Important: vehicle sounds

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Important: vehicle sounds

Post by mnl1121 »

ok i am followed RENDS and Freds tut but i got stuck (below is the link to the tut). i can't find HOV\Sound\worlds\HOV folder for HOV.req (HOV is my map name).

i need to add some lines and other stuff to that but i can't find the HOV.reg in that folder. does anyone know where it is?

here are the link. ... sp?mid=323

section 4 is the step i am on.

oh and i already installed the sound files. since i think that tut is for BF1 but is fully compatible for BF2 i think the folder is:


is that right?

EDIT: i dont know but is that the same .reg as the one in the world1 folder? is there even more than 1 .reg file?

RE: Important: vehicle sounds

Post by mnl1121 »

anyone? please i need help
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RE: Important: vehicle sounds

Post by Teancum »

It's been less than an hour. You need to be patient. If you don't hear things in five or six hours, that might be a reason to bump, but not under an hour.

RE: Important: vehicle sounds

Post by TAWArtemis »

If you follow the guide it will work. I have done it multiple times. Are you seeing output .lvl files for sound in the _lvl_pc folder.

I can not stress enough that a single typo will cause it to fail. I have spent hours debugging sounds only to find the error is a gcw where there should be a cw.

RE: Important: vehicle sounds

Post by mnl1121 »

OOPPSS sorry i meant i was stuck on step 3.
this is step 3 and where i am stuck on.

3. The hard part, building the sound reqs and configs. Look in the datamodid\Sound\worlds\modid folder for modid.req

wheres the modid.req? my modid (which is HOV) folder isn't even in that folder, so i dont know what the tut is talking about. am i supposed to create a HOV folder in datamodid\Sound\worlds\modid and then create a HOV.req?

im so confused. :(

EDIT:---Are you seeing output .lvl files for sound in the _lvl_pc folder?

TAW i know ur trying to help but that just confused me even more. there are .lvl files in the _lvl_pc folder but im not sure if there are .lvl files for sound. There is however a folder in my _lvl_pc folder that is called sound and it has a global.lvl file in it. do i need to use that?

RE: Important: vehicle sounds

Post by mnl1121 »

oh and 1 more thing TAW. when i downloaded the Premunged Sound Config Files from the tut it says in the Readme to:

Extract the zip file contents into BFBuilder\Data\_build_pc\

thats NOT for BF2 is it? that tut was meant for BF1 right? i don't know im SO confused. anyway i extracted the files in C:\BF2_ModTools\data\_BUILD

is that right?

RE: Important: vehicle sounds

Post by Captain_Mazda »

A BFII tutorial would really hit the spot :S

Post by mnl1121 »

yeah it really would. that link is to a tut for BF1, so converting it to BF2 is really hard (i mean for me), so thats already a big problem. Then on top of that the tut isn't very clear (it may be for others but not for me b/c i dont understand all the adding and stuff and the .req and the .lvl and the .sfx and the........)

so practially i dont get any of that tut as of right now. what i am going to do is finish my map and then see what i can do with the sounds.

A VERY DETAILED TUT for BF2 really would help. *wink**wink*

EDIT: what i mean by very detailed would be step 1: go here and type this
step 2: go here and put this here under line blah blah blah.

thats EXACTLY what i mean. if someone could do that i would bow down and kiss that persons feet.

Re: RE: Important: vehicle sounds

Post by TAWArtemis »

mnl1121 wrote:OOPPSS sorry i meant i was stuck on step 3.
this is step 3 and where i am stuck on.

3. The hard part, building the sound reqs and configs. Look in the datamodid\Sound\worlds\modid folder for modid.req

wheres the modid.req? my modid (which is HOV) folder isn't even in that folder, so i dont know what the tut is talking about. am i supposed to create a HOV folder in datamodid\Sound\worlds\modid and then create a HOV.req?

im so confused. :(

EDIT:---Are you seeing output .lvl files for sound in the _lvl_pc folder?

TAW i know ur trying to help but that just confused me even more. there are .lvl files in the _lvl_pc folder but im not sure if there are .lvl files for sound. There is however a folder in my _lvl_pc folder that is called sound and it has a global.lvl file in it. do i need to use that?
In addition to the global in the sound folder you should have a HOV.lvl if you had a HOV.req file that it was built from in the sound section. If you do not have a .lvl file that means the tools are not compiling the sounds. You should have errors in the build

RE: Re: RE: Important: vehicle sounds

Post by mnl1121 »

well i don't have the HOV.lvl in the sound folder. and yeah i do have errors in the build when i check the box named sounds.
i am really getting annoyed about this. :( iv got no idea what to do next. :(

RE: Re: RE: Important: vehicle sounds

Post by mnl1121 »

so can anyone create a really clear and easy tut on adding sounds?
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RE: Re: RE: Important: vehicle sounds

Post by Teancum »

It honestly doesn't get any clearer than how Rends described it in his other topic. Trust me on this one.

RE: Re: RE: Important: vehicle sounds

Post by mnl1121 »

SWEAT they WORK!!!! thanks Jawa_killer!!!!

theres only one bug, when i kill one of them it says i killed [NULL].
i know this was a common problem that was fixed. i just odn't know how to fix it. does anyone know how?
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