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Sky To Ground Mappack 3 - Dagobah, Yavin 4 and Endor

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 2:03 pm
by thelegend
Hello Gametoast,
this is the third Sky to Ground Mappack. There are the maps Yavin 4, Endor and Dagobah.

Dagobah: A huge swamp map with seas, rivers and a lot of trees. Republic vs. Cis.

Yavin 4: A huge map with jungle trees, temples, aquaducts..and much more. My favourite is the ("yav_bldg_greattemple") big temple. I have added 2 lifts. The idea is by Anakin.

Endor: Trees...the only what I can say. And (Of course) the Endor bunker, the ewok base, at-sts, speederbikes, spaceships and fighters..and the deathstar in the sky.

This is the third mappack. The other two mappacks can be downloaded here: ... ...


DOWNLOAD LINK: ... d+Endor.7z

Edit: I edited the color.

Re: Sky To Ground Mappack 3 - Dagobah, Yavin 4 and Endor

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:54 pm
by commanderawesome
Looks great! Downloading right now! The only issue I've seen with your maps is i think they should be point-based. Some other planets i'd like to see are:
GCW version of Yavin
An update to Alderaan
Cato Nemoidia
Polis Massa

Re: Sky To Ground Mappack 3 - Dagobah, Yavin 4 and Endor

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:40 pm
by CommanderCody
Nice work. I like this mappack like the other two :)

Here are my suggestions:
Death star (fights on the surface like in a new hope, and indoor fights where rebels own some commando posts)
Dathomir (home of the rancors)

Keep it up =D