making a han solo skin

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making a han solo skin

Post by jano31coa »

I'm trying to make a Han Solo skin

first, I wanna create a new side with Han Solo without any skin
but I can't make it work

what I did :

1) copy these files to the sides folder

2) create a han folder

3) modify the lua script ... Sc_con.lua

3) munge

when I launch the game it crashes

what should I do ?



RE: making a han solo skin

Post by Tuskenjedi »

there already is han solo, or are you trying to make something different?

Post by jano31coa »

Hi !

I know there's already Han Solo

but I want to make a Dash Rendar skin (he's a smuggler, he looks like han solo, but with orange hairs and an armor)

but first, before doing a skin, I want to have Han Solo as a side, and only then I'll modify its skin

so, I ask if anyone has already done that, or if anyone does know what I missed ?

thanks =))


Post by yodaminch »

First off rather then all_hero_hansolo_tat
maybe change it to all_hero_dash or something. saves steps later.
Second, your req is: allhstat.req . The file you are asking for is all_hero_hansolo_tat according to your han.req.
Third. You're missing the munged folder for the animations.
Lastly, in order to get dash and han in the same map if you wanted, you'll need to hex edit the all_1st_tatooinehansolo.msh, all_inf_tatooinehansolo.msh files and change the name of the tga file.

Hopefully that'll help.
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