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The Exile's Voyage & Endor: Death Watch Bunker

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 10:02 pm
by AQT
Hey GT. There's not much to say other than to have fun and enjoy (the screenshots and Readme should fill you in).

Trailer (awesome masterpiece by RevanSithLord :D ):

Screenshots (courtesy of Nova Hawk):
The Readme:

What it is:

This is an era mod that adds the "Extended Civil War" era to the stock Endor, Naboo, Mustafar, Kashyyyk, and Tantive IV maps.


XCW Endor Conquest: Jedi General Karag Drakas leads the ambiguous Imperial 514th Pathfinders Regiment on an assault on the Death Watch Bunker on Endor.
XCW Endor Hunt: 514th Katarn Armored Jet Troopers vs. Death Watch B2 Battle Droids (former Clone Wars rivals)
XCW Naboo Conquest & 2-Flag CTF: Jedi General Karag Drakas assists 'Rebel Terrorists' as they attempt to capture Theed. Imperial forces defend to wipe out the insurgents.
XCW Naboo Hunt: Rebel Dead Eyes vs. Imperial Storm Commandos (sniper alley)
XCW Mustafar Conquest & 2-Flag CTF: Jedi General Karag Drakas leads an Alliance attack on an Imperial-controlled refinery on Mustafar.
XCW Kashyyyk Conquest: Jedi General Karag Drakas teams up again with the fully defected 514th Pathfinders Regiment to defend Kashyyyk from his former apprentice Mellichae, backed up by Trandoshan mercenaries and slavers fighting for the Empire.
XCW Kashyyyk Hunt: Wookiee Warriors & Infiltrators vs. Trandoshan Elites & Imperial Incinerator Troopers (defenders against invaders)
XCW Tantive IV Conquest & 1-Flag CTF: Jedi General Karag Drakas teams up with a task force of Rebels and 514th members to stop Mellichae and his troops from hurling a stolen, explosive-filled Rebel Blockade Runner into Corellia.

11 missions total, based on quests from Star Wars Galaxies and RevanSithLord's story/ideas.


- Customs sides
- New effects
- New sounds
- New weapons
- Fun units
- Custom tips and tricks as well as story content on the loading screen (be sure to read those)
- Playable on various modes

and many more!


Extract the TEV folder from the archive into your Star Wars Battlefront II\GameData\addon folder. Deleted it to uninstall.


You must have the Unofficial 1.3 patch installed (r129 is the latest version) in order for this mod to work.
XCW Kashyyyk Conquest may occasionally crash at random for no apparent reason.
Try not to spam the Orbital Strike Beacon otherwise your game will crash (there is a long delay time before another beacon can be used but just as a precaution).


Beta Testers: Nihillo, CodaRez, mswf, RevanSithLord, Nova Hawk

]v[ - Phase III Dark Trooper ODF base, Phase III Dark Trooper jetpack effect
AceMasterMind - OOM droid MSH
Astute - Storm Commando skin
broken_hope - lightsaber hilt
CodaRez - backpack antenna addon, DLT-20 MSH, Bowcaster MSH, ion rifle MSH, E-11 rifle/carbine MSHs, CDEF rifle MSH
commanderbertie - WESTAR-M5 MSH
The Conversion Pack Team - heroes and infantry assets
DarthD.U.C.K. - Snow Trooper & Republic Commando backpack addons, remapped EP3 Clone Trooper, Death Watch CP icon, electrostaff MSH, DT-57 MSH, Weequay axe MSH, two-handed gripped pistol animations
Deviss - hex edited Clone Commander, sniper fire sound, Stormtrooper with Sith head, Storm-Clone, Backpacked Bothan, Shock Trooper MSH, Elite Rebel Trooper MSH, rocket droid MSH, kitbashed Trandoshan MSHs, Mellichae MSH, Navy Commando MSH
fai222 - SFOR Republic carbine MSH
Fragme! - floating icons & scaling up animations tutorials
Gametoast - modding help & support
Gogie - HK-50 MSH
Hatrus - electrostaff MSH
Hav0c - Trandoshan hunting rifle MSH
Hebes24 - orbital strike beacon
icemember - Death Watch Mandalorian skins, battle droid skins, new Mandalorian MSHs, Rebel SpecOps skin, Storm Commando MSH, sonic blaster MSH
JabbaLovesLava - disruptor rifle MSH
kinetosimpetus - Imperial heavy repeater MSH
Maveritchell - Trandoshan FPM
Neomarz - Republic Commando backpack & visor addons
OOM-9 - DC-15s carbine MSH
Pandemic - SWBF2 & stock assets
Penguin - rifle MSH
psych0fred - flash speeder & ODF base
Raven Software - Original Trandoshan & texture
RepSharpshooter - EE-3 MSH, A280 MSH, flechette launcher MSH, ACP shotgun MSH, manned drop turret setup, pauldron addon, jetpack effects, DC-15ex MSH, T-21 MSH
RogueKnight - Alliance Needler Carbine MSH, incinerator rifle MSH
Sky_216 - red & blue laser impact effects, blue rocket trail effect base, Bulldog RLR trail effect, concussive blast explosion effect base
Syth - DLT-19 Marine MSH, DH-17 MSH, fixed grenade launcher MSH, backpack addon
t551 - Ryyk blade MSH
Taivyx - Stouker concussion rifle MSH, M-16 MSH
trainmaster611 - manned drop turret setup
VF501 - underhand chaingun MSH, Republic Commando backpack addon
Vyse - Republic Commando backpack addon
wazmol - visor addon, sniper rifle MSH, electrostaff MSH


Mirror link: ... vFinal.exe


Screenshots of Endor: Death Watch Bunker:
[Click to download Endor: Death Watch Bunker]

Re: The Exile's Voyage (Final)

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:12 pm
by genaral_mitch
This is cool, just downloaded for the first time. Loved to content from RC :thumbs:

Re: The Exile's Voyage (Final)

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 3:56 am
by RevanSithLord
Yep. AQT. Look forward to something soon. I'm gonna be working on that 'something' for a bit. :)

Re: The Exile's Voyage (Final)

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 5:35 am
by DarthD.U.C.K.
a small creditfix: the ryykblades were made by t551

Re: The Exile's Voyage (Final)

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 7:12 am
by Sky_216
another creditfix: I didn't make the P3 darktrooper jetpack effect. should be either ARC_Commander or ]v[

EDIT: Will have a review of this up on SWBF Files in next few days.

Re: The Exile's Voyage (Final)

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:24 am
by AQT
Credit fixes implemented. Thanks for pointing them out, guys. :)
RevanSithLord wrote:Yep. AQT. Look forward to something soon. I'm gonna be working on that 'something' for a bit. :)
Will do. :D
genaral_mitch wrote:This is cool, just downloaded for the first time. Loved to content from RC :thumbs:
Glad you are enjoying it!

Re: The Exile's Voyage (Final)

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:38 am
by lucasfart
Will definitely give this a download when i get back from my hols. You put a lot of work into it AQT, and you can certainly tell. It looks awesome.

Re: The Exile's Voyage (Final)

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:23 pm
by skelltor
i just downloded this and really like it the new charge up effect for the arc caster is awesome the wookie with stealth is cool and i really like the differenece of unit selection from map to map.

Re: The Exile's Voyage (Final)/Endor: Death Watch Bunker (1.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:42 pm
by AQT
Alright, here's the link to the Death Watch Bunker map: ... ker;116088

Have fun!

Re: The Exile's Voyage (Final)/Endor: Death Watch Bunker (1.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:09 pm
by R8-Q88
I've been watching this map intently, and it's finally released, however I was dissapointed when I downloaded it. My computer can't recognize what the file it comes in is.

EDIT: I tried to download the Exile's Voyage, and the same thing happened.

Re: The Exile's Voyage (Final)/Endor: Death Watch Bunker (1.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:06 pm
by RED51
Great job on the bunker AQT! You should consider making a campaign for it!

Re: The Exile's Voyage (Final)/Endor: Death Watch Bunker (1.

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:06 pm
by AceMastermind
R8-Q88 wrote:...I was dissapointed when I downloaded it. My computer can't recognize what the file it comes in is.

EDIT: I tried to download the Exile's Voyage, and the same thing happened.
Filefront appears to be removing the exe extension from executables and self extracting archives for additional protection, just add ".exe" to the filename in the download "Save As" dialogue or go ahead and download the file and add the ".exe" extension to the file name upon completion then extract the contents like normal.

You can see what file type you are downloading by looking at the File name on the initial download page, for example:
[color=#FFBF40]Filefront[/color] wrote:File name: dwb_v1.0.exe
[color=#FFBF40]Filefront[/color] wrote:File name: TEV_vFinal.exe

Re: The Exile's Voyage (Final)/Endor: Death Watch Bunker (1.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:45 am
by R8-Q88
Thanks, it worked!

Re: The Exile's Voyage (Final)/Endor: Death Watch Bunker (1.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 5:37 pm
by n8trooper
Great mod, AQT! You should really consider putting the era on all maps, but I won't keep my hopes too high. Might just be a bit overwhelming. But still, great mod! :eek:

Re: The Exile's Voyage (Final)/Endor: Death Watch Bunker (1.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:26 pm
by Lephenix
The exile voyage not show up when creating a server 0.0 , exept death watch bunker , how to fix ?

Re: The Exile's Voyage (Final)/Endor: Death Watch Bunker (1.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 4:08 pm
by AQT
I've never tested this mod out online before so I don't really know why it's not working correctly. It was meant to be played offline anyway.

Re: The Exile's Voyage (Final)/Endor: Death Watch Bunker (1.

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:55 pm
by RevanSithLord
Hello, guys. I'm not going to whack around the Nubian bush here, so here's what I've been working on the past couple 'o days. ;)

Enjoy, or don't. Feel free to comment.

Re: The Exile's Voyage (Final)/Endor: Death Watch Bunker (1.

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:10 pm
by Nihillo
It's a bit too dark (maybe it's my monitor...?), but it's pretty nice nonetheless. :thumbs:

Re: The Exile's Voyage (Final)/Endor: Death Watch Bunker (1.

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:13 pm
by sim-al2
The video's pretty dark (in a lighting sense) but it's really an awesome trailer. :shock:

Re: The Exile's Voyage (Final)/Endor: Death Watch Bunker (1.

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:02 pm
by RevanSithLord
It is a tad dark. Sorry about that. I was trying to test new color correction. Thought this trailer would be the perfect opportunity.