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getting the hailfire droid to lock onto targets

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:07 pm
by Unknown
does anyone know exactly how to get the hailfire droid to have locking missiles like most aircraft and vanguards? ive tried a few things by now including creating a duplicate parent class for the hail fire droid weapon odf and even changing the parent class of the duplicate parent class from a weapon to a launcher " assuming thta only launchers can lock on to targets.
I think i have some what of an idea of what im doing but probably not enough.
helping me solve this problem could score you some credit for the map i am trying to include this mod on.

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:13 pm
by -_-
TargetEnemy = "1"
TargetNeutral = "0"
TargetFriendly = "0"

TargetPerson = "0"
TargetAnimal = "0"
TargetDroid = "0"
TargetVehicle = "1"
TargetBuilding = "0"

LockOnRange = "400.0"
LockOnAngle = "6.0"
LockOffAngle = "10.0"
LockTime = "0.1"

add those to your hailfire missle's odf..

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:33 pm
by Unknown
i just tried that and it didnt really seem to have any effect