How do you remove glow from mines?

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How do you remove glow from mines?

Post by Big_rich »

Anyone figure out how to remove the glow from the mines? I've spent countless hours trying to figure that one out. Editing odf's, tga's and such. This is one of my pet peaves about this game... mines should not glow. Anyone know how this is done?
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RE: How do you remove glow from mines?

Post by [RDH]Zerted »

In com_weap_inf_landmine.odf in your sides Common folder, comment out the following lines (to comment out a line, place // infront of it):

TrailEffect = "com_sfx_weap_grenade_red"
LightColor = "247 56 65 150"
LightRadius = "3.0"

RE: How do you remove glow from mines?

Post by Big_rich »

ok, I have a custom side. So I did remove that from my data_modid\sides\common folders odf, and it still had that glow. Did you auctually get it to work by removing this. If so then perhaps I am removing this from the wrong odf/folder.
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RE: How do you remove glow from mines?

Post by [RDH]Zerted »

Yes, I was able to remove it. Look through all the mine releated files and comment out anything dealing with Light and TrailEffect.
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Post by -_- »

Remember to clean your common SIDE and re-munge again.

Post by Big_rich »

OMFG I can't get it to work! It's like it's not munging MY common sides folder. I clean and munge and it still don't work. I have no clue what I could be doing wrong...
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Post by [RDH]Zerted »

Did you remember to put "dc:" in the lua?

Post by Big_rich »

Wait I need to add a dc:SIDE\\common.lvl to my lua? If so what info do I add to that? The stuff I changed? Cause at this point I'm stumped, I'm gonna edit some other stuff in my common folder tonight and see if it really IS munging/useing my edited common stuff.
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Post by [RDH]Zerted »

Read the Jedi Creation document in the mod tool's documents folder. It will walk you through the process of creating a new side. If you want to change anything about a unit, you need to create a custom side for it. Changing the sides from the assets folder won't do anything.

Post by Big_rich »

Thanks Zerted for being patient with me, but I do belive that we are not understanding eachother. My problem isn't with my edited side, in fact my side(imp) works beautifully. I've added that tat_hover_skiff, edited the weapons, view etc.. Created new odf's to edit the weapons on the skiff(I wanted the side weapons to be mortor launchers). Meaning I've refrenced the weapons in the tat_hover_skiff_odf to new odf's I've created.

My problem is that the common folder, which I've copied from bf2_modtools\assets\sides to DWI_data\sides. doesn't seem to munge. THat is, the changes I make in the DWI_data\sides\common folder do not affect the game/map. I get the following choices in Visual munge for sides: NOTHING, EVERYTHING, COMMON, imp, tur. I obviously choose EVERYTHING. But still has no effect. I've manual cleaned everything, deleted the old DWI folder in addme. I've tried everything,even editing the assets\sides\common. The changes I make to the mines in DWI_data\sides\imp(coping the com_inf_landmind txt to imp_inf_mine_dispenser_ord and refenceing the ord file in imp_inf_mine_dispenser) work and they do,in fact, remove the glow from the mines. Only problem with this method is that I will also have to copy the all folder and edit it also. Making the map size HUGE. I really need to figure out how to make global changes in the common folder and munging it just for future refrence.

So see the problem is that the friggin common's arn't getting reconized, It's like the game is just using the default commons. Really getting on my nerves. Any thoughts?

EDIT: For example say I wanted to just edit out the glow in the mines, not create a new side, or edit anything else in the sides. I would just copy the \assets\sides\common folder to modid_data\sides\. edit the common_odf's I wanted to change and munge the COMMON side in Visual munge. Correct? That should in theory remove the glow for both sides in the map right? Without adding any extra weight to the file size. Or will I have to refrence the new common.lvl in my modidg_con.lua?
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Post by [RDH]Zerted »

You don't have to copy the entire all folder. You just need the parts you change. Call the side something different and just load the changed units from it.

You never need to change anything in assets. Those files aren't touched by the munge process. Changing them does nothing. The Everything is the right choice for munging, the only think I can think of is to make sure your files aren't read only. You can try munging each side one at a time.

Post by Big_rich »

Good idea, I diddn't relize that you diddn't need the whole folder to edit units. I've checked and rechecked the read only. Idk, maybe I'll have to try in on a diff map. Editing the common. But am I correct in that if you wanted to only make global changes in your map, you need only to copy the common folder to your modid_data\sides\ folder?
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Post by [RDH]Zerted »

and I think you have to have a custom side too. Custom sides use your Common folder, standard sides use the game's common objects.

Someone else can jump in any time and tell me if I'm wrong...

Post by Big_rich »

thanka man, that worked wonderfully. I now have two small sides instead of two LARGE sides! I really apreciate the idea!
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