New maps and mods are coming out quickly. If you release something (even a beta) please post it here. Be sure to give details in the topic such as Map/Mod name and version
I preffered the Darth Vader animations for the wookie (besides run). I think they fit it well. If you could give him all Darths animations besides run and jump, it would fit really well.
- Is the Magna Guard jedi on the wrong side? He came up as the republic's jedi. His shield also doesn't drain his stamina meter. Makes him pretty tough to beat.
- There's a wierd shadow thing going on. I can see unit's shadows through the buildings.
Great work TAWArtemis! Sounds like a really awesome map! However, I can't play it, due to the not working download link. It keep saying: "This file is currently unavailable while we perform server maintenance." when I try to download it from Filefront, please help! What to do?
Aksel3 wrote:Great work TAWArtemis! Sounds like a really awesome map! However, I can't play it, due to the not working download link. It keep saying: "This file is currently unavailable while we perform server maintenance." when I try to download it from Filefront, please help! What to do?
u can't do anything. filefront is under maintaincance. u just have to wait, like me.
Off-topic : I have to say that your above post is rather "paradoxical" and completely "irrelevant", plokoon'...
Above all, I seriously advise you to watch at the content of your further messages, unless you perfer being forced to proceed so...
Off-topic : I would have thought that knowing the "Naboo : Theed" level shipping with Star Wars Battlefront was a "day" one while telling TAWArtemis "I can't remember" is rather surprising...
Narlie-Charlie wrote:I preffered the Darth Vader animations for the wookie (besides run). I think they fit it well. If you could give him all Darths animations besides run and jump, it would fit really well.
Took me a while to get back to you on this wierd shadow thing, sorry. Been busy constructing my map.
Here's a good example of what I'm seeing. You can clearly see the ammo bin and some of the enemies through the buildings. It seems to be only if you're facing this direction though.
Here's another where you can see the top part of a guy and the bottom part is silhouetted. You can also see the ammo and health droid in that hut. It doesn't seem to be an actual 'shadow', but more of a silhouetted image of what's on the other side. It's like having x-ray vision!
Interesting. I wonder if this is the "static" setting for shadows? I do have the "sun" very low so the shadows are almost at a 90 degree angle to the ground. If I take it up the shadows will not be as long and we should not see this.
New version soon. I added hunt and put the wookie back to the oringal moves with a new run as requested.
That's a pretty common error for any Pandemic games. Play Clone Wars -- the first time you play as Mace Windu on Geonosis you can see shadow errors while walking.