Jedimoose said you could add bloody parts to the map. Some planes that are easly added to the walls, or maybe words and sentences on the wall (of course written in blood^^) that say, "No Escape" or "Death" or "Palpatine was here". Something like a funny easter-egg would be fun.
-Disable the small minimap! Master Tip in my opinion. It's more scary if you don't know who's behind the next door or wall. But if you then you know where you must go alternatively. Or just the whole HUD? I think then only the counters on the top.
-The message that a bot has been infected: Maybe you can remove it. In my opinion it would be fun if you don't know when one of your team mates are now infected or not.
It probably gives the feeling that you can be the only one who still lives...or not.
All in all this mod is very well done. Tantive IV was a great start into other, spookier maps.
Btw: You said you may need help in making a spooky map. What about if I create some corridor and rooms models which can be easly added in ZeroEditor? It's your decision how you would place them there.
Re: Zombie Infection Mode v0.9
Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:40 am
by Locutus
Ahh, I remember the very first versions of this mod.
I really hope that you can get it MP stable eventually. This is just the perfect mod for MP!
Re: Zombie Infection Mode v0.9
Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 9:14 pm
by booperdoo
I was just wondering if you were thinking about adding this game mode to other stock maps in the future?