Well for #1 and #2 all you have to do is load the conquest layer when you're loading the map in ZE.
At the top where it says CHANGE: Base, click on CHANGE and select the conquest layer. Now when you go into object edit mode you should be able to do whatever you want with the default command posts.
To add more, refer to the
Getting Started documentation. It explains how to add command posts.
If your AI aren't spawning, but you are, you might have to do something like this in your LUA.
SetMemoryPoolSize("Aimer", 75)
SetMemoryPoolSize("AmmoCounter", weaponCnt)
SetMemoryPoolSize("BaseHint", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EnergyBar", weaponCnt)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityCloth", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityFlyer", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityHover", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityLight", 200)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntitySoundStream", 4)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntitySoundStatic", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("SoldierAnimation", 404)
SetMemoryPoolSize("MountedTurret", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("Navigator", 128)
SetMemoryPoolSize("Obstacle", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("PathNode", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("SoundSpaceRegion", 64)
SetMemoryPoolSize("TreeGridStack", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("UnitAgent", 128)
SetMemoryPoolSize("UnitController", 128)
SetMemoryPoolSize("Weapon", weaponCnt)
What I've highlighted is what you should add to your LUA. I too had a problem with AI not spawning so I ran the map in BF2_modtools.exe and the log told me to add that in for them to spawn.
Hope that helps!