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Verrah: Valley v1.0

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 5:39 pm
by Jigen
Well after an unexpected hiatus with all sorts of factors, I finally got around to finishing the next update to Verrah: Valley which I am ready to call released! I made sure to give proper credit in the included readme, but I'll say again here; thanks to everyone who responded to my WIP thread offering advice and helpful information to make the map that much better. My original intention was to take a chance on putting something out there for a game I've always enjoyed playing, but it's been fun seeing it transform into something more than I expected. It's not exactly creative since I stuck with "stock" in mind, but either way it was worth the experience for sure.

Verrah: Valley is a standard map playable in both the Clone Wars era and Galactic Civil War era. The modes available are Conquest, 2-Flag CTF, and Hero Assualt. I initially tweaked the reinforcement counts in past versions to give the CIS/Alliance a slight edge, but decided against it in the end because I didn't want to cause confusion or unbalance the sides. No custom sides, sorry!

Download Links:

ModDB: ... -valley-10
Star Wars Battlefront Files: ... _10;122177

Changelog (v1.0):
[code]Verrah: Valley - v1.0

- Reinforcements increase removed (Reset back to the default starting with 150).
- Added two Speederbikes to the vehicle spawns.

- Reinforcements increase removed (Reset back to the default starting with 150).
- Added two STAP's to the vehicle spawns.

- Changed default .lvl for loading sounds in the Clone Wars lua from Utapau to Yavin 4.

- Added a vehicle only barrier in the area just north of CP0.

- Added a vehicle only barrier surrounding CP3.
- Added a couple more small props near the command post.

- Added two additional vehicle spawns.
- Repositioned the vehicle spawns a bit.

- Readded my own sound .lvl into both the GCW and CW lua's.
- Added in AT-RT sounds for CW.
- Added in Kamino's thunder and lightning sounds for both GCW and CW.
- Expanded the size of all CP capture regions.
- Added more foliage and trees into the background.
- Updated all tips.
- Added one new tip.
- Removed two uneccessary tips.
- Removed rain.
- Fixed floating props.
- Adjusted a tree that was blocking an intended vehicle path.
- Resized all barriers surrounding the smaller trees.
- Tightended all barriers surrounding doorways just a bit.
- Refined all planning hubs and connection paths.
- Added many more cover and fortification hint nodes.
- Added one new mine node and three more sniper hint nodes.
- Created a mini-map.
- Created a custom loading screen.
- 2CTF and Hero Assualt are now fully playable.[/code]

Re: Verrah: Valley v1.0

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 11:50 pm
I will try this map out for you. I see no one commented on this so when I can, ill play this map for you :)

EDIT: I played it. I really like it. The lightning, the way the map was designed, and the way it flows. It really feels like a valley map. I think this will keep in my addon folder. The placement of ferns and other foliage this a nice touch. Alot of maps miss out on foliage. It really adds. I didnt see any bugs so thats good. And I dont mind stock sides because I use a stock side replace them. You should make some more maps. Possablly a tropical map? Palm trees, lots of water, maybe islands, waterfalls, ect... (just an idea)

Re: Verrah: Valley v1.0

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 11:34 am
by Jigen
Thanks for the comments! Glad to see it played as well as I hoped. I would like to make at least one more map someday, and I have an idea, so it's possible.

Re: Verrah: Valley v1.0

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 11:54 am
by DrDrSheldonLeeCooper
That´s nice,do you will make custom sides?

Re: Verrah: Valley v1.0

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:48 pm
by Jigen
Yeah I'd give it a shot. This was my starting point I guess for learning the extent of the tools.

Re: Verrah: Valley v1.0

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 5:23 pm
by DrDrSheldonLeeCooper
Omg , I played it, and... it is AWESOME! Keep it up!

Re: Verrah: Valley v1.0

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 7:25 pm
PLEASE make a tropical map!! If you head for custom sides, great, but try to keep stock sides as a option to play as, cause I have played awesome maps, but the sides ruined it. If you don't do a tropical map, that's ok, but you know it will be a instint download from me :)

Re: Verrah: Valley v1.0

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:05 pm
by Jigen
PRECISION wrote:PLEASE make a tropical map!! If you head for custom sides, great, but try to keep stock sides as a option to play as, cause I have played awesome maps, but the sides ruined it. If you don't do a tropical map, that's ok, but you know it will be a instint download from me :)
I was thinking of using Hoth as a setting, but the idea I had could fit anywhere so I'll keep that in mind!


Thanks! Glad you liked it!

Re: Verrah: Valley v1.0

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 4:36 pm
Ok do what you like. I just know tropics would be different

Re: Verrah: Valley v1.0

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 9:38 am
by RedDyeGaming
I made a video on this mod! :mrgreen: