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Battlefront II Renewed : Beta (0.1) released !

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:46 am
by PizzatheHutt
Here it is: Battlefront II Renewed (0.1)
Battlefront II Renewed is a poll-based visual sides mod with new effects and lasers: see the work-in-progress topic for info:

Battlefront II Renewed will work online.

Here are the two first betas ( I made 2 betas because the Navy commandos and 501st troopers got the same number of votes).
The betas will be updated as new polls will be made.
First version of the beta: The Imperial and Rebel sides, with the Navy troopers.
LINK: ... Renewed.7z
Second version of the beta : The Imperial side, with the 501st legion.
LINK: ... d+501st.7z


1st version of the beta:
2nd version of the beta:

Bugs/issues : its only a beta , so there are some bugs:
-some award weapons use the stock models.
-some award weapons use stock effects.
-the Rodian Spy looks weird.
-The mod uses the stock text : it doesn't matter much , but it may be weird for some units:
The jumptrooper is still called "Darktrooper"
-The floating icons are fixed, but the normal icons are sometimes missing.
First version:

* The Gametoast community - for voting, posting suggestions, providing support...

* Guru - for creating Gametoast

* Repsharpshooter: his Dynamic map idea gave me the idea of a mod based on poll and suggestions.
Imperial arc caster,Flechette Launcher

* Taivyx-stouker concussion rifle

* kinetosimpetus-his rebel weapons pack,the imperial heavy repeater

* NeoMarz- Sniper rifle

* Darth D.U.C.K. : the new anims

* Dragonum - visor, pauldron and ammopacks

* Rends-the Imperial Mos Eisley droid

* AQT-the imperial Jumptrooper(with DEV), some effects, reskinned stormtrooper

* DEV:the imperial Jumptrooper

* Qdin for the Commander Cody visor

* CodaRez-Navy commando, ion rifle model

* B.I.G_Cookie : ion rifle texture

* Syth:V1 thermal detonator, CR24, Kyd-21 Blaster pistol

* ARC_Commander: BFX effects

* icemember: Rebel Flame Trooper

* Pandemic:Fleet officer model

*JKA Modelers made the Nien Numb model.

*Raven Software:Rodian

Sorry if I forgot someone

Credits: Second version :

* The Gametoast community - for voting, posting suggestions, providing support...

* Guru - for creating Gametoast

* Repsharpshooter: his Dynamic map idea gave me the idea of a mod based on poll and suggestions.
Imperial arc caster, Flechette launcher

* Taivyx-stouker concussion rifle

* kinetosimpetus-the imperial heavy repeater, clone officer 0.9 model ( with DEV)

* Neomarz - Clone head model and skin, sniper rifle

* Darth D.U.C.K.: the new anims

* Dragonum - visor, pauldron and ammopacks

* Rends-the Imperial Mos Eisley droid

* AQT-the imperial Jumptrooper,reskinned stormtroopers,501st commander, some effects

* CodaRez-Navy commando, ion rifle model

* Syth:V1 thermal detonator, Kyd-21 Blaster pistol

* ARC_Commander: BFX effects

* DEV: clone officer 0.9 model

* icemember : independent militia soldier

* B.I.G_Cookie : ion rifle texture

Sorry if I forgot someone

About the credits:I'm using many models, assets, and effects ,
so I may have forgotten someone : please notify me if I forgot someone !!!

Sorry for my bad English

Re: Battlefront II Renewed : Beta (0.1) released !

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:50 am
by Webster27
niceI might will download it :thumbs:

Re: Battlefront II Renewed : Beta (0.1) released !

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:32 pm
by hellthedemon
Looks pretty good.

Nice job. :thumbs:

Might download

Re: Battlefront II Renewed : Beta (0.1) released !

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:39 pm
by Anakin

do you get my Starfighter Asset??

Re: Battlefront II Renewed : Beta (0.1) released !

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:53 pm
by PizzatheHutt
Nobody reuploaded the file, so as your said in your post,
Anakin wrote:sry aber i-wie habe ich das auf meinem neuen pc nicht. icih uss mal sehne, ob ich meinen alten pc ncohmal zum laufen kriege (was unwahrscheinlich ist). vlt hat ein andere es runtergeladen und kann es hochladen. wenn nicht, melde dich nochmal bei mir, dann schau ich mla, was mein alter pc noch hergibt
,can you reupload it ? If your old pc still doesn't work, I will try to
redo your R4-P17 texture , if you give me permission .Of course, you will be credited in the Readme.
The Republic and CIS betas are done, but they aren't released yet , as the credits aren't done yet.
They will be released in a few days, so, if you reupload you file, I will get it into the Republic beta.

A new poll has begun, see the Work in Progress topic :

Re: Battlefront II Renewed : Beta (0.1) released !

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 6:41 pm
by DarthD.U.C.K.
a small addition to the credits:
the rodian was made by Raven Software and you dont have to credit me for the navy commando, i just exported and maybe modified the enveloping a bit. oh, and would you mind writing "D.U.C.K."? :P

Re: Battlefront II Renewed : Beta (0.1) released !

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:34 am
by PizzatheHutt
Its' done :mrgreen:
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine wrote:Good...The Force is strong with you. A powerful Sith you will become. Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth... D.U.C.K.

Re: Battlefront II Renewed : Beta (0.1) released !

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:55 am
by Webster27
It´s fine, the gameplay is ok, I like the new weapons (maybe except the Rocketlaunchers--→they´re a bit strange) I love the new Grenades and hope to see more of it :thumbs:

Re: Battlefront II Renewed : Beta (0.1) released !

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:17 am
by PizzatheHutt
Webster27 wrote:It´s fine, the gameplay is ok, I like the new weapons (maybe except the Rocketlaunchers--→they´re a bit strange) I love the new Grenades and hope to see more of it :thumbs:
You will see more of it: a new poll has begun !
If you don't like the new rocket launchers (in fact, they are concussion rifles ), you can vote for other weapons , like the SWG type rocket launcher , in the WIP topic :
I included concussion rifles into the mod because I felt that having rocket launchers in some maps
was a bit strange (especially in Tantive 4 )
Thanks for your positive review !!! :D

Battlefront II Renewed Clone Wars era Beta (0.0)

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 12:43 pm
by PizzatheHutt

Here it is:Battlefront II Renewed Clone Wars era Beta (0.1)
Battlefront II Renewed is a poll-based visual sides mod with new effects and lasers: see the work-in-progress topic for info:
Battlefront II Renewed will work online.
The betas will be updated as new polls will be made.
Here are the sides for the Republic and CIS:
LINK: ... ne+Wars.7z


Bugs/issues : its only a beta , so there are some bugs:
-the award weapons use the stock models.
-the award weapons use stock effects.
-The mod uses the stock text : it doesn't matter much , but it may be weird for some units:
The clone commando is still called "clone commander"
-The floating icons are fixed, but the normal icons are sometimes missing.


* The Gametoast community - for voting, posting suggestions, providing support...

* Guru - for creating Gametoast

* Repsharpshooter: his Dynamic map idea gave me the idea of a mod based on poll and suggestions.

* kinetosimpetus-the skytrooper

* NeoMarz-the 65th legion clone trooper,the 212th legion airborne trooper,Sniper rifle,Clone Commando,Clone Head

* B.I.G_Cookie - skins-Arc Elite Jumptrooper

* DarthDUCK - holsters-Arc Elite Jumptrooper, the new anims

* Dragonum - visor, pauldron and ammopacks-Arc Elite Jumptrooper

* AQT- the new SBD skin, some effects

* Qdin for the Commander Cody visor

* Sky_216:the new CIS blasters

* EA711:battle droid skins

*Vyse: Clone Commando (conversion of the model)

* NullCommando and Acemastermind:Helmetless Clone

* ARC_Commander: BFX effects

*DEV: TCW clone officer 0.9, DC15-a carbine, Arc Elite Jumptrooper

* CodaRez: iongun model

* B.I.G_Cookie: iongun texture

* RogueKnight and Pahricida: DC-15AR

* Dragonum:DC-15s pistol, DC-17 hand blaster

* Caleb1117: underhand chaingun

* MandeRek: Plo koon and Kit Fisto, Episode III Obi-Wan conversion to SWBFII

* HapSlash: Episode III Obi-Wan

Sorry if I forgot someone

About the credits:I'm using many models, assets, and effects ,
so I may have forgotten someone : please notify me if I forgot someone !!!

Sorry for my bad English

Re: Battlefront II Renewed Clone Wars era Beta (0.0)

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 12:47 pm
As a side note: 0.0 implies the zero version. Meaning nothing at all has been done. I suggest you at least change it to 0.1


Re: Battlefront II Renewed Clone Wars era Beta (0.0)

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 1:17 pm
by [Padawan]Helkaan
A small correction:
-If you're using the underhand chaingun anim that was released with Caleb's model, it was made by Syth.
-Deviss kitbashed/hex-edited/exported/released the ARC Elite jumptrooper model you used.

After that, your mod looks pretty good for a first (second?) mod. But maybe you should have released this one in your previous thread; Having 2 threads for one mod doesn't make the download easy :S

Re: Battlefront II Renewed : Beta (0.1) released !

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:18 pm
by PizzatheHutt
THEWULFMAN wrote:As a side note: 0.0 implies the zero version. Meaning nothing at all has been done. I suggest you at least change it to 0.1
I called it the 0.0 version because I didn't make any polls for the Clone Wars era , but I changed it to 0.1
[Padawan]Helkaan wrote:A small correction:
-If you're using the underhand chaingun anim that was released with Caleb's model, it was made by Syth.
I will use this anim but it isn't used yet.
[Padawan]Helkaan wrote: -After that, your mod looks pretty good for a first (second?) mod. But maybe you should have released this one in your previous thread; Having 2 threads for one mod doesn't make the download easy :S
Some admin or moderator moved this topic to my 1st thread :D .
And yes, it's my first mod :) , thanks !!!

I am planning to release another version of the Clone Wars era beta when I will get Anakin's
R4-P17 texture.