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Dantooine at War

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:26 am
by CT108

A big project : I want to do some little battles on Dantooine and do a huge map called Dantooine at War with all the little battles in one ! Little battles : Dantooine, Landing Zone / Dantooine, Battle in the City / Dantooine, Road the City / Dantooine, Swamp / Dantooine, Forest / Huge map : Dantooine at War (contains a republic base, 2 landing zone, 1 swamp, 1 forest, a big city, some mountains, a big road, 1 lake and A SKY TO GROUND !)


Here's the stock sides (of my map, not the sides of the base game) :
Clone trooper
Heavy Trooper
AT-RT Driver
Clone Medic
ARF Trooper
ARC Trooper
Commander Blitz

Super Battle Droid
Assault Droid
Assassin Droid
Engineer Droid
Toxic Droid
Droid Commando
Tactical Droid
Here's some informations about patches :

1) Green ARC Trooper

2) More trees of Dantooine

3) New loading screen (thanks to CdtFox)

4) New minimap

5) New lasers

6) New animation for the pistol

7) AT-TE, IFT-X and ATT fixed (now the bots goes in)

7.5) I try to fix the stuck bots (I hope you can understand me ^^ ). More informations about this coming soon...

8) Mod in french and in Spanish

9) New grenades

CONTENT OF THE NEW PATCH ! (Dantooine, Swamp)

More water on the map
More hills
New animations

That's all !
Here's good new if you want to customize your experience on this mod (personalization mod) :
Can I customize the mod ? YES !

So I will add 3 packs for this mod. Packs ? Yes, packs, because you can change the clone legions, the map and the droids !

Pack 1 : Sides. In this pack there is 10 custom sides per team ! Sides :


501st Legion - 41st Legion - 63rd Legion - 327th Star Corps - 212nd Legion - 45th Legion - 108th Legion - 62nd Legion - Senate Commandos - 645th Legion (Dantooine Troopers)


B1 Battle Droids - Mandalorians - Droid Commandos - B2 Battle Droids - Camo Droids - Arctic Droids (White Camo) - Aqua Droids (The Aqua Droids and Blue Camo Droids) - Magnaguards - IG Assassin Droids - Brown Droids (Rocket Battle Droid Style)

Pack 2 : Worlds. You can change the map ! For exemple, you can play in the night or fight on winter !

Files in this pack : Dantooine at Night - Dantooine in the Rain - Dantooine : Winter War - Dantooine, Spring. Why there isn't the summer ? Because the summer is the original map !

Pack 3 : Sky to Ground. Yes you can change the map "ground" to "sky to ground" !

Files : Dantooine, Aerial Battle for the Landing Zone - Dantooine, Bombers on the City - Dantooine at War : Sky to ground - Dantooine, Protection of The Road - Dantooine, Starfighters in the Swamp - Dantooine, Forest : Hell for the Starfighters. And why not after this a new space battle !

Check this every day to see the news :
*Due to the differents time zone, sometimes I will post news but you will see them the yesterday or the tomorrow (idk if you can understand sry for my bad english....). For exemple if I upload a new at 7:00AM a 11/10, you will see the new if you live in USA the 11/09.

11/17/2016 : The map Dantooine Swamp is nearly finished !

11/18/2016 : I'm starting the creation of the 1st CIS side of the pack #1, the aqua droids.

11/19/2016 : Strange bug with the heroes

11/20/2016 : I'm still trying to fix my heroes bug, without sucess

11/21/2016 : I can't fix this bug !!!! So anyway, if I can't work on the sides I will work on the maps

11/22/2016 : Dantooine, Swamp is finished (the map only, not the sides and the lighting and the grass) !

11/23/2016 : I'm working on a new era for Dantooine, Swamp : The bounty hunters !

11/24/2016 : The bounty hunter era is nearly finished

11/25/2016 : I can't fix the hero glitch...

11/26/2016 : First pics of Dantooine, Swamp !

11/27/2016 : The hero glitch is only in the Clone Wars. So, for the new era, the heroes works fine.

11/28/2016 : Surprise coming soon

11/29/2016 : New download for this week !

11/30/2016 : I have some pics of the bounty hunters era, just need to upload them

12/01/2016 : No news, but I'm still working on the mod

12/02/2016 : New pics of the bounty hunters !

12/03 - 05/2016 : Not at home, so I haven't worked on the mod

12/06/2016 : Still working on the mod...

12/07/2016 : "11/29/2016 : New download for this week !" Sorry that's a fail ! (But I will try to post a new download this week, it's promise)

12/08/2016 - 12/16/2016 : I was very busy with the school and this is why I haven't posted more news.

12/17/2016 : Holidays !!!! Sooo now I will work again and post news !

12/18/2016 : 1st pics of the mando's

12/19/2016 : Rogue One troopers...

12/20/2016 : Rogue One Imperial troopers update !

2017 !!!

01/23/2017 : A new new after one month !

02/08/2017 : A download coming soon, and it's not a patch or a pack...

02/18/2017 : A question : Do you want a closed beta (and I choose who participate) or a public beta ? The beta map is Dantooine, City. More infos about the vote today and tomorrow
Here's some pics :
Commander Bly Image
327th Captain Image
Captain Moss (62nd Legion) Image
Epic battle on Dantooine, Landing Zone Image
Here's some vids (Thanks to SkinnyODST and Wolf936 !) :
And finally the downloads :

I hope you like this mod ! :wink:

Re: Dantooine at War

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:45 pm
by thelegend
This looks very interesting so far. I would recommend adding some lights like directional lights which cast shadows (And with specular enabled).

Re: Dantooine at War

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:00 pm
by CT108
thelegend wrote:This looks very interesting so far. I would recommend adding some lights like directional lights which cast shadows (And with specular enabled).
Thanks !
The light is a good idea, (I've never used light, I try to add it ^^ )

Re: Dantooine at War

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 7:59 pm
by MikeTheBeast55
You might want to do some reskinning of some of these objects. For example, the Yavin 4 tunnel in the Bespin building and maybe change the background or change the ground terrain to make it more like Dantooine. I do like the new sides added in, did you make a majority of these or borrow custom made ones from modders around the community?

Re: Dantooine at War

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:28 am
by CT108
MikeTheBeast55 wrote:You might want to do some reskinning of some of these objects. For example, the Yavin 4 tunnel in the Bespin building and maybe change the background or change the ground terrain to make it more like Dantooine. I do like the new sides added in, did you make a majority of these or borrow custom made ones from modders around the community?
I've downloaded all the models (weapons and troopers) but for the weapons, I do the script. Same for the troopers ;)
And for the buildings / ground, it's only the first pic, so I will change some buildings.

Re: Dantooine at War

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 7:30 am
by CdtFox
MikeTheBeast55 wrote: maybe change the background or change the ground terrain to make it more like Dantooine.
He already changed the background and the ground with the first patch :)

Re: Dantooine at War

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 10:54 am
by MikeTheBeast55
CdtFox wrote:He already changed the background and the ground with the first patch :)
Ah, I thought the first picture was the first release so I got confused, thanks for clearing that up CdtFox!

Re: Dantooine at War

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:14 am
by CT108
MikeTheBeast55 wrote:
CdtFox wrote:He already changed the background and the ground with the first patch :)
Ah, I thought the first picture was the first release so I got confused, thanks for clearing that up CdtFox!
I will precise this : "the pic is from the patch #1" , because yes, some people can be confused

Re: Dantooine at War

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:16 pm
by Delta327
Like the mod keep up the good work

Re: Dantooine at War

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 5:14 pm
by CT108
Delta327 wrote:Like the mod keep up the good work
Thanks !
And there is some good news for today !

12/05/2016 : New news about the mod !

ADDED STUFF : Dantooine, Forest patch and updated the "news of day".