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Killing CPs

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 5:59 am
by Penguin
In conquest for CW i have 15 CPs.

7 for the CIS, REP and Tuskans to playa round with, and then i have 4 mobile command posts, and then 1 command post for Jawas to use. 1 for Astromech droids to use, and then 1 for the jedi and 1 for the sith.

in GCW i have nearly everything the same but i have 6 mobile command posts. what i want to know is how to you kill CPS, becouse i want to kill the CPS for the jedi and sith in GCW so the game won't crash when loading.

Whats the line i need to add the the Lua and where does it go?

~ Penguin

RE: Killing CPs

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 6:33 am
by Penguin
Okay, i solved it myself (again), i just did the same thing i did with my crashed X-Wings and Gunships, i made a .req file and a ODF file and put them in my sides folder. then placed them in my map. and then added the line to load them in the LUA for the needed mode only :p

RE: Killing CPs

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 11:06 am
by Murdocr
how did you do the thing with the x-wing/gunship. i seem to remember one of the PAN's saying you had to make a layer for gcw and cw, or are you talking about something else?

RE: Killing CPs

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 7:29 pm
by Penguin
i didn't, i have 2 layers in total for my map which has 4 modes,

Conqest for CW and GCW,
Hunt for CW,
Assaul for GCW
XL for GCW and CW

in my map i only have Conquest and Eli layers.

i just did the same thing i did with my crashed X-Wings and Gunships, i made a .req file and a ODF file and put them in my sides folder. then placed them in my map. and then added the line to load them in the LUA for the needed mode only :p