Battlefront II Renewed is a poll-based visual sides mod with new effects and lasers: see the work-in-progress topic for info:
Battlefront II Renewed will work online.
Here are the two first betas ( I made 2 betas because the Navy commandos and 501st troopers got the same number of votes).
The betas will be updated as new polls will be made.
First version of the beta: The Imperial and Rebel sides, with the Navy troopers.
LINK: ... Renewed.7z
Second version of the beta : The Imperial side, with the 501st legion.
LINK: ... d+501st.7z
1st version of the beta:
2nd version of the beta:
Bugs/issues : its only a beta , so there are some bugs:
-some award weapons use the stock models.
-some award weapons use stock effects.
-the Rodian Spy looks weird.
-The mod uses the stock text : it doesn't matter much , but it may be weird for some units:
The jumptrooper is still called "Darktrooper"
-The floating icons are fixed, but the normal icons are sometimes missing.
First version:
* The Gametoast community - for voting, posting suggestions, providing support...
* Guru - for creating Gametoast
* Repsharpshooter: his Dynamic map idea gave me the idea of a mod based on poll and suggestions.
Imperial arc caster,Flechette Launcher
* Taivyx-stouker concussion rifle
* kinetosimpetus-his rebel weapons pack,the imperial heavy repeater
* NeoMarz- Sniper rifle
* Darth D.U.C.K. : the new anims
* Dragonum - visor, pauldron and ammopacks
* Rends-the Imperial Mos Eisley droid
* AQT-the imperial Jumptrooper(with DEV), some effects, reskinned stormtrooper
* DEV:the imperial Jumptrooper
* Qdin for the Commander Cody visor
* CodaRez-Navy commando, ion rifle model
* B.I.G_Cookie : ion rifle texture
* Syth:V1 thermal detonator, CR24, Kyd-21 Blaster pistol
* ARC_Commander: BFX effects
* icemember: Rebel Flame Trooper
* Pandemic:Fleet officer model
*JKA Modelers made the Nien Numb model.
*Raven Software:Rodian
Sorry if I forgot someone
Credits: Second version :
* The Gametoast community - for voting, posting suggestions, providing support...
* Guru - for creating Gametoast
* Repsharpshooter: his Dynamic map idea gave me the idea of a mod based on poll and suggestions.
Imperial arc caster, Flechette launcher
* Taivyx-stouker concussion rifle
* kinetosimpetus-the imperial heavy repeater, clone officer 0.9 model ( with DEV)
* Neomarz - Clone head model and skin, sniper rifle
* Darth D.U.C.K.: the new anims
* Dragonum - visor, pauldron and ammopacks
* Rends-the Imperial Mos Eisley droid
* AQT-the imperial Jumptrooper,reskinned stormtroopers,501st commander, some effects
* CodaRez-Navy commando, ion rifle model
* Syth:V1 thermal detonator, Kyd-21 Blaster pistol
* ARC_Commander: BFX effects
* DEV: clone officer 0.9 model
* icemember : independent militia soldier
* B.I.G_Cookie : ion rifle texture
Sorry if I forgot someone
About the credits:I'm using many models, assets, and effects ,
so I may have forgotten someone : please notify me if I forgot someone !!!
Sorry for my bad English