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Infantry Modification (build 10052014.0061)

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:16 pm
by Glitch25
Infantry Modification Gameplay

The Infantry modification is a work in progress, future updates include appearance customization, ability selection; i.e. stealth, shields, jump pack, jet pack, and the option to modify a hero. Upon the modification's release, I'll also upload the assets utilized to create it.

ReadMe Document
Infantry Modification - v1.0

Modification recommends "Battlefront United - v1.0"
The content within BFU is supported by this modification.

The concept behind this modification is the reduction of
heavy explosive and power weapons and the introduction
of balanced precision weapons. Infantry units have varied
rifle types, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

An additional feature of this modification is the support
of custom Units and Custom Heroes. They can be modified in
game when accessing the menu. It's all rather intuitive.

I hope you enjoy playing as much as I did creating it!
- Glitch25

Date Started Date Completed
04/09/2012 ??/??/2014


1. Installation

2. Information

3. Credits

4. Modification

5. Disclaimer

1. Installation


1. Extract the "Infantry Mod" folder.

2. Place the ZCM folder in your addon folder.

3. Run the game and play any stock mode.


1. Remove the ZCM folder from your addon folder.

2. Information


- Blaster Rifle (Medium Range)
- Blaster Pistol
- Thermal Detonators (x4)
- [425 HP]
- [7.0 SP]

- Rocket Launcher
- Blaster Pistol (Commando)
- Thermal Detonators (x2)
- Mines (x3)
- [550 HP]
- [6.0 SP]

[POINTMAN CLASS] - (Replaces Rocketeer on maps without vehicles)
- Shotgun
- Blaster Pistol
- Thermal Detonators (x2)
- Time Bombs (x3)
- [475 HP]
- [6.5 SP]

- Sniper Rifle
- Blaster Pistol
- Thermal Detonators (x2)
- Recon Droid (x1)
- [300 HP]
- [8.0 SP]

- Blaster Rifle (Close Range)
- Blaster Pistol
- Health Powerup
- Fusion Cutter
- [425 HP]
- [7.0 SP]

- Blaster Rifle (Long Range)
- Blaster Pistol
- Thermal Detonators
- Auto Turret (x1)
- [425 HP]
- [7.0 SP]

- Blaster Pistol (Commando)
- Fusion Cutter
- Time Bombs (x3)
- [425 HP]
- [7.0 SP]

- Blaster Rifle
- Rocket Launcher
- Thermal Detonators (x4)
- [425 HP]
- [6.0 SP]


- Rifle [-000 HP] [-0.0 SP]
- Sniper [-125 HP] [+1.0 SP]
- Shotgun [+050 HP] [-0.5 SP]
- Launcher [+125 HP] [-1.0 SP]
- Bowcaster [+125 HP] [-1.0 SP]
- Chaingun
- Mortar
- Flame
- Shock
- Combust

- Pistol
- Burst
- Trishot
- Rocket
- Sport
- Sonic
- Repair

[Equipment 1]
- Grenade
- Detpack
- Timer
- Mines
- Recon
- Turret

[Equipment 2]
- Healing
- Offense
- Defense
- Degrade (Poison)

[Unit Ability]
- None [-000 HP] [-0.0 SP]
- Stealth
- Jetpack [-100 HP] [-0.0 SP]
- Jumpjet [-100 HP] [-0.0 SP]
- Sheilds [+225 HP] [-4.5 SP]

[Appearance] (Clone)
- Shiny Clone
- 41st Legion
- 212th Legion
- 327th Legion
- 501st Legion
- Naboo Guard

[Appearance] (Droid)
- B1 Battle Droid
- B2 Super Battle Droid
- IG-86 Sentinel Droid
- IG-100 Magna Guard

[Appearance] (Rebel)
- Human Rebel
- Bothan Rebel
- Wookiee Rebel
- Mandalorian

[Appearance] (Storm)
- Storm Troopers
- Scout Troopers
- Dark Troopers


[Primary] (Hero)
- None
- Lightsaber
- Doublesaber
- Dualsaber

[Secondary] (Hero)
- None
- Push
- Pull

[Tertiary] (Hero)
- None
- Choke
- Shock
- Throw

[Master] (Animation Set)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Mace Windu
- Ki-Adi-Mundi
- Aayla Secura
- Luke Skywalker
- Darth Maul
- Count Dooku
- Darth Sidious
- Darth Vader

3. Credits

- Pandemic
- AceMastermind
- Icemember
- kinetosimpetus
- Icemember
- Darth D.U.C.K.
- RepSharpshooter
- Fragme!
- Deviss
- Labj
- Deviss
- Sky_216

- Icemember
- Mike Z
- FragMe

- Pencil134
- RevanSithLord
- ARC_Troopa_Nate
- RevanSithLord

- Arc_Troopa_Nate
- Icemember
- RevanSithLord
- Nedarb7
- SWBF Custom Community
- Gametoast Community
- Pandemic
- Lucas Arts
- Technology
- Evolution
- Science

4. Modification

This lists the skin/unit types, if you wish to use this
side in any of your own maps feel free to do so. Please
be sure to credit the material artists!

- cis_inf_rifleman (Standard Skin)
- cis_inf_rifleman_geo (Geonosis Skin)
- rep_inf_ep2_rifleman (Phase 1 Armor)
- rep_inf_ep3_rifleman (Phase 2 Armor)
- imp_inf_rifleman (Standard Skin)
- imp_inf_rifleman_snow (Arctic Outfit)
- all_inf_rifleman (Standard Skin)
- all_inf_rifleman_snow (Arctic Outfit)

- cis_inf_rocketeer (Standard Skin)
- cis_inf_rocketeer_geo (Geonosis Skin)
- rep_inf_ep2_rocketeer (Phase 1 Armor)
- rep_inf_ep3_rocketeer (Phase 2 Armor)
- imp_inf_rocketeer (Standard Skin)
- imp_inf_rocketeer_snow (Arctic Outfit)
- all_inf_rocketeer (Standard Skin)
- all_inf_rocketeer_snow (Arctic Outfit)

- cis_inf_pointman (Standard Skin)
- cis_inf_pointman_geo (Geonosis Skin)
- rep_inf_ep2_pointman (Phase 1 Armor)
- rep_inf_ep3_pointman (Phase 2 Armor)
- imp_inf_pointman (Standard Skin)
- imp_inf_pointman_snow (Arctic Outfit)
- all_inf_pointman (Standard Skin)
- all_inf_pointman_snow (Arctic Outfit)

- cis_inf_sniper (Standard Skin)
- cis_inf_sniper_geo (Geonosis Skin)
- rep_inf_ep2_sniper (Phase 1 Armor)
- rep_inf_ep3_sniper (Phase 2 Armor)
- imp_inf_sniper (Standard Skin)
- imp_inf_sniper_snow (Arctic Outfit)
- all_inf_sniper (Standard Skin)
- all_inf_sniper_snow (Arctic Outfit)

- cis_inf_engineer (Standard Skin)
- cis_inf_engineer_geo (Geonosis Skin)
- rep_inf_ep2_engineer (Phase 1 Armor)
- rep_inf_ep2_engineer (Phase 2 Armor)
- imp_inf_engineer (Standard Skin)
- imp_inf_engineer_snow (Arctic Outfit)
- all_inf_engineer (Standard Skin)
- all_inf_engineer_snow (Arctic Outfit)

- cis_inf_officer (Standard Skin)
- cis_inf_officer_geo (Geonosis Skin)
- rep_inf_ep2_officer (Phase 1 Armor)
- rep_inf_ep3_officer (Phase 2 Armor)
- imp_inf_officer (Standard Skin)
- imp_inf_officer_snow (Arctic Outfit)
- all_inf_officer (Standard Skin)
- all_inf_officer_snow (Arctic Outfit)

- cis_inf_pilot (Standard Skin)
- cis_inf_pilot_geo (Geonosis Skin)
- rep_inf_ep2_pilot (Phase 1 Armor)
- rep_inf_ep3_pilot (Phase 2 Armor)
- imp_inf_pilot (Standard Skin)
- imp_inf_pilot_snow (Arctic Outfit)
- all_inf_pilot (Standard Skin)
- all_inf_pilot_snow (Arctic Outfit)

- cis_inf_marine (Standard Skin)
- cis_inf_marine_geo (Geonosis Skin)
- rep_inf_ep2_marine (Phase 1 Armor)
- rep_inf_ep3_marine (Phase 2 Armor)
- imp_inf_marine (Standard Skin)
- imp_inf_marine_snow (Arctic Outfit)
- all_inf_marine (Standard Skin)
- all_inf_marine_snow (Arctic Outfit)

[Custom Soldier]
- cts_droid (Standard Skin)
- cts_droid2 (Geonosis Skin)
- cts_clone (Phase 1 Armor)
- cts_clone2 (Phase 2 Armor)
- cts_storm (Standard Skin)
- cts_storm2 (Arctic Outfit)
- cts_rebel (Standard Skin)
- cts_rebel2 (Arctic Outfit)

     5. Disclaimer

If you want to use this side mod in a map feel free to do so.
Please contact me at (email in .txt file only) if you encounter
any errors or crashes while utilizing the side modification.


Re: Infantry Modification (build 08042014.0055)

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:48 pm
by thelegend
Sounds and looks interesting. Did you create this mod? I like the idea and how it works.

Re: Infantry Modification (build 08042014.0055)

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:15 pm
by Glitch25
Yes, this modification is my own, I've credited the individuals whom have permitted the use of their own assets in combination with my own.
I'll add the entirety of the README to the original post. Nedarb7 had created the customization function to be used in the modification.
3. Credits

- Pandemic
- AceMastermind
- Icemember
- kinetosimpetus
- Icemember
- Darth D.U.C.K.
- RepSharpshooter
- Fragme!
- Deviss
- Labj
- Deviss
- Sky_216

- Icemember
- Mike Z
- FragMe

- Pencil134
- RevanSithLord
- ARC_Troopa_Nate
- RevanSithLord

- Arc_Troopa_Nate
- Icemember
- RevanSithLord
- Nedarb7
- SWBF Custom Community
- Gametoast Community
- Pandemic
- Lucas Arts

Re: Infantry Modification (build 08042014.0055)

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:17 pm
by MileHighGuy
That is REALLY cool. Is it multiplayer compatible?

Re: Infantry Modification (build 08042014.0055)

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:18 pm
by thelegend
Indeed. That would be cool. But now as a hack? Just as a mod thta works if everybody has it..right?

Re: Infantry Modification (build 08042014.0055)

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:19 pm
by Glitch25
MileHighGuy wrote:That is REALLY cool. Is it multiplayer compatible?
I've yet to test multiplayer, not to mention the lack of servers recently. However, it's certainly something I'd like to do.
In addition to the current modification layout, I'd like to implement a balance system when creating a custom unit.
thelegend wrote:Indeed. That would be cool. But now as a hack? Just as a mod that works if everybody has it..right?
The modification will require that everyone whom wishes to participate, has it installed. It won't affect the shipped gameplay.

Re: Infantry Modification (build 08042014.0055)

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:45 pm
by MileHighGuy
Will you be implementing graphics for each customization option?

Re: Infantry Modification (build 08042014.0055)

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:54 pm
by Glitch25
What do you mean by graphics, specifically? The user interface aesthetic, or visual changes with textures or models on units?

Re: Infantry Modification (build 08042014.0055)

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:00 pm
by MileHighGuy
For the customization interface. By graphics I mean pictures beside each weapon you choose so you know what you're choosing. Maybe even show the unit with the weapon/ appearance like in the unit select screen.

Re: Infantry Modification (build 08042014.0055)

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:04 pm
by Glitch25
Hm, well a number of the weapons use the same model. Say for example the Flamethrower and the Incinerator, or the Shotgun and the Rifle.
I suppose it would be nice to add that feature, but i'm not entirely certain it's feasible, I'll have to talk to Nedarb7 about it.

Re: Infantry Modification (build 08042014.0055)

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:04 pm
by MikeTheBeast55
This sounds like and visually looks like a good idea to me! The units do not look half bad at all! Is this an Era Mod or will this be playable on a completely separate map? By any chance do you have an estimation on when you will complete this project? Sorry if I am bombarding you with questions but I am a very curious individual.

Re: Infantry Modification (build 08042014.0055)

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:10 pm
by Glitch25
The modification affects all stock maps; it's also retrofitted to support our Star Wars Battlefront United modification, all four main factions are included.
We don't have an estimation, I do apologize for that. This project has been rather sporadic in recent years, I began in early 2012.

By all means, ask questions. The more discussion pertaining to the mod, the better off it'll be upon release.

Re: Infantry Modification (build 08042014.0055)

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:14 pm
by Generalfacu
I always wanted to customize my unit! It is a great idea.

Re: Infantry Modification (build 08042014.0055)

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 12:58 pm
by CommanderCody
I´ve never thought that customizing is possible in swbf2, now I know it better :D
It looks really good, will mappers be able to add the customizing to their maps?

Re: Infantry Modification (build 08042014.0055)

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 2:05 pm
by commanderawesome
CommanderCody wrote:I´ve never thought that customizing is possible in swbf2, now I know it better :D
It looks really good, will mappers be able to add the customizing to their maps?
Glitch wrote:Upon the modification's release, I'll also upload the assets utilized to create it.

Re: Infantry Modification (build 08042014.0055)

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 2:17 pm
by thelegend
WOW. That would be amazing. For a role play game mod with selectable weapons for your character. Extra for online mode. Can not wait testing this.

Re: Infantry Modification (build 08042014.0055)

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 3:52 pm
by ARCTroopaNate
Impressive, most impressive.

Re: Infantry Modification (build 08042014.0055)

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 12:29 pm
by major0spidey
well,hope the customized troops aren't like syth's BFP geonosis map,we don't have to go to the base and pick between weapnons on the wall then wear cloth(creepy at first) then search for a ride(if there's any left)I mean sure,it's realistic,but wastes a lot of,how's your customization gonna be like? I can't wait for it anyway,good luck,and hope you post screenshots soon! :)

Re: Infantry Modification (build 08042014.0055)

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:19 pm
by commanderawesome
Watch the video in the first post.

Re: Infantry Modification (build 08042014.0055)

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:12 pm
by major0spidey
you guys should still upload screenshots,alot easier to load than vids,I'm not forcing you though,good luck with the mod! :) (I'm speaking generally of course)