Wow. Awesome job so far man. Add the cape and "skirt" (I don't know what you want to call it... ARC Trooper cape, whatever) and it'll be perfect. To tell you the truth though, I don't know how to add the cape. Though, you may want to ask OOM-9. Supposedly he's found some way to attach a cape to a unit...
My mistake then. Still, I myself am curious as to how to attach a cape to a unit without any hardpoints already there. It might prove useful in future mods and such. New possibilities, methinks.
Easy, just go into the Count Dooku or Darth Vader ODF files. Copy the stuff about the capes into the ODF for this new Obi-Wan. Then, copy the cape files into your MSH folder. Reskin the cape, munge the map, and then play it, and it should work out fine. Do the same thing for the skirt (use the Republic ARC Trooper ODF file).
I have a reskinned (some blue tints) , caped Magnaguard with my staff . Iv had it for a while but im still tryin to get the proper electrical effect on the staff before releasing it