Battlefront II : KOTOR Is a massive modification project for the original Battlefront II.
It will include your favorite maps from the KotOR games, all of the models from this mod, are from the KOTOR games.
As of now, the Mandalorian Unit's are done, I have to finish the Republic Infantry and the Sith Infantry.
As well as the Hero units.
Ever wanted to play Nihilus, Carth, Mission, Sion, Traya, Malak, Zalbaar, Juhani, Atton, Mira, Cassus Fett, Mandalore the Ultimate, etc?
Well you will be able to in this mod.
I will be adding in quite a few Heroes & Villains.
You'll be able to battle in tons of maps like : Malachor V, The Endar Spire, The Ravager, Dantooine, Dxun, The Star Forge, and so on.
BFII : KOTOR will include three Eras : Mandalorian Wars, Jedi Civil War, and Dark Wars.
NOTE : This mod is still in the works! I will be releasing an alpha release in the near future.
Mod Developed by :
Special Thanks to :
Mandalore the Ravager
Obsidian Entertainment
Credit to :
Obsidian Entertainment & BioWare for the models.
Fenharel : for the re-skins on some models.
Seikan: Mandalore's Armor
Jeroen(imo) : For the Republic & Mandalorian Ships.
90SK : for the Nihilus mask re-skin.
Se9 : For Mandalores mask.
Also, I'd recommend joining the Discord Community for faster updates on the mod.