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Getting annoyed with locals

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 11:15 am
by Murdocr
Could someone please post a working script with locals (specifically geonosians) in it. i have tried several times to get them working but with no luck. i either get munge errors or i load the game and there are no cp's. please any help would be appreciated as i have spent countless hours trying to get these to work.

RE: Getting annoyed with locals

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 11:52 am
by Captain_Mazda
I'm personally trying to get Acklays to work in my map with no luck.

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 12:07 pm
by Stager00
The acklays are a problem for me too.

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 12:18 pm
by Murdocr
i also tried acklays but it didn't work so i moved on to geonosians. have you suceeded in getting any locals to work?

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 1:19 pm
by Captain_Mazda
Absolutely not :(

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 1:51 pm
by Jawa_Killer
iam getting really angry.........!!! y dont you stupid guys use the freakin search function!!! i already explained how to get a 3rd side working

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 2:38 pm
by Murdocr
i used the search and read yours and a load of other threads, but i can not get them to work using that way as i am sure a lot of others can tell you. but.... it might help if you could post your lua so people can see the whole thing and where to place everything :roll:

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 7:28 pm
by Darth-Derkie
This is my Geonosis: Spire Mission Lua, with Geonosians as Locals.
Mission.lua wrote:--
-- Copyright (c) 2005 Pandemic Studios, LLC. All rights reserved.

-- load the gametype script

-- REP Attacking (attacker is always #1)
local REP = 1;
local CIS = 2;
-- These variables do not change
local ATT = REP;
local DEF = CIS;

function ScriptPostLoad()
AddAIGoal(3, "Deathmatch", 100)

--This defines the CPs. These need to happen first
cp1 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp2"}
cp2 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp3"}
cp3 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp5"}
cp4 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp6"}
cp5 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp7"}
cp6 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp10"}
cp7 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp13"}
cp8 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp14"}

--This sets up the actual objective. This needs to happen after cp's are defined
conquest = ObjectiveConquest:New{teamATT = ATT, teamDEF = DEF,
textATT = "game.modes.con",
textDEF = "game.modes.con2",
multiplayerRules = true}

--This adds the CPs to the objective. This needs to happen after the objective is set up




-- FUNCTION: ScriptInit
-- PURPOSE: This function is only run once
-- NOTES: The name, 'ScriptInit' is a chosen convention, and each
-- mission script must contain a version of this function, as
-- it is called from C to start the mission.
function ScriptInit()


SetMaxPlayerFlyHeight (30)

SetMemoryPoolSize ("ClothData",20)
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo",50) -- should be ~ 2x number of jedi classes
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::State",650) -- should be ~12x #Combo
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::Transition",650) -- should be a bit bigger than #Combo::State
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::Condition",650) -- should be a bit bigger than #Combo::State
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::Attack",550) -- should be ~8-12x #Combo
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::DamageSample",6000) -- should be ~8-12x #Combo::Attack
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::Deflect",100) -- should be ~1x #combo



rep = {
team = REP,
units = 20,
reinforcements = 150,
soldier = { "rep_inf_ep2_rifleman",9, 25},
assault = { "rep_inf_ep2_rocketeer",1, 4},
engineer = { "rep_inf_ep2_engineer",1, 4},
sniper = { "rep_inf_ep2_sniper",1, 4},
officer = {"rep_inf_ep2_rocketeer_chaingun",1, 4},
special = { "rep_inf_ep2_jettrooper",1, 4},

cis = {
team = CIS,
units = 29,
reinforcements = 150,
soldier = { "cis_inf_rifleman",9, 25},
assault = { "cis_inf_rocketeer",1, 4},
engineer = { "cis_inf_engineer",1, 4},
sniper = { "cis_inf_sniper",1, 4},
officer = {"cis_inf_officer",1, 4},
special = { "cis_inf_droideka",1, 4},

SetHeroClass(CIS, "cis_hero_countdooku")
SetHeroClass(REP, "rep_hero_macewindu")

-- Attacker Stats

--teamATT = ConquestTeam:New{team = ATT}
--teamATT:AddBleedThreshold(21, 0.75)
--teamATT:AddBleedThreshold(11, 2.25)
--teamATT:AddBleedThreshold(1, 3.0)

-- Defender Stats

--teamDEF = ConquestTeam:New{team = DEF}
--teamDEF:AddBleedThreshold(21, 0.75)
--teamDEF:AddBleedThreshold(11, 2.25)
--teamDEF:AddBleedThreshold(1, 3.0)

-- Local Stats
SetTeamName(3, "locals")
SetUnitCount(3, 7)
AddUnitClass(3, "geo_inf_geonosian", 7)
SetTeamAsFriend(3, DEF)
--SetTeamName(4, "locals")
--AddUnitClass(4, "rep_inf_jedimale",1)
--AddUnitClass(4, "rep_inf_jedimaleb",1)
--AddUnitClass(4, "rep_inf_jedimaley",1)
--SetUnitCount(4, 3)
--SetTeamAsFriend(4, ATT)

-- Level Stats
-- ClearWalkers()
AddWalkerType(0, 4) -- special -> droidekas
AddWalkerType(1, 0) -- 1x2 (1 pair of legs)
AddWalkerType(2, 2) -- 2x2 (2 pairs of legs)
AddWalkerType(3, 2) -- 3x2 (3 pairs of legs)
local weaponCnt = 1024
SetMemoryPoolSize("Aimer", 75)
SetMemoryPoolSize("AmmoCounter", weaponCnt)
SetMemoryPoolSize("CommandFlyer", 2)
SetMemoryPoolSize("BaseHint", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EnergyBar", weaponCnt)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityCloth", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityFlyer", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityHover", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityLight", 200)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntitySoundStream", 4)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntitySoundStatic", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("MountedTurret", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("Navigator", 128)
SetMemoryPoolSize("Obstacle", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("PathNode", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("SoundSpaceRegion", 64)
SetMemoryPoolSize("TreeGridStack", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("UnitAgent", 128)
SetMemoryPoolSize("UnitController", 128)
SetMemoryPoolSize("Weapon", weaponCnt)
SetMemoryPoolSize("CommandWalker", 2)

SetSpawnDelay(10.0, 0.25)
--ReadDataFile("dc:@#$\\@#$.lvl", "@#$_conquest")
ReadDataFile("dc:GO1\\GO1.lvl", "GO1_conquest")

-- Sound

SetSoundEffect("ScopeDisplayZoomIn", "binocularzoomin")
SetSoundEffect("ScopeDisplayZoomOut", "binocularzoomout")

voiceSlow = OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "rep_unit_vo_slow")
AudioStreamAppendSegments("sound\\global.lvl", "cis_unit_vo_slow", voiceSlow)
AudioStreamAppendSegments("sound\\global.lvl", "global_vo_slow", voiceSlow)

voiceQuick = OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "rep_unit_vo_quick")
AudioStreamAppendSegments("sound\\global.lvl", "cis_unit_vo_quick", voiceQuick)

OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "cw_music")
-- OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "global_vo_quick")
-- OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "global_vo_slow")
OpenAudioStream("sound\\geo.lvl", "geo1")
OpenAudioStream("sound\\geo.lvl", "geo1")
OpenAudioStream("sound\\geo.lvl", "geo1_emt")

SetBleedingVoiceOver(REP, REP, "rep_off_com_report_us_overwhelmed", 1)
SetBleedingVoiceOver(REP, CIS, "rep_off_com_report_enemy_losing", 1)
SetBleedingVoiceOver(CIS, REP, "cis_off_com_report_enemy_losing", 1)
SetBleedingVoiceOver(CIS, CIS, "cis_off_com_report_us_overwhelmed", 1)

SetOutOfBoundsVoiceOver(2, "cisleaving")
SetOutOfBoundsVoiceOver(1, "repleaving")

SetAmbientMusic(REP, 1.0, "rep_geo_amb_start", 0,1)
SetAmbientMusic(REP, 0.8, "rep_geo_amb_middle", 1,1)
SetAmbientMusic(REP, 0.2, "rep_geo_amb_end", 2,1)
SetAmbientMusic(CIS, 1.0, "cis_geo_amb_start", 0,1)
SetAmbientMusic(CIS, 0.8, "cis_geo_amb_middle", 1,1)
SetAmbientMusic(CIS, 0.2, "cis_geo_amb_end", 2,1)

SetVictoryMusic(REP, "rep_geo_amb_victory")
SetDefeatMusic (REP, "rep_geo_amb_defeat")
SetVictoryMusic(CIS, "cis_geo_amb_victory")
SetDefeatMusic (CIS, "cis_geo_amb_defeat")

SetSoundEffect("ScopeDisplayZoomIn", "binocularzoomin")
SetSoundEffect("ScopeDisplayZoomOut", "binocularzoomout")
--SetSoundEffect("BirdScatter", "birdsFlySeq1")
--SetSoundEffect("WeaponUnableSelect", "com_weap_inf_weaponchange_null")
--SetSoundEffect("WeaponModeUnableSelect", "com_weap_inf_modechange_null")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplayUnitChange", "shell_select_unit")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplayUnitAccept", "shell_menu_enter")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplaySpawnPointChange", "shell_select_change")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplaySpawnPointAccept", "shell_menu_enter")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplayBack", "shell_menu_exit")

--Opening Satalite Shot
AddCameraShot(0.996091, 0.085528, -0.022005, 0.001889, -6.942698, -59.197201, 26.136919);
--Wrecked Ship
AddCameraShot(0.906778, 0.081875, -0.411906, 0.037192, 26.373968, -59.937874, 122.553581);
--War Room
AddCameraShot(0.994219, 0.074374, 0.077228, -0.005777, 90.939568, -49.293945, -69.571136);

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 8:25 pm
by yodaminch
index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic& ... de&start=0

In that topic, Rends gave a pretty good walkthrough on how to get locals working.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:59 am
by Murdocr
yeah, thanks derkie, i am officially getting slaughtered by a group of angry geonosians.
@ captain_mazda, replace your lua with this one and edit the bits specific to your map. works like a charm for me.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:58 pm
by Captain_Mazda
Thank you Derkie and Murdocr, I will refer back to this thread once I find out why I cannot work on Anor City any longer.