DarthRogueKnight wrote:lol, im just saying, your quite good at it, and you speak your mind, instead of holding certain aspects back.
I wasn't aware someone was actually expecting my "reviews".
Well, all right then, I guess I can try to come up with something:
Like bobfinkl, I was accompanying the Christophsis WIP thread since it started, I always had the impression the map would be larger than it actually is, I never watched this new movie that came out so I didn't have any idea of what it was supposed to look like.
To be sincere, I am disappointed.
The battle started, I immediately had access to Rex and such elite classes -while that isn't a serious issue, I believe it is more appropriate to keep them locked until the player has scored more frags- I chose the regular Clone Trooper for simplicity's sake, jumped over the first chunk of crystals and found out the CIS staging point was just there! Right in front of me! Now, I prefer small maps but this is silly, this map should be gigantic (or at least larger than it is). Anyway, I entered the AT-TE and shot suff while lots of uncessary objectives kept coming up, the objectives could have simply stated "trooper, get into that AT-TE, blow the crap out of everything and we will call it a day," really, those are all the instructions I needed; I basically spent all the time shooting them to death with my overpowered weapon, there was no challenge at all. I tried it again on foot and it was an awful experience, the droids came out in full force towards me, my team-mates were far behind, stuck behind that crystal barrier, the whole thing was overwhelming. What I'm trying to say here is: this map is either too easy or just plain annoying, please, try to create a balance.
The map itself is... bad; don't get me wrong, the models, textures, etc. are awesome, shame that all we can do is run forward in a box-shaped arena to be shot do death by a large ammount of confederacy droids (or obliterate them with an AT-TE).
You are too focused in realism/cannoncity to care about gameplay and that's bad, just because the battle was linear in the movie, it doesn't mean you have to do the same, linear=bad in most cases; hell, look at the stock Mygeeto map, all we get to see in the movie is one skirmish in a bridge, while in Battlefront there are lots of different areas, branching paths, the bridge is
just the beginning, Pandemic knew a linear struggle for the conquest of a bridge wasn't fun at all, so they adapted that concept, you should do the same.
To make it short and possibly rude: your map is a beautiful garden of magical wonders; shame we can't enjoy it because we are stuck inside a tiny
On the other hand, I do believe you have talent and if you work really hard, you can make 'marvelous' things. So, please do it, make me regret saying your map is just a box, I am sincerely hoping your skills will impress us soon.