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Proof of concept - PSP ripped map > SWBF2
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 12:47 pm
by Teancum
So the story behind this is that I wanted to put Cato Nemoidia into the Xbox mod. I was lucky enough to have thelegend send me his working folder, but no matter how much I tried I could not get it to load on the Xbox -- it was just too much for the Xbox's limited memory. So queue Elite Squadron. I knew some little PSP game could easily be under the limitations for the Xbox, so I set about loading it up in PPSSPP combined with Ninja Ripper to rip the 3D geometry from it. After a lot of experimentation and about 15 hours of work I present you with this proof of concept.
The AI paths are still those thelegend made for the SWBF3 version, which isn't exactly the same. I've made some initial adjustments, but the AI is really quite dumb still. You'll find holes in the floor where I haven't finished the collision. But the point of this is so that you all can see that we can, in fact, rip a whole map from PSP/GameCube/PS2 Star Wars games. ...
I'm 100% willing to do all the 3D model ripping if I could get some help with AI planning, spawns, etc. Basically all the ZeroEdit (ZE) work. I think a team of two people could easily do several maps: I'd do the ripping and the other person would do the ZE work. And my goal is to send these to SWBF1 Win/Mac as well, so if someone who prefers that game wants to help we could do all the initial work in SBWF1, then I could add SWBF2 features after.
I'll do as many maps as people want as long as I have someone to do the ZE work for each map.
Re: Proof of concept - PSP ripped map > SWBF2
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 2:52 pm
by DylanRocket
Looks awesome! I'd be glad to help you out. I've always been a huge fan of the PSP Battlefronts so I'd love to see all the maps ported to SWBF1/SWBF2.
Re: Proof of concept - PSP ripped map > SWBF2
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 3:06 pm
by ARCTroopaNate
Not in a position to help with this but this has been a dream of mine, seeing these map’s converted, I think it’s a great idea.
Re: Proof of concept - PSP ripped map > SWBF2
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 3:56 pm
by giftheck
This would certainly be interesting to see done. The one map I would like to see from Elite Squadron would be Kashyyyk: I don't think that was in the SWBF3 files (at least, I've found no evidence of it).
Re: Proof of concept - PSP ripped map > SWBF2
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 5:55 pm
by Teancum
ggctuk wrote:This would certainly be interesting to see done. The one map I would like to see from Elite Squadron would be Kashyyyk: I don't think that was in the SWBF3 files (at least, I've found no evidence of it).
I'll do the ripping if you'll do all the ZE work. I don't have SWBF1 installed at the moment, but I could use that as a base for you to work from, then when you're done I'd port it to SWBF2, then to SWBF2X
Re: Proof of concept - PSP ripped map > SWBF2
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 5:57 pm
by giftheck
Teancum wrote:ggctuk wrote:This would certainly be interesting to see done. The one map I would like to see from Elite Squadron would be Kashyyyk: I don't think that was in the SWBF3 files (at least, I've found no evidence of it).
I'll do the ripping if you'll do all the ZE work.
I could do the stuff in SWBF1, but I have no experience with SWBF2. I'd be more than willing to do so, of course, but I'd have to ask somebody else to convert it to SWBF2 when I'm done.
Re: Proof of concept - PSP ripped map > SWBF2
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 7:46 pm
by AnthonyBF2
If people want to at least get the map/msh/odf stuff setup in Zero Editor, I will be willing to fill in the tedious items like planning and game mode design and pretty much anything else so I can get them into my project.
Edit: I am only willing to convert stuff for SWBF2 on PSP. I am not interested in converting any content for PC. That will be up to who ever else cares enough to do it.
Re: Proof of concept - PSP ripped map > SWBF2
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 9:02 pm
by Isaac1138
Is it possible to rip Jedi Knigh Jedi Academy maps?
Re: Proof of concept - PSP ripped map > SWBF2
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 10:12 pm
by Teancum
@ggctuk -- I can push it to SWBF2 no problem. Do you want me to rip Kashyyyk or do you have another preference? I'll rip any of them so long as I don't have to do the ZE work.
@AnthonyBF2 -- I just started to rip Salecumei from Renegade Squadron. If you want to tackle that I'm cool with it, but if you have another one you'd rather do let me know.
Isaac1138 wrote:Is it possible to rip Jedi Knigh Jedi Academy maps?
Yep, but I'd be super picky about it as most of the maps have multiple levels, and the AI don't understand how to have paths cross over one another.
Re: Proof of concept - PSP ripped map > SWBF2
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 10:19 pm
by AnthonyBF2
I didn't play Renegade & Elite squadron enough to have favorite maps. Just keep sending me what you develop as you go along and I will keep it tucked away until I get ready to work on it for PSP SWBF2.
Teancum wrote:Yep, but I'd be super picky about it as most of the maps have multiple levels, and the AI don't understand how to have paths cross over one another.
You could fill the map with lots of small/thin regions where ever planning would be crossed + setup the lua code that kills/enables different bits of planning each time a character moves through the areas - similar to how a railroad person would switch the tracks to direct one train in this direction and another train in another direction.
Re: Proof of concept - PSP ripped map > SWBF2
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 11:14 pm
by Teancum
If other people can show that they can effectively do that I'd consider converting more than just the one JA map -- but many of those maps also have elevators, which means even more LUA coding. I chose Chandrilia since it had no overlapping areas.
Re: Proof of concept - PSP ripped map > SWBF2
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 11:49 pm
by DylanRocket
If you rip the Korriban map from Renegade Squadron, I'd be willing to convert that to SWBF2/SWBF1. That one was always my favorite map. Or if there's any maps that no one else would be interested in converting, I could convert those ones as well.
Re: Proof of concept - PSP ripped map > SWBF2
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 2:53 am
by giftheck
Teancum wrote:@ggctuk -- I can push it to SWBF2 no problem. Do you want me to rip Kashyyyk or do you have another preference? I'll rip any of them so long as I don't have to do the ZE work.
Definitely Kashyyyk.
Re: Proof of concept - PSP ripped map > SWBF2
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 12:45 pm
by Teancum
Salacumei is done being ripped. The plant life and computers I'm ripping separately, but I've got all the structure pieces merged in Blender, which means I can now export to msh. Ain't it pretty?
Gonna get it into ZE, but then I'll take a break and start ripping Kashyyyk.
Re: Proof of concept - PSP ripped map > SWBF2
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 5:11 pm
by AnthonyBF2
Teancum wrote:Salacumei is done being ripped. The plant life and computers I'm ripping separately, but I've got all the structure pieces merged in Blender, which means I can now export to msh. Ain't it pretty?
Gonna get it into ZE, but then I'll take a break and start ripping Kashyyyk.
ETA on world source file availability?
Re: Proof of concept - PSP ripped map > SWBF2
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 6:58 pm
by Teancum
Unknown. You'd have to break up the model again for the PSP. The entire world for this one sits at around 11k polys before props and whatnot. No problem for PC/Xbox, but you might be breaking things up and doing portals/sectors on PSP. Maybe not though. Pre-munged the msh folder with textures is 1.3mb.
Truthfully the more help I can get doing planning, etc in ZE the faster I'll get these out, but my worry is that everyone will want the source files and I'll get no help actually getting the maps done. I'd like to get at least 4-5 of these done.
Kashyyyk coming along nicely. Ignore the leaves. Blender doesn't render the alpha channel.
Re: Proof of concept - PSP ripped map > SWBF2
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 7:22 pm
by giftheck
Teancum wrote:Unknown. You'd have to break up the model again for the PSP. The entire world for this one sits at around 11k polys before props and whatnot. No problem for PC/Xbox, but you might be breaking things up and doing portals/sectors on PSP. Maybe not though. Pre-munged the msh folder with textures is 1.3mb.
Truthfully the more help I can get doing planning, etc in ZE the faster I'll get these out, but my worry is that everyone will want the source files and I'll get no help actually getting the maps done. I'd like to get at least 4-5 of these done.
Kashyyyk coming along nicely. Ignore the leaves. Blender doesn't render the alpha channel.
Nice! I wonder if it's worth replicating the 'ground' with the terrain, or whether I should just use the ripped object. I'd imagine there wouldn't be a huge amount of difference either way.
Re: Proof of concept - PSP ripped map > SWBF2
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 7:24 pm
by Teancum
I'm gonna rip it all, but yeah, I'd suggest replacing ground with terrain. You can call it a template.
Re: Proof of concept - PSP ripped map > SWBF2
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 10:56 pm
by AnthonyBF2
If you're willing to create the bare minimum world assets, I am willing to setup the planning and other world items. Once I have created that I would send it back to you.
Also, I don't know if you're going to break up the objects or not, for PSP this should be done. I can't do this because I have no knowledge in any of the model applications and don't have the time and energy to learn.
Re: Proof of concept - PSP ripped map > SWBF2
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 9:05 pm
by Teancum
We can certainly go back and break up stuff, though since this is all super experimental I'd probably start with Renegade Squadron maps first. I feel like they're much more memory efficient as they seem a touch simpler geometrically speaking.
And now there's one more in-game. Still very early footage, mind you. Scaling might still be off as well as it feels a teensy bit small.