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Village: Battle of the ???? Alpha

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 5:16 pm
by noMatt
Hey guys this is noMatt.
I am happy to release an early alpha of my map. Its not done, but the overall shape of the map is done and you can tell me if you like it.
I have no real name for that so please post name suggestions.

Things to do:

-add houses (model + texturing, until now only the streets and the lanterns are done)
i added one test house but this wont be final ;)
-do the sides (model units this is going to be a non star wars map)
-add shadowvolumes to existing models
-add random weather
-add random sides
-add ai controlled units
-add ambushes
and much much more

I promise you will have fun, in the end version.
Please play only the assualt mode because its the mode i actually tested.

I know the screens dont look impressive so far but the end version will be impressive.
Expect a final release in 6 months or so.
Please note that I dont call this "a map"
its a concept ;) So dont expect fun gameplay or anything else.
But please give it a try anyway I need feedback in order to make this a good map.

Downloadlink: ... 0Alpha.exe

EDIT: The Map you are downloadings is an .exe because its a self extracting archive so this is not a downlaoder or a virus or something like this

EDIT 2: Here marth have a look at the lightning :)
you see ? It was just not properly seted up in the released alpha

Re: Village: Battle of the ???? Alpha

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:03 pm
by Marth8880
Please, PLEASE add lighting. Seriously.

Re: Village: Battle of the ???? Alpha

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:04 pm
by noMatt
i have lightning ;)
but no shadowvolumes

you know marth i hav a cool mod idea for you. edit the template of a wld file so theres lighning by derault :D

Re: Village: Battle of the ???? Alpha

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:12 pm
by Fiodis
There's so many different possible choices when it comes to lighting it wouldn't really make sense to define a default setting.

Re: Village: Battle of the ???? Alpha

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 12:53 pm
by Dreadnot9
Also, for the love of all that is good in this (and your) world, use a different sky texture...
The yavin sky only looks good for yavin...

Re: Village: Battle of the ???? Alpha

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 1:17 pm
by noMatt
I already do ;) But the released alpha doesnt because my camera was not useable at this time but now i have a new and the first thing i did was making a panorama sky texture

Re: Village: Battle of the ???? Alpha

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 2:59 am
by DarthAphotic
Looks good and interesting, would look 100000 times better with a new sky and lighting as the others mentioned, but since this is the alpha and such, great job :D I honestly think this would look great with a night sky, would fit great with the lighthouse and lightpoles. Lastly, unless ur reserving a lot of space for buildings and props, u should make more hills and dips around near the road areas.

Re: Village: Battle of the ???? Alpha

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:03 pm
by noMatt
I'll do it ;) Thanks for the Feedback ;)