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Lots of questions. And yes, I did seach.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:07 am
by MasterDoson
Lots and lots of questions! Oh boy!

As always, I apologize if this has been answered before but alas, here I am to bother the peaceful denizens of gametoast. :D

Anyway, without further ado, my questions, and again thank you to all who answers, and I am sorry if they have aked been before.

Q: Why the bloody hell does the textures for the terrain hate each other? I cannot place anything over a higher texture in the layer column to the right, and if I am not careful cannot revert back to the texture I add underneath the previous one. To clarify, why can I paint over a layer 1 texture, but not a layer 1 over a 2? And if there is no workaround to this, Diet Dr. Pepper that sucks. And the other problem is, if you place the default grey (no texture) you CANNOT get rid of it, even moving it up and down in the layers, you can't, very, very frustrating.

Q2: This occurs with nearly all object's names, whether it be a cp, or simple building, and can also severely affect the outcome of the map. Why is it that sometimes when say, I input new information into paths, objects, or regions and others as well, the information I've selected will be switched around, such has when placing a cp, i'll give it the properties of Cp1_Spawn, then make another completely new cp and name it cp2_spawn, and then later when I come back to them to check to make sure I put them in correctly the info boxes are either all erased with the information I put for their specific cp, or they'll be switched around?

Q3: Why won't the bots spawn? I saw a fix for this last night while seaching, but didn't bother to save it because I wasn't having this problem, up until now, and I couldn't find it again, and used several seach fields.

Q4: Trying to change the sky is a pain in the arse, I've gotten the sky map working twice before, I have placed all of the correct files in the correct folders, I have all of the correct files, and I also have set geo_sky.tga (or as the environment texture in the lighting tab. So why is it so bloody iffy on working?

Q5: Out of all of these question this is probably the worst one, at least in my point of view. Okay, so I started this map from scratch, created a new terrain size (192x192) and deleted all of the yavin information regarding the map right? Wrong, there are four path nodes directly in the center of my map, and I cannot select the, see them in the channelbox, or delete them. Why have the gods cursed me so?

Q6: What are .REQ and .msh.option files? I know msh files are are some sort of texture file for odfs, and odfs are models, but what are these files for? I know they must be used for something, but do not know what, and the documentation and a seach on these forums have not given me a answer.

Thank you, much appreciated. :)

RE: Lots of questions. And yes, I did seach.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 5:17 am
by [RDH]Zerted
A: Have you tried removing the old texture or are you just painting over it? Removing a texture will only remove the texture you have selected. Clear the area you want to paint, then place a new texture.

A2: When are you naming the object? Before you place it or after? After you place the object, select it and then rename it. Why ZeroEdit doesn't save the info before you place the object I don't know, but it doesn't.

A3: There are many reasons why bots won't spawn. I would guess you have a problem with your Lua. Check your CPs, and make sure they all correctly exist in ZeroEdit. Then look at how your sides are loaded, then everything else.

A5: (not an answer:) There have been problems with people changing the map sizes. Objects/regions won't line up the same way in the game as they look in ZeroEdit. Everything will be shifted in some way. This might be fixed using map bounding boxes, but I have never tried. (Possible answer:) Make sure you are in the correct layer (check all the layers), and make sure you are in the right edit mode.

A6: .req files are used by the munging process. They tell the program what to include in the .lvl files when building your map. This is to make sure something you need (like the mesh for health packs) isn't left out. I think they are talked about in the Jedi Creation guide.

RE: Lots of questions. And yes, I did seach.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 5:49 am
by MasterDoson
Thank you, thank you, *bows*.

Q/A3: It's after I place the object, doesn't matter what I do just does that sometimes. Perhaps a bug?

And the LUA script, which LUA? This is more of just asking for the clarification, I assume you mean the *mymap'sridiculous3lettername* and then c = conquestblahblah.lua right?

And, yes I am in the right edit, and layer mode when trying to delete those bloody paths. :/

RE: Lots of questions. And yes, I did seach.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 7:13 am
by Teancum
Ans for Q5: Terrain can only be one of these sizes 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512. (basically a power of 2) 512x512 was the biggest we could go in BF1 and nobody has tried to go bigger in BF2.

Re: RE: Lots of questions. And yes, I did seach.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:06 am
by MasterDoson
Teancum wrote:Ans for Q5: Terrain can only be one of these sizes 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512. (basically a power of 2) 512x512 was the biggest we could go in BF1 and nobody has tried to go bigger in BF2.
Well, not no one. I tried 1024x1024 early on, map didn't crash, neither did Zero, but this had NOTHING completely a test to try to figure map sizes. Funny, I am using this 192x192 size, and I have gotten several zero crashes, but I don't know if that has to do with the map size, one was caused because I tried to place a bloody boulder O_o. many Diet Dr. Pepper obstacles. :(

Oh and, is there no way to get around the teleporting CPS and objects? Because I am am eticulous Diet Dr. Pepper, and I like to have things just perfect. Once again I am sorry for having to bother you guys with asking these things.

RE: Re: RE: Lots of questions. And yes, I did seach.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:31 pm
by [RDH]Zerted
A3: Make sure you press [Enter] after you finished typing in the new value.

This Lua: [MapID][Era]_[Mode].lua
Example: TGMc_con.lua or TGMg_con.lua.

Re: Lots of questions. And yes, I did seach.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:27 pm
by Schizo
MasterDoson wrote:Q6: What are .REQ and .msh.option files? I know msh files are are some sort of texture file for odfs, and odfs are models, but what are these files for? I know they must be used for something, but do not know what, and the documentation and a seach on these forums have not given me a answer.
MSH files are the models, not the ODFs. You see, the game has multiple types of files and scripts that all call each other and make it load the right things for each unit. REQ files are scripts which are required for the game to call for the right files and such for each unit. Let's use the Republic as an example.

Now, inside the Republic's side folder, you have an REQ file named "rep". If you look in a generic Clone Wars Mission.lua, you'll see a line that says ReadDataFile("SIDE\\rep.lvl", or something along those lines. This tells the game to look for the REQ file (or, when munged, the LVL file) named "rep". Once it finds the REQ, it'll look further into the file and look for the certain things that the Mission.lua calls for.

For example, let's say one of the lines in the REQ file calls for the "rep_inf_ep3_rifleman", which is the Clone Trooper. That's telling the game to look for yet another REQ file, inside the Rep -> REQ folder of the side. Inside there it'll look for the REQ named "rep_inf_ep3_rifleman". If it finds that, it'll look inside there to see what that REQ will call for. That'll lead it to the actual ODF for the unit. In this case, the rep_inf_ep3_rifleman.ODF.

Now, ODFs aren't models, but more or less just tell how the unit is put together. ODFs tell the game what model, weapons, etc. a unit has. MSH files are the models for the unit. Every unit, weapon, vehicle, etc. has an ODF file calling for different models, effects, animations, etc. MSH files are the models, which call for certain animations, textures, effects, etc. also. The TGA files are the textures that the model calls for. To tell you the truth, I'm not exactly sure of the purpose of the MSH.option and TGA.option files, but they're required for it to work right, most of the time.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 9:35 pm
by PvtParts
A5) To get rid of the cps, or move the regions paths associated change the layer from base to conquest (layer menu up top)

to move it hold c and click mouse buttons, to delete it hit the delete key that resides (normally) directly above the 4 directional keys (note, numpad delete and backspace dont work)

to move the paths just click and drag, the regions hold c and click mouse buttons.

Edit: sometimes ive ran across a problem where you cant select anything in zeroedit. simply save and restart the program usually fixes this