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Someone with CD Version Please Help

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 6:03 pm
by [RDH]Zerted
My map keeps crashing and I think I know why (memorypools), but I could really use an error log. The code is correct, its the problem inside the game that I'm looking for. Could someone with the CD version of the game (I have DVD version :( ) test my map and send me the error log?

The only change I've made that matters is:
units = { "all_inf_rifleman", "all_inf_rocketeer", "all_inf_engineer", "all_inf_sniper", "all_inf_officer", "all_inf_wookiee" }

for number = 1,5 do
for slot = 1,2 do
SetClassProperty( units[number], "WeaponName" .. slot, "all_weap_inf_pistol" )
SetClassProperty( units[number], "WeaponAmmo" .. slot, "0" )
Please paste this into the lua of a blank map. It goes after the SetupTeams section. The game mode needs to be galactic conquest (g_con). Thanks for any help.

edit: or download the entire map instead: ...

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 6:23 pm
by Ace_Azzameen_5
There is an interesting program called game jackal. Someone with the CD version could make a profile.

P.S. Don't lock this, the program is legal.

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 5:11 am
by [RDH]Zerted
For those intrested, the above code changes the weapons in slots 1 and 2 of the first five units (all but the wookiee) to that of a pistol with unlimited ammo. It seems to work ok if I only change a few units, but when I change more the game becomes very unstable.

I'm working on the process of making troops completely dynamic. Everyone starts off as a basic unit, then they can upgrade their weapons over time. You could upgrade your unit by going into a locker room and selecting weapons, skins, and armor. Enemy units would drop their weapons instead of health/ammo, so you could also upgrade by stealing enemy weapons. The more weapons and armor you have, the slower you would move.

I can get this to work, the main problem I need to overcome is described in my first post. Anyone want to help me out?

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 10:57 am
by drummerzoid1
you don't need two "end"s unless they are in different angles

try it like this
for slot = 1,2 do
SetClassProperty( units[number], "WeaponName" .. slot, "all_weap_inf_pistol" )
SetClassProperty( units[number], "WeaponAmmo" .. slot, "0" )
for number = 1,5 do
etClassProperty( units[number], "WeaponName" .. slot, "all_weap_inf_pistol" )
SetClassProperty( units[number], "WeaponAmmo" .. slot, "0" )

also try adding this at the top?

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 5:56 pm
by [RDH]Zerted
"The numeric progression version of for has the following syntax:
for variable = from_exp , to_exp [, step_exp] do block end "
Both ends are required, they are a part of the for loops.

The code is 100% correct. It works good. The problem is the game can't handle 10 pistols. I would like to know the error being generated by the game so I can figure out why it can't handle 10 pistols.

edit: Here is a complete source of the map. I've still been trying to fix it, so the quoted code is slightly different (same general problem though) than what is posted above. The code is correct, I need the error log generated by the game.

Download: ...