Naboo: Assault on Theed
... from Battlefront 2 ... the new one
NEW UNOFFICIAL MARCH 2018 RELEASE : viewtopic.php?f=35&t=33245
But why pause my other two ambitious projects and pick up this one ? With battlefront 2 not to far away I want to use this project to hopefully make my voice heard by DICE and EA.
As you've seen from battles of the storm, battlefront 2's capability of handling large scale combat is AMAZING, making battles of the storm was so much fun and seeing your reactions on youtube
to the size and scale of the battle is awesome. What makes battles of the storm good is that you are placed in a 100+ vs 100+ battle and you really get a sense of all out WAR.
All out war is what I do best
After watching the alpha footage of battlefront 2 EA, I was impressed. Of course EA did well with graphics and sound design again but ... The only problem that I saw with assault on Theed is
that it didn't seem big enough ... it wasn't a war. When I think of the clone wars I think of the thousands of clones battling on Geonosis, or the scene on Kashyyyk with the clones holding the beach with so many
laser and missiles (right before the clones try to kill yoda) To me, my only real issue with Battlefront 2 EA is that Theed seemed ... empty. which is why I plan on recreating it and then adding in 100+ clones holding off and invasion of 100+ droids, I mean isn't that what an ASSULT should look like ?
Now yes I know the game isn't even out and that was only an alpha , and yes chances are that this game will come with an "XL" or "battlefield 1 operations" type mode, but my message to DICE an EA is loud and clear Lets see some large scale over the top Clone WARS action !!
I present to you an early alpha of Naboo: Assault on Theed
In week until the first alpha, everyone who posted here will get an alpha a few days before it is released to the public. I will post when I am sending the alphas out to these people and
If you didn't post here and still want the alpha early like them just DM me here on Gametoast
Here is the release scheduled :
My alpha >>> EA's Beta >>> My Beta (may include story mode) >>> EA'S Release.
NOTE : This concept can become reality but I want to have all the ingredients on the table first !!
WHAT I STILL NEED: Kid Anikin, Young Pademe, Naboo Generator Room, Naboo Hanger, Naboo Palace hallways models
If you have any of these models already or would be interested getting them in msh format for me please contact me here on Gametoast
Even If you just wanna help resizing models please contact I WILL SHARE CREDIT WITH ANYONE WHO HELPS !!
I'm super glad that I've kinda found time to do some modding in between the YouTube channel but because of the channel things are moving kinda slow.
I will release a early alpha for you guys to play soon and update the pictures above regularly.
What do you guys think about the map so far and what are your thoughts on Battlfront 2 EA, what are some of your ideas for this map going forward ?