The r130 update thread and its download links can be found here:
---------- Original post follows below ----------
The Unofficial v1.3 Path revision 129:
SWBF2-v1.3patch r129.exe Primary Download Link (5.55MB, Mediafire)
Known Bugs:
1) Missing "tag" parameter in cGC scripts which prevents multiple, non-fixed cGCs from working at the same time. See page 29: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=14483&start=560#p512264
v1.3 r129 Details
Start on page 22: ... 81#p375981 or read this copy of that post:
Updated to r129
* Installer supports Vista and Win7
* Fixed non-spawning Leia bug
* Supports unlimited user scripts
* Supports unlimited cGC scripts
* No more Full/Lite versions - The v1.2 patch was removed (install it first if you want it, but you can still use the 'new' HUD without it)
My net connection is going crazy, so here's the download link:
This is a test release. For those of you who had problems installing, please try out the new installer.
I wasn't able to get anything to display before the addmes are loaded. Thus I can't do any mission management without requiring the user to restart. However I'm starting to get busy with my school's senior project, so its unlikely I would have had the time to build the management screens anyway.
Unless you're the host, you can't really cheat with the FakeConsole. And if it was the host who was using the commands, then is it really cheating? If it wasn't the host, the host/dedicated server does have the ability to give certain users special abilities. But the server's admin still has to do it.
Edit: The download link from my site: ... %20129.exe (5.6 MB)
* Installer supports Vista and Win7
* Fixed non-spawning Leia bug
* Supports unlimited user scripts
* Supports unlimited cGC scripts
* No more Full/Lite versions - The v1.2 patch was removed (install it first if you want it, but you can still use the 'new' HUD without it)
My net connection is going crazy, so here's the download link:
This is a test release. For those of you who had problems installing, please try out the new installer.
I wasn't able to get anything to display before the addmes are loaded. Thus I can't do any mission management without requiring the user to restart. However I'm starting to get busy with my school's senior project, so its unlikely I would have had the time to build the management screens anyway.
Unless you're the host, you can't really cheat with the FakeConsole. And if it was the host who was using the commands, then is it really cheating? If it wasn't the host, the host/dedicated server does have the ability to give certain users special abilities. But the server's admin still has to do it.
Edit: The download link from my site: ... %20129.exe (5.6 MB)
Old v129 link from Filefront: SWBF2-v1.3patch r129.exe (5.55MB)
v1.3 r117 Patch Readme:
* Simple installation (can install to dedicated server too)
* Works online in multiplayer
* Compatable with the SWBF1 Conversion pack
* Supports unlimited new eras (only 5 can be displayed per map)
* Supports unlimited new game modes (only 14 can be displayed per map)
* Supports up to 11 custom user scripts (example: use a script to enforce dedicated server rules like 'no vehicles' and 'no CPs')
* Supports up to 11 custom Galactic Conquest campaigns
* Supports over 158 FakeConsole commands and displays their descriptions
* Includes player tracking, player teleporting, and causing the AI to follow certain players
* Replaces the (now outdated) mods: v1.2 patch, FC Mod, Era Shell, FreeCam, FakeConsole
* Allows disabling the award effects (just the graphical and sound parts, you still get their bonuses)
* Supports map preview videos
* Compatable with mod maps
* Extends and expands the cheat menu to MP
* Supports no-namer booting (non-server admins can boot them too)
* Allows you to become a no-namer without changing your profile
* Supports custom FakeConsole command by map modders
* Displays warning if over the game's 500 mission limit
* Allows Free Camera
* Allows directly setting the displayed side selection names (for modders)
* Supports custom map colors (can be removed from the menu)
* Has v1.2's new player models (can be removed from the menu)
* Has v1.2's new weapon models (can be removed from the menu)
* Has v1.2's BF1 cockpits (can be removed from the menu)
* Has v1.2's new HUD (can be removed from the menu)
* A correctly executed command turns light blue
* An errored command turns pink
Added Shortcut Keys:
* Close the FakeConsole list: 'Esc'
* Cancel (no) the prompt pop-up: 'Esc'
* Accept (yes) the prompt pop-up: 'Enter'
* Close team stats screen: 'l' (lowercase L)
* Select the team selection's auto-assign button: 'a'
* Select the team selection's auto-assign button: 'A'
* Select the team selection's team 1 button: '1'
* Select the team selection's team 2 button: '2'
* Select the team selection's auto-assign button: '3'
* Select the team selection's spectator button: '4'
Keys To Control FreeCam:
[Home] - Move camera up
[End] - Move camera down
[M] - Pause/Unpause the game
[Backspace] - Pause/Unpause the game
[+] - Speed up
[-] - Slow down
Keys To Control the FakeConsole list:
[Up] - Move the selection up one element
[Down] - Move the selection down one element
[Page Up] - Move the selection up 19 elements (one page)
[Page Down] - Move the selection down 19 elements (one page)
[Escape] - Close the FakeConsole list
Crashing Issues:
* Misuse of the FakeConsole commands may result in crashes
* Filling the cheatbox with spaces makes the game crash. I don't have a clue why...
* Galactic Conquest's Versus is completely untested (but should work...)
* Displays a warning if you have over 500 missions (The original game can only handle 500 modded missions. It crashes with FATAL when attempting to play a mission after about the first 500)
* Simple installation (can install to dedicated server too)
* Works online in multiplayer
* Compatable with the SWBF1 Conversion pack
* Supports unlimited new eras (only 5 can be displayed per map)
* Supports unlimited new game modes (only 14 can be displayed per map)
* Supports up to 11 custom user scripts (example: use a script to enforce dedicated server rules like 'no vehicles' and 'no CPs')
* Supports up to 11 custom Galactic Conquest campaigns
* Supports over 158 FakeConsole commands and displays their descriptions
* Includes player tracking, player teleporting, and causing the AI to follow certain players
* Replaces the (now outdated) mods: v1.2 patch, FC Mod, Era Shell, FreeCam, FakeConsole
* Allows disabling the award effects (just the graphical and sound parts, you still get their bonuses)
* Supports map preview videos
* Compatable with mod maps
* Extends and expands the cheat menu to MP
* Supports no-namer booting (non-server admins can boot them too)
* Allows you to become a no-namer without changing your profile
* Supports custom FakeConsole command by map modders
* Displays warning if over the game's 500 mission limit
* Allows Free Camera
* Allows directly setting the displayed side selection names (for modders)
* Supports custom map colors (can be removed from the menu)
* Has v1.2's new player models (can be removed from the menu)
* Has v1.2's new weapon models (can be removed from the menu)
* Has v1.2's BF1 cockpits (can be removed from the menu)
* Has v1.2's new HUD (can be removed from the menu)
* A correctly executed command turns light blue
* An errored command turns pink
Added Shortcut Keys:
* Close the FakeConsole list: 'Esc'
* Cancel (no) the prompt pop-up: 'Esc'
* Accept (yes) the prompt pop-up: 'Enter'
* Close team stats screen: 'l' (lowercase L)
* Select the team selection's auto-assign button: 'a'
* Select the team selection's auto-assign button: 'A'
* Select the team selection's team 1 button: '1'
* Select the team selection's team 2 button: '2'
* Select the team selection's auto-assign button: '3'
* Select the team selection's spectator button: '4'
Keys To Control FreeCam:
[Home] - Move camera up
[End] - Move camera down
[M] - Pause/Unpause the game
[Backspace] - Pause/Unpause the game
[+] - Speed up
[-] - Slow down
Keys To Control the FakeConsole list:
[Up] - Move the selection up one element
[Down] - Move the selection down one element
[Page Up] - Move the selection up 19 elements (one page)
[Page Down] - Move the selection down 19 elements (one page)
[Escape] - Close the FakeConsole list
Crashing Issues:
* Misuse of the FakeConsole commands may result in crashes
* Filling the cheatbox with spaces makes the game crash. I don't have a clue why...
* Galactic Conquest's Versus is completely untested (but should work...)
* Displays a warning if you have over 500 missions (The original game can only handle 500 modded missions. It crashes with FATAL when attempting to play a mission after about the first 500)
Other Issues:
* A few people will not be able to see any of the new strings. The known fix is in the 'Installation Guide.txt'.
* FakeConsole commands built into the exe always turn pink when clicked no matter if they worked or not. The section description commands turn pink too.
* It takes a second at the start of each map to disable award effects (if set to disabled). An AI bot has an extremely low chance of gaining an award in this period.
* There is a bug in displaying the preview video when switching between the MP and SP map selection screens. The preview video may not play until a map with a different video is selected.
* If a map directly sets the side selection names, the team buttons will no longer flash when selected.
* A couple of weapon icons are not in their correct locations. Sorry.
* The Clone Commander's Paulodron is untextured.
Important Notes For Modders:
* The FakeConsole command 'Code Console' lets you type and run Lua code directly ingame
* Space Assualt's name changed to '' from ''
* Hero Assualt's name changed to '' from ''
* Voice over errors mostly gone from the modtool log
* Custom game mode and era names, icons, and descriptions are supported. Meaning, you can have your map set the text on its game mode checkbox no matter the mode.
* The ingame variable '__thisMapsCode__' should contain the current map's 3-char code (will always be lowercase). The variable is nil if the code couldn't be detected or has yet to be detected.
* The ingame variable '__thisMapsMode__' should contain the current map's loaded layer/game mode (will always be lowercase). The variable is nil if the mode couldn't be detected or has yet to be detected.
* The uf_processPlayers() function allows you to get the names of the ingame players (see 'Using Ingame Player Data.txt')
* See the howtos docs for more info on how to use the v1.3's new modding related features
General Visual Gameplay Changes:
* Added wind to cloth, capes flutter.
* Added cockpits from BF1.
New Weapon Models:
* EE-3 Rifle
* T-21 Rifle
* Westar 34 Pistol
* Leia's Sporting Blaster
* Arc Caster
* Sonic Pistol
* DH-17 Pistol
* A280 Rifle
* A290 Rifle
* Kylan Pistol
* DC-15s Carbine
* DC-15s Commando Pistol
* DC-15 (from a JKA mod)
* DC-15 Shotgun
* E-11 Shotgun
* Flechette Shotgun
* ACP Shotgun
* Accurate lightsabers
* DL-19
* DC-17 Pistol
* ARC Rifle
Changed Units:
* 501st Commander is now accurate to Episode III.
* 1st person views for 501st are completely corrected.
* New skins for all Republic troops.
* Glitch in Obi-Wan's cloth texture fixed.
* SBD is reflection-mapped (is shiney).
* Stormtrooper is reflection-mapped (is shiney).
* SBD chunks are fixed
* Magnaguard chunks are fixed
* Droideka has new sheild texture.
* Jango Fett has a new skin and jetpack effect.
* Boba Fett has a new jetpack effect.
* Changed Imperial Officer to Fleet officer.
* Changed Imperial Engineer to the tank gunner (the former imperial officer).
* Added a cape to the magnaguard.
* Clone Marine added for Space mode
* A few people will not be able to see any of the new strings. The known fix is in the 'Installation Guide.txt'.
* FakeConsole commands built into the exe always turn pink when clicked no matter if they worked or not. The section description commands turn pink too.
* It takes a second at the start of each map to disable award effects (if set to disabled). An AI bot has an extremely low chance of gaining an award in this period.
* There is a bug in displaying the preview video when switching between the MP and SP map selection screens. The preview video may not play until a map with a different video is selected.
* If a map directly sets the side selection names, the team buttons will no longer flash when selected.
* A couple of weapon icons are not in their correct locations. Sorry.
* The Clone Commander's Paulodron is untextured.
Important Notes For Modders:
* The FakeConsole command 'Code Console' lets you type and run Lua code directly ingame
* Space Assualt's name changed to '' from ''
* Hero Assualt's name changed to '' from ''
* Voice over errors mostly gone from the modtool log
* Custom game mode and era names, icons, and descriptions are supported. Meaning, you can have your map set the text on its game mode checkbox no matter the mode.
* The ingame variable '__thisMapsCode__' should contain the current map's 3-char code (will always be lowercase). The variable is nil if the code couldn't be detected or has yet to be detected.
* The ingame variable '__thisMapsMode__' should contain the current map's loaded layer/game mode (will always be lowercase). The variable is nil if the mode couldn't be detected or has yet to be detected.
* The uf_processPlayers() function allows you to get the names of the ingame players (see 'Using Ingame Player Data.txt')
* See the howtos docs for more info on how to use the v1.3's new modding related features
General Visual Gameplay Changes:
* Added wind to cloth, capes flutter.
* Added cockpits from BF1.
New Weapon Models:
* EE-3 Rifle
* T-21 Rifle
* Westar 34 Pistol
* Leia's Sporting Blaster
* Arc Caster
* Sonic Pistol
* DH-17 Pistol
* A280 Rifle
* A290 Rifle
* Kylan Pistol
* DC-15s Carbine
* DC-15s Commando Pistol
* DC-15 (from a JKA mod)
* DC-15 Shotgun
* E-11 Shotgun
* Flechette Shotgun
* ACP Shotgun
* Accurate lightsabers
* DL-19
* DC-17 Pistol
* ARC Rifle
Changed Units:
* 501st Commander is now accurate to Episode III.
* 1st person views for 501st are completely corrected.
* New skins for all Republic troops.
* Glitch in Obi-Wan's cloth texture fixed.
* SBD is reflection-mapped (is shiney).
* Stormtrooper is reflection-mapped (is shiney).
* SBD chunks are fixed
* Magnaguard chunks are fixed
* Droideka has new sheild texture.
* Jango Fett has a new skin and jetpack effect.
* Boba Fett has a new jetpack effect.
* Changed Imperial Officer to Fleet officer.
* Changed Imperial Engineer to the tank gunner (the former imperial officer).
* Added a cape to the magnaguard.
* Clone Marine added for Space mode
Download the v1.3 patch (7z self-extracting archive, 106MB or 5.69MB w/o sides) here.
Or on FileFront: ... atch;95405
Full Source Code (Bazaar controlled, around 2.26GB, not compressed)
Make a preview video
* Extracted, the full v1.3 patch takes up about 689MB. The lite version only extracts to about 38MB.
* The v1.3 patch supports the SWBF conversionpack, but the pack is not required for using the patch.
* The SWBF1 conversion pack only includes r83 of the v1.3 patch. You should uninstall r83 and install r117.
* If somehow your game gets damaged, choosing Uninstall in the menu should fix it.
* The online source code is at revision 117.
Download the v1.3 patch (7z self-extracting archive, 106MB or 5.69MB w/o sides) here.
Or on FileFront: ... atch;95405
Full Source Code (Bazaar controlled, around 2.26GB, not compressed)
Make a preview video
* Extracted, the full v1.3 patch takes up about 689MB. The lite version only extracts to about 38MB.
* The v1.3 patch supports the SWBF conversionpack, but the pack is not required for using the patch.
* The SWBF1 conversion pack only includes r83 of the v1.3 patch. You should uninstall r83 and install r117.
* If somehow your game gets damaged, choosing Uninstall in the menu should fix it.
* The online source code is at revision 117.