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Bantha55´s "Geonosis: Attack of the Clones" 1.0

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:22 pm
by Bantha55

Some of you have already known that I was working on a new map. This is the 1.0-Beta. It´s name is "Geonosis: Attack of the Clones". I know, I know. There are tons of Geonosis maps but I was never really satisfied with them. So here´s my version. As usual I tried to make it as movielike as possible. Many tanks, dust and stones.

Some Info about the units:


>>Clone Trooper<<
-DC-15a Blasterrifle
-DC-15s Blastercarbine
--V1 Thermal Detonators
--LXR-6 Concussion Grenades
--V6 Haywiredetonators

>>ARC Clone Trooper<<
-PLX-1 portable Missilelauncher
-WESTAR M5 Blasterrifle
-DC-17 Handblaster
--V1 Thermal Detonators
--HX2 Mines
--LXR-6 Concussion Grenades

>>ARC Clone Trooper<<
-Z-6 rotary Blastercannon
-WESTAR M5 Blasterrifle
-DC-17 Handblaster
--V1 Thermal Detonators
--HX2 Mines
--LXR-6 Concussion Grenades

>>Clone Pilot<<
-Drever Corps DN Boltcaster
-DC-15s Blastercarbine
-SoroSuub F-128 Fusion Cutter (repairs all droids and vehicles, slices tanks, CAN`T destroy mines)

>>Clone Sharpshooter<<
-DC-15X Sniperrifle
-DC-15s Blastercarbine
--V1 Thermal Detonators
--LXR-6 Concussion Grenades
--V6 Haywiredetonators

>>Clone Medic<<
-DC-15a Blasterrifle
-DC-15s Blastercarbine
--Bacta Packs
--LXR-6 Concussion Grenades
--V6 Haywiredetonators

>>Jet Clone Trooper<<(with jetpack)
-DC-15a Blasterrifle
-DC-15s Blastercarbine
--V1 Thermal Detonators
--LXR-6 Concussion Grenades
--V6 Haywiredetonators

>>Clone Trooper Commander<< (can take more damage than normal trooper)
-DC-15a Blasterrifle
-DC-15s Blastercarbine
-Neuro Saav Electro Binoculars
--V1 Thermal Detonators
--LXR-6 Concussion Grenades
--V6 Haywiredetonators

>>Clone Commando<< (with shield)
-DC-17m Blasterrifle
-DC-17m Sniperrifle
-Grenade Launcher
-DC-15s Blasterpistol
--Sonic Grenade
--Ion Grenade
--Plasma Grenade

>>Mace Windu<<
--Force Pull
--Force Push
--Force Wave

*Pilot -Medium Dual Laser Blaster Cannon
*1st Gunner -Medium Dual Laser Blaster Cannon
*2nd (Main) Gunner -Heavy Laser Cannon
*3rd Gunner -Medium Laser Blaster Cannon
*4th Gunner -Medium Laser Blaster Cannon

>>Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light Interceptor<< (with shield, very quick)
-Turbo Dual Laser Blaster Cannon

>>IFT-X<< (with shield)
*Pilot -Medium Laser Blaster Cannon
*1st Gunner -Concussion Grenade Launcher
*2nd Gunner -Medium Laser Blaster Cannon

>>LA-AT/i Gunship<<
*Pilot -Turbo Dual Laser Blaster Cannon
--Proton Torpedo Launcher (much ammo)
*1st Gunner -Beam Cannon
*2nd Gunner -Beam Cannon
*3rd Gunner -Beam Cannon
*4th Gunner -Beam Cannon

>>47z Speederbike<< (BF1 Speeder!)
-Light Laser Blaster Cannon


>>B1 Battledroid<<
-E-5 Blaster Rifle

>>B2 Super-Battledroid<<
-Wrist Blaster

>>OOM Pilot Battledroid<<
-SoroSuub F-128 Fusion Cutter (good to repair droid teammates and yourself)

>>B1 Engineer Battledroid<<
-RD-4 Poison Grenade Launcher
-SoroSuub F-128 Fusion Cutter

>>B1 Assasin Battledroid<<
-E-5s Sniper Rifle

>>Geonosian Warrior<<
-Sonic Blaster

-Dual Repeating Blasters (twin-shot that does more damage than rifle)
--Sield Emitter (regenerates quickly)

>>OOM Command Battledroid<<
-E-5 Blaster Rifle
-Neuro Saav Electro Binoculars

>>General Grievous<<

>>Count Dooku<<
--Force Pull
--Force Push
--Force Wave
--Force Lightning

*Pilot -Energy Missile Launcher
*1st Gunner -Light Antipersonnel Cannon (not as much damage as normal laser cannon but can´t overheat)
*2nd Gunner -Medium Dual Laser Blaster Cannon
*3rd Gunner -Heavy Laser Cannon

-Medium Laser Blaster Cannon
--Hailfire Missile Launcher (auto-homing)

>>Persuader-class Droid Enforcer<<
-Light Dual Laser Blaster Cannon
--Heavy Laser Cannon

-Light Dual Laser Blaster Cannon

>>OG-9 homing Spider Droid<<
-Medium Laser Blaster Cannon
--Ion Laser Cannon

>>DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droid<<
-Medium Laser Blaster Cannon

>>Droid Starfighter<<
-Turbo Dual Laser Blaster Cannon
--Energy Missile Launcher (homing possible)

>>Nantex territorial Starfighter<<("Geonosis Starfighter")
-Turbo Laser Blaster Cannon

About the environment: The Clones have CPs at one side of the map with a crashed capital ship. They have to move forward, capture all enemy bases, destroy the techno union ships and conquer the CIS Spire-building. There´s much dust, many stones, a landed Coreship,... Very big map.


Code: Select all


First of all:


It´s made by Bantha55.

Please tell me if I forgot someone to credit.

-Foolis:two improved geo terrain textures and helping me with the minimap and the flyer domes
-Pinguin:haywire detonator and concussion grenade sound
-AceMastermind:battledroids without packs
-Broken Hope: Sabre hilts
-Pvt parts:almost all effects, some custom sounds
-OOM-9:DC-15s Blaster Carbine model
-Pahricida, Wazmol, Rekubot:DC-15A Blaster Rifle Model
-Syth:Concussion grenade model
-Caleb:underhand chaingun, sonic grenade effect
-Teancum/Pandemic:Geonosis models
-Majin Revan:Clone Commando, sounds, custom sound adding tut, dead clones
-Darth D.U.C.K.:Haywire grenade model, sonic grenade model, fixed republic commando, improved geo arena
-Nullcommando:giving me his collected customsounds
-FragMe!:floating weapon icon tut
-Darth_Z13:some clone wars custom sounds
-computergeek:plasma grenade explosion effect
-Wazmol69:Geo B1 skin, Acclamator, droid invasion ship
-Dragonum: DC-17 handrepeater blaster pistol model
-Bertie: WESTAR M5 Blaster Rifle model
-Maxloef:vehicle death explosion
-Redline:dead droids

-new geospires have no lowrez
-there´s an invisible barrier over the arena

-Unpack the BUF folder and place it in your programms/lucas arts/game data/addon folder. (Just delete the BUF folder if you don´t want to have the map anymore) 





DOWNLOAD: ... einfo.html


(If someone wants to help me, these are the things I need for the next version:)
-Geonosisspires with lowrez
-Completely fixed Geo arena(I think Darth D.U.C.K. is working on that)
-Chunks for the Geo Starfighter

In the next version there will also be a hunt mode in the arena.

Re: Bantha55´s "Geonosis: Attack of the Clones" 1.0

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:35 pm
by 501st_commander
one more geonosis. i'll download it, looks fun. :thumbs:

Re: Bantha55´s "Geonosis: Attack of the Clones" 1.0

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:48 pm
by Deviss
cool after coruscant invasion, this sure will be other great map :thumbs: , what version of dwarf spider droid did you use for it ?? :)

Re: Bantha55´s "Geonosis: Attack of the Clones" 1.0

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:32 pm
by Grev
Nice second screen there. That's one way to escape a purple-nurple.

Caption: "NAME FIVE CEREAAAA!!!!!!"

Looks good, a bit too wide open for my taste, but still.

Re: Bantha55´s "Geonosis: Attack of the Clones" 1.0

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:42 pm
by Nova Hawk
I've seen a lot of Geonosis maps in the past, but if it's by you, then I'll give it a download.

Re: Bantha55´s "Geonosis: Attack of the Clones" 1.0

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:45 pm
by DarthD.U.C.K.
some creditfixes concerning the commando:
rc-weapons - Qdin
commando handblaster - Dragonum
clonecommando model and texture - NeoMarz/Mars Marshall
converting - Vyse (?)

i allready fixed the arena, but couldnt catch you to give you the updated version

Re: Bantha55´s "Geonosis: Attack of the Clones" 1.0

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:22 pm
by Devastator77
Given your past history in making true-to-the-movie large maps based on epic battles, I'll definitely give this a download!

Re: Bantha55´s "Geonosis: Attack of the Clones" 1.0

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:39 pm
by Nova Hawk
Alright, I tried it and I love the skins on all the troopers! Very nice! But there are a couple of things, like for instance the medic is supposed to be the Captain and the sniper is supposed to be the Sergeant I believe.

And try to turn down the fog a little, it really blinds me when I try to aim for a unit on the ground when I'm in a gunship or starfighter. There were only a few sounds that were missing, but other than that it was a fun map to play! :thumbs:

Re: Bantha55´s "Geonosis: Attack of the Clones" 1.0

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:13 pm
by Nihillo
@Nova: turn on the "display enemy icons" option, it makes aiming in the fog easier.

I'm still feeling blocked so I won't "review" this, but I have to say I enjoyed it, oh yeah, there were a couple floating rocks near CP2 and the Venator had no texture.

Edit: and the Rocket Launcher is too powerful, please reduce its power.

Thanks for sharing your creation with us, Bantha, your maps are always great (both literally and figuratively :P).

Re: Bantha55´s "Geonosis: Attack of the Clones" 1.0

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:03 pm
by RevanSithLord
Venator no texture? Strange, because I saw the textures. o.o

Didn't notice the floating rocks cause I was too busy fighting. XD

As for the Rocket Launcher, hmm... might be me, but I felt that it was fine for me. Everything was pretty powerful, though, to be honest, but that's a good thing to me. XD

Re: Bantha55´s "Geonosis: Attack of the Clones" 1.0

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:10 pm
by Nihillo
RevanSithLord wrote:Venator no texture? Strange, because I saw the textures. o.o
Perhaps it's just that occasional bug, the one in which the terrain texture is missing and it's all black.
RevanSithLord wrote:As for the Rocket Launcher, hmm... might be me, but I felt that it was fine for me. Everything was pretty powerful, though, to be honest, but that's a good thing to me. XD
You can destroy any vehicle with just one rocket, yes the firepower of every weapon was increased, but this is kinda absurd.

Re: Bantha55´s "Geonosis: Attack of the Clones" 1.0

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:22 pm
by Nova Hawk
The Venator is skinned for me. Not sure what your talking about..

Re: Bantha55´s "Geonosis: Attack of the Clones" 1.0

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:28 pm
by Devastator77
Well, you definitely have a signature style in all of your maps, that's for sure. I was playing this map and I said to myself, "this is the movie in game-form." Besides a couple things (a few missing sounds, and the fog/dust showed up in the buildings (like the CIS cps, but I don't know if you can fix this)). A big plus for this map: it definitely was not flat (like most geop maps). There were plenty of hills, slopes, pits, vehicles to keep things interesting.
Although I think you should lessen the fog/dust in some areas and maybe replace Grievous with Jango (I know Grievous was at the battle, but I don't think he actually fought.) And possibly add one additional jedi (like Aayla or Kit), to balance it out. Overall, an excellent map and one that was definitely fun to play. Great job! :thumbs:

Re: Bantha55´s "Geonosis: Attack of the Clones" 1.0

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:32 pm
by Nihillo
Nova Hawk wrote:The Venator is skinned for me. Not sure what your talking about..

Re: Bantha55´s "Geonosis: Attack of the Clones" 1.0

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:33 pm
by 501st_commander
... maybe the geo dust is making it look like that?
Nice map anyway Bantha55 :thumbs:

Re: Bantha55´s "Geonosis: Attack of the Clones" 1.0

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:40 pm
by Nova Hawk
Nihillo wrote:
Nova Hawk wrote:The Venator is skinned for me. Not sure what your talking about..
Hmmm... I only did a flyby, but from what I've seen, it was all textured. I'll take a closer look later.

Re: Bantha55´s "Geonosis: Attack of the Clones" 1.0

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:50 pm
by Devastator77
Nihillo wrote:
RevanSithLord wrote:Venator no texture? Strange, because I saw the textures. o.o
Perhaps it's just that occasional bug, the one in which the terrain texture is missing and it's all black.
I think it is, because I just played it again, and there was no texture on the outside on the ship's hull...very strange

Re: Bantha55´s "Geonosis: Attack of the Clones" 1.0

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 3:19 am
by Delta-1035
Looks a cool map, downloading now.

Re: Bantha55´s "Geonosis: Attack of the Clones" 1.0

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 5:53 am
by Darth Revan
A Bantha 55 is a must get dloading

Re: Bantha55´s "Geonosis: Attack of the Clones" 1.0

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:08 am
by impspy
Looks good Bantha55, definatly will keep this map!

*off topic* anyone else getting those annoying AXE adds that block the download button?