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Bothawui: Business District (also made for EGC)

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:19 am
by Jaspo ... 8x#2075895

A small nighttime interior map set on the Bothan homeworld.
modes: GCW conquest and lazer tag (this mode needs the
lazer tag side installed to work.)

Link is to the page on filefront; there's pictures there.

Extra info follows, for those who like to read:

Unit fyi:
The number of units and reinforcements is reduced to fit the map size, and there is a larger-than-usual percentage of Bothans present on the Alliance side, because it is set on the Bothan homeworld. This is countered by a larger-than-usual percentage of engineers and officers on the Imperial side. Additionally, the number of soldiers and stormtroopers is somewhat reduced to reduce team killing from thermal detonators. Truer to say, the likelyhood of them appearing is slighter; they have their numbers set to 1,6 out of 12 units total, which for those who don't mod means that there will always be at least one, but no more than 6, present on the battlefield. It was necessary to keep the potential number reasonably high, since the map will be used in galactic conquest and initially there are only soldiers/stormtroopers present, until more units are purchased--6 units present for each team, in this case.

Modeling fyi:
The reflective window glass was created using the meshtool (made by Repsharpshooter? I think?) to add an envmap to the texture (uses the files helmet_envmap.tga and helmet_envmap.tga.option along with hex value of 06 six places to the right of "ATRB" (this is "render chrome")
and then copying and pasting the dark trooper hex string that goes after "DATA4", it is:
note that this replaces the info that's there, rather than adding onto it, so it should go right up to the material's "ATRB"
and then lastly adding the hex value of 04 five places to the right of "ATRB" (this is "render single sided transparency")
and then if you can't see through the window it's because the .tga image file you are using for your window needs an alpha channel filled with some shade of gray (white being opaque, black being transparent)
to do this, just bring it into Photoshop or the GIMP and go to the channels tab and click the "add new" button at the bottom and then fill that channel with the desired shade of gray (or grey if you're something other than American) and then save as 32 bit .tga (I think uncheck "RLE compression" in the GIMP though)

Re: Bothawui: Business District (also made for EGC)

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:51 am
by Sky_216
Quality map, very fun and liked the modelling work.

Only issue is that empire seem to win far too easily, since they spawn practically on top of the CP closest to the rebels starting one. Not sure if that was intended or not.

Re: Bothawui: Business District (also made for EGC)

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:55 am
by Jendo7
I agree, that was a very fun map, and original design. A good map for galactic conquest.

Re: Bothawui: Business District (also made for EGC)

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:13 am
by sampip
I've been looking forward to this since you mentioned it in your other thread. Giving it a download now :)

Re: Bothawui: Business District (also made for EGC)

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:14 am
by acryptozoo
wow your fast :funny2:
looks really good
Dl'in now

Re: Bothawui: Business District (also made for EGC)

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:46 pm
From what I heard on SBFFiles its good so i am giving it a download :thumbs:

Re: Bothawui: Business District (also made for EGC)

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:44 pm
by Jaspo
Only issue is that empire seem to win far too easily, since they spawn practically on top of the CP closest to the rebels starting one.
It's less balanced if both teams start with only 1 cp, and very much in the Rebel's favor, for 2 reasons:
1. The increase of Bothans gives the alliance an overall fighting advantage (incinerators are even more effective in small maps like this)
2. The Empire has farther to go to get to their second cp, because they have more walls to move around. They are also a bit more bottlenecked than the Rebels, especially when all 12 of them start in the same place.
So, with a 1 and 1 cp start, the Rebels almost always capture the first three cps, and then the 4th a little bit later, and win by a large margin due to Imperial reinforcement drain.

By contrast, with the imps having 2 cps to start, the map is still usually very unbalanced, but can be so in either direction, because 1 of 2 things tend to happen:
1. the imps get a jump on the rebels, cut off their forward progress, and pin them to their starting cp
2. the rebels get to the center cp first and then their strength advantage works for them and they go on to win.
Although #1 is probably more likely, I preferred the existing setup because the player will be Alliance in galactic conquest, so if it was to have any favored team I wanted it to be the galactic conquest opposing team (especially since the Alliance starts with Bothawui in their possession)

At any rate the skill level of the human on the battlefield makes a large difference in this map, since there are only 12 units and capturing cps is critical for victory (humans tend to be a bit smarter about doing this than the BF2 AI, because the AI are apparently programmed to fight first and hunt for cps second)

Re: Bothawui: Business District (also made for EGC)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:38 pm
by Cerfon Rournes
Great job Jaspo, I'm going to play it soon! :thumbs:

Re: Bothawui: Business District (also made for EGC)

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:27 am
by commandoCC-9811
nice job! I like the looks of this map.