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Fog settings / Tweaking maps

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:04 am
by TAW_pinx
Hi Guys,

I'm trying to perfect Citadel, but not sure on fog settings, can someone suggest what I should set them at for it? Possibly a screenie to show me the best way to do it?

Also, a second question...I'm making another map, that is quite a bit bigger and resource heavy. Does anyone have suggestions for Near/Far scene range and if so, would this make the map run better on a slower PC? I want to ensure that my end result doesn't run like Yavin Temple/Endor/Hoth for those with slower processor speed. I'm open to suggestion, so if near/far scene range isn't what I should be looking at, please share opinion.


RE: Fog settings / Tweaking maps

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 11:00 am
by Lord-Bandu
The difference between the last 'Near scene' and first 'far scene' should be no bigger then around 50 to ensure low lag. Id just keep the max near and far scenes at default.

Copy over the ambient and fog settings from the bf1 sky file into the relevant parts in the bf2 sky file and zeroeditor

RE: Fog settings / Tweaking maps

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 11:19 am
by TAW_pinx
Thanks Bandu, much appreciated! I will test ASAP!

Re: RE: Fog settings / Tweaking maps

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 11:27 am
by SteveK14
Lord-Bandu wrote:The difference between the last 'Near scene' and first 'far scene' should be no bigger then around 50 to ensure low lag. Id just keep the max near and far scenes at default.

Copy over the ambient and fog settings from the bf1 sky file into the relevant parts in the bf2 sky file and zeroeditor
Doesn't this setting in the mod map just define what the scale is for the client machine to be able to set in-game?


RE: Re: RE: Fog settings / Tweaking maps

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 10:57 pm
by Captain_Mazda
Would a visibility range of 10000 be good to get rid of objects popping up out of nowhere? I've kept the near and far ratios the same. 4099 and 5002 I believe.