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Questions, Questions, and Questions...

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:50 pm
by PR-0927
Well, I have some questions...(bet you couldn't figure that out). Here theyv are:

1. Is it possible to make a Bacta Dispenser or an Ammo Dispenser instead of a Supply Dispenser with ammo and bacta? I wanted to have medics in my maps, and I can only do this if I can separate the two things. Instead, I have support classes which give both the ammo and bacta, which works fine, considering that it is the "support" class. However, I'd like to have a medic class. Anyone know how?

2. How do I make pistols have limited ammo? I somehow got the chaingun to have limited ammo, but I have gotten no success on the pistols. Here is my com_weap_inf_pistol.odf file:

Code: Select all

ClassLabel      = "cannon"

ScoreForMedalsType = 0
MedalsTypeToLock = 0

AnimationBank   = "pistol"

//************* TARGET & RANGE VALUES  **********

TargetEnemy         = "1"
TargetNeutral       = "0"
TargetFriendly      = "0"

TargetPerson        = "1"
TargetAnimal        = "1"
TargetDroid         = "1"
TargetVehicle       = "0"
TargetBuilding      = "0"

MinRange            = "0"
OptimalRange        = "16"
MaxRange            = "24"

LockOnRange         = "40.0"
LockTime            = "0.4"
LockOnAngle         = "1.0"

ZoomMin             = "2.5"
ZoomMax             = "2.5"
ZoomRate            = "0.0"

YawSpread           = "0.4"
PitchSpread         = "0.4"

SpreadPerShot       = "1.1"
SpreadRecoverRate   = "4.8"
SpreadThreshold     = "1.6"
SpreadLimit         = "6.0"

StandStillSpread    = "0.0"
StandMoveSpread     = "0.0"
CrouchStillSpread   = "0.0"
CrouchMoveSpread    = "0.0"
ProneStillSpread    = "0.0"
ProneMoveSpread     = "0.0"

//*********** WEAPON PERFORMANCE VALUES *********

RoundsPerClip       = "0"
ReloadTime          = "2.0"
ShotDelay           = "0.2"
TriggerSingle       = "1"
MaxPressedTime	    = "1"

DisplayRefire 		= "0"

SalvoCount          = "1"
SalvoDelay          = "0.0"
InitialSalvoDelay   = "0.0"
SalvoTime           = "0.0"

FirePointName       = "hp_fire"

//***********  HUD & CONTROLLER VALUES  *********

MuzzleFlash         = "small_muzzle_flash"
FlashColor          = "255 80 80 255"
FlashLength         = 0.025
FlashLightColor     = "255 192 192 175"
FlashLightRadius    = "2.0"
FlashLightDuration  = "0.25"
Discharge           = "small_smoke_effect"

Here is my rep_weap_inf_pistol.odf file:

Code: Select all

ClassParent         = "com_weap_inf_pistol"
GeometryName        = "rep_weap_inf_pistol.msh"


GeometryName        = "rep_weap_inf_pistol"
HighResGeometry         = "rep_1st_weap_inf_pistol"
OrdnanceName        = "rep_weap_inf_pistol_ord"

RoundsPerClip       = "500"
ReloadTime          = "2.0"
ShotDelay           = "0.2"
TriggerSingle       = "1"
MaxPressedTime	    = "1"

DisplayRefire 		= "0"

SalvoCount          = "1"
SalvoDelay          = "0.0"
InitialSalvoDelay   = "0.0"
SalvoTime           = "0.0"

//***************   SOUND       ****************

MuzzleFlash         = "small_muzzle_flash"
FlashColor          = "80 80 255 255"     
FlashLength         = 0.025               
FlashColor          = "100 100 255 255"   
FlashLength         = 0.025               
FlashLightColor     = "220 220 255 175"   
FlashLightRadius    = "2.0"               
FlashLightDuration  = "0.25"              
Discharge           = "small_smoke_effect"

FireSound           = "rep_weap_inf_pistol_fire"
FireEmptySound      = "com_weap_inf_ammo_empty"
ReloadSound         = "com_weap_inf_reload_med"
ChangeModeSound     = "com_weap_inf_equip_med"
WeaponChangeSound   = "com_weap_inf_equip_sm"
JumpSound           = "com_weap_inf_pistol_mvt_jump"
LandSound           = "com_weap_inf_pistol_mvt_land"
RollSound           = "com_weap_inf_pistol_mvt_roll"
//ProneSound          = "com_weap_inf_pistol_mvt_lie"
SquatSound          = "com_weap_inf_pistol_mvt_squat"
//StandSound          = "com_weap_inf_pistol_mvt_getup"

Help please!!

3. How do you get boundaries to work? I placed a boundary on my map, as I have been doing for all of my SWBF maps. However, I can reach the edge of my map without any warnings. It just isn't there!

Thank you and please respond with answers!! This will help many others as well.

- Majin Revan

RE: Questions, Questions, and Questions...

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:59 pm
by Jawa_Killer
RoundsPerClip = "0"

to point nr 2

RE: Questions, Questions, and Questions...

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 6:20 pm
by PR-0927
Well, that is the common ODF. Must I modify that too? The DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol is going to have limited ammo as well, so what should I do (not the same amount as the DC-15S Blaster).

- Majin Revan

RE: Questions, Questions, and Questions...

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 6:24 pm
by dreadlordnyax
you probably also have to change the number of clips in your soldiers weaponsection.

iirc, anything you put in a specific weapons odf overwrites anything in its parent, so just add the lines to the DL-44's odf as well with the different values.

and for number 3, i think you have to add boundaries to a .req file, idk exactly, there was a thread about it, try a search.

RE: Questions, Questions, and Questions...

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 6:45 pm
by PR-0927
I did change the soldiers' ammo for pistols.

I'll try adding a random number for ammo in the common ODF pistol thing; it should get overwritten in the other ODFs.

Well, I still need answers for the first question!

Thanks for all of the help so far!!

- Majin Revan

RE: Questions, Questions, and Questions...

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:59 pm
by [RDH]Zerted
I couldn't tell you exactly how to do it, but the health 'weapon' should be possible. When you kill someone, sometimes health is left behind. Go into the Supply Dispenser and change it to despense these health objects. Now copy the weapon, change the name, and point the despense object to the ammo packs.

RE: Questions, Questions, and Questions...

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:06 pm
by PR-0927
I tried to, but I had no idea how to. You'll see what I mean if you find those weapons.

- Majin Revan

RE: Questions, Questions, and Questions...

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 10:30 pm
by [RDH]Zerted
1) Open up the weapon you want to edit: rep_weap_inf_powerup_dispenser.odf
2) Find: OrdnanceName = "com_item_powerup_dual"
The OrdnanceName points to the odf of whatever the weapon drops.

3) To change it to dispense health, replace the line with: OrdnanceName = "com_item_powerup_health100"
The com_item... are located in [MapID]\Common\odfs.

I haven't tested this but it should work.

RE: Questions, Questions, and Questions...

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 10:50 pm
by PR-0927
Yeah, you got it.



Now I just gotta make sure that my boundary works!

The ammo stuff is fixed too.

Thanks you all!

- Majin Revan

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:45 pm
by froshthewookie
I spent a LONG frustrating time trying to get my boundaries working, but in the end I was successful... Here's the thread: ... boundaries