Foliage question. Please help

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Foliage question. Please help

Post by Big_rich »

ok, well I've made my ppp file, not sure where to refrence it... do I need to add a line to the .req file? Cause I can't seem to get plants I've added with the folage tool in zeroeditor to show in game. I've looked at other world .req and such and can't seem to find how to get the file to be loaded. I've read the manual and it doesn't mention where or how this get's loaded. any ideas greatly appreciated

Sorry edit: I mean the prp file. I did make it correctly. I simply copied and pasted the kas2.prp file and renamed it to modid.prp. I put prop in .req file this just doesn't want to freaking work. Please someone has to have gotten foliage to work in BF2. I also added the correct odf and msh to the folders.

I'm just an idiot. I forgot to turn it on in ZE. Show in game foliage... doh, live and learn I suppose.
Last edited by Big_rich on Sat Apr 29, 2006 12:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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RE: Foliage question. Please help

Post by PvtParts »

You shouldnt have to add it to the .req file. Its already mentioned in the .req file.

I'd undue any changes, because loading it twice could break it.
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