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Applying no "Player Awards" to SinglePlayer

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 11:06 am
by 010_sWitch_010

I'm currently trying to apply the "Player Award" option available in multiplayer matches into SinglePlayer matches. Mainly so i can play a Singleplayer match without having to try and not get awards (I hate the aurora that comes with "Guardian"/"War Hero", it slows down my game)

Heres what i've tried to do. I first tried to just place the option into the singleplayer's general option. That was easy and the mod tools had all the files needed to compile a complete shell.lvl file in the "\assets\shell" folder. That didn't actually apply the settings in game though.
Next i tried a different tactic and went into the ingame.lvl files, I changed the points.lua file (it governs how many points are assigned to a player after an action eg. kill a vehicle), because i was willing to forgo getting points to avoid the award chimes that sound every second. However when i tried to munge the files of "\assets" and "\data\common" it seems to make an incomplete ingame.lvl.

Basically what i want to know is:
-Has anyone succeeded getting rid of awards in singleplayer
-Is there a seperate file that controls the prerequisites for medals to be awarded
Or if it is even possible to do what i want, cause theres no point in me wasting my time.

Re: Applying no "Player Awards" to SinglePlayer

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 6:48 pm
by Delta_57_Dash
Whoa dude... first off, cussing is forbidden, and for use of the "f word", my guess is straight to the "black list", aka, Leviathan is watching you.

RE: Re: Applying no "Player Awards" to SinglePlaye

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 6:51 pm
by Teancum
Not just Leviathan. MUHAHAHAHA!!

RE: Re: Applying no "Player Awards" to SinglePlaye

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 6:56 pm
by Delta_57_Dash

wow that was quick response an-

WHAT! NOOOOO! tean, you have more posts than me -.-

RE: Re: Applying no "Player Awards" to SinglePlaye

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 7:02 pm
by Bobafett16
I suggest if you want to stay out of trouble, first apologize for the use of that word, second – never use it again on GT. :?

and btw, welcome to GT :roll:

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 11:07 pm
by 010_sWitch_010

Sorry about using that offensive word, i guess i just had a lapse in judgement. I've edited the post too.