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A Few Space Mapping Questions...

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 2:35 pm
by WsCandy
ok i was wondering if some of you could help me with a few problems im having with my space map...

ok first off

how do i add the shimmer effects as seen in all the shipped space levels, i know/think it involves shimmer.tga located in the effects folder, ive tried applying an enviromental map in my lighting section but that doesnt work any ideas?

secondly ive managed to add to hero's to my space map but there is a problem they have no sounds and there primary lightsabre attack does no damage etc. all the force powers work correctly but again with no sound effects i was wondering if anyone knew how to solve this problem?

And finally, new skins well they dont agree with me i followed the tut in another thread but i seemed to get problems when i added ("dc:side//rep.lvl") the level would start to load up then crash to my desktop no error messages etc, when i remove the 'dc:' the map runs but with no new skin...

well these are the problems im having if anyone can help me please post :)

Thanks in advance...

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:16 pm
by MercuryNoodles
I can only be of some help with one of these, but here goes. With the side modding, you should either try to find/correct the error in your files (lua, reqs, and odfs), or scrap the side mod and start over. The error could be just about anything, though. It'd help to get more information on exactly what you changed. Btw, a good rule of thumb would be to work in small steps. If you're making a load of changes, you're going to forget what you could've done to screw things up. It's already happened to me at least twice.

My last mistake was making so many changes that I missed listing weaponsections 1-5 in an engineer's odf without realizing #4 was missing. That alone caused me to lose at least one day to tracking down that error, as it caused me to crash to desktop upon loading the level.

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 8:50 am
by Emraz
Im doing this away from my zero ed and .lua at the mo but isnt it

dc\\side rather than dc//side as you have written it.

I could be completely wrong so ignore me at your leisure.

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:59 pm
by WsCandy
Ok thanks for your help guys, i managed to get the skins working the other day, it was due to rep.lvl not fully munging, im still having the issue with the heros... and i still havnt solved the shimmer effect problem any ideas?


And thanks to c-26 for the skin :D

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 4:02 pm
by Teancum
Unfortunately there are no lightsaber sounds for the space lvl files.

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 4:27 pm
by WsCandy
ah ok then, is there anyway to add them? I take its the same for the lightsabre damage properties :(