And vala you have your new hero, also you can add troopers that way!--
-- Copyright (c) 2005 Pandemic Studios, LLC. All rights reserved.
-- load the gametype script
-- REP Attacking (attacker is always #1)
REP = 1;
CIS = 2;
-- These variables do not change
function ScriptPostLoad()
--This defines the CPs. These need to happen first
cp1 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp1"}
cp2 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp2"}
cp3 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp3"}
cp4 = CommandPost:New{name = "cp4"}
--This sets up the actual objective. This needs to happen after cp's are defined
conquest = ObjectiveConquest:New{teamATT = ATT, teamDEF = DEF,
textATT = "game.modes.con",
textDEF = "game.modes.con2",
multiplayerRules = true}
--This adds the CPs to the objective. This needs to happen after the objective is set up
-- FUNCTION: ScriptInit
-- PURPOSE: This function is only run once
-- NOTES: The name, 'ScriptInit' is a chosen convention, and each
-- mission script must contain a version of this function, as
-- it is called from C to start the mission.
function ScriptInit()
SetMaxPlayerFlyHeight (100)
SetMemoryPoolSize ("ClothData",20)
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo",50) -- should be ~ 2x number of jedi classes
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::State",650) -- should be ~12x #Combo
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::Transition",650) -- should be a bit bigger than #Combo::State
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::Condition",650) -- should be a bit bigger than #Combo::State
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::Attack",550) -- should be ~8-12x #Combo
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::DamageSample",6000) -- should be ~8-12x #Combo::Attack
SetMemoryPoolSize ("Combo::Deflect",100) -- should be ~1x #combo
rep = {
team = REP,
units = 21,
reinforcements = 150,
soldier = { "rep_inf_ep2_rifleman",9, 25},
assault = { "rep_inf_ep2_rocketeer",1, 4},
engineer = { "rep_inf_ep2_engineer",1, 4},
sniper = { "rep_inf_ep2_sniper",1, 4},
officer = {"rep_inf_ep2_rocketeer_chaingun",1, 4},
special = { "rep_inf_ep2_jettrooper",1, 4},
cis = {
team = CIS,
units = 21,
reinforcements = 150,
soldier = { "cis_inf_marine",9, 25},
assault = { "cis_inf_rocketeer",1, 4},
engineer = { "cis_inf_engineer",1, 4},
sniper = { "cis_inf_sniper",1, 4},
officer = {"cis_inf_officer",1, 4},
special = { "cis_inf_droideka",1, 4},
AddUnitClass(CIS, "cis_hero_countdooku",1,1)
AddUnitClass(REP, "rep_hero_obiwan",1,1)
SetHeroClass(CIS, "cis_hero_grievous")
SetHeroClass(REP, "rep_hero_anakin")
-- Level Stats
-- ClearWalkers()
AddWalkerType(0, 4) -- special -> droidekas
AddWalkerType(1, 0) -- 1x2 (1 pair of legs)
AddWalkerType(2, 0) -- 2x2 (2 pairs of legs)
AddWalkerType(3, 0) -- 3x2 (3 pairs of legs)
local weaponCnt = 1024
SetMemoryPoolSize("Aimer", 75)
SetMemoryPoolSize("AmmoCounter", weaponCnt)
SetMemoryPoolSize("BaseHint", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EnergyBar", weaponCnt)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityCloth", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityFlyer", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityHover", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntityLight", 200)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntitySoundStream", 4)
SetMemoryPoolSize("EntitySoundStatic", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("MountedTurret", 32)
SetMemoryPoolSize("Navigator", 128)
SetMemoryPoolSize("Obstacle", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("PathNode", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("SoundSpaceRegion", 64)
SetMemoryPoolSize("TreeGridStack", 1024)
SetMemoryPoolSize("UnitAgent", 128)
SetMemoryPoolSize("UnitController", 128)
SetMemoryPoolSize("Weapon", weaponCnt)
SetSpawnDelay(10.0, 0.25)
--ReadDataFile("dc:COL\\COL.lvl", "COL_conquest")
ReadDataFile("dc:COL\\COL.lvl", "COL_conquest")
-- Sound
SetSoundEffect("ScopeDisplayZoomIn", "binocularzoomin")
SetSoundEffect("ScopeDisplayZoomOut", "binocularzoomout")
voiceSlow = OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "rep_unit_vo_slow")
AudioStreamAppendSegments("sound\\global.lvl", "cis_unit_vo_slow", voiceSlow)
AudioStreamAppendSegments("sound\\global.lvl", "global_vo_slow", voiceSlow)
voiceQuick = OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "rep_unit_vo_quick")
AudioStreamAppendSegments("sound\\global.lvl", "cis_unit_vo_quick", voiceQuick)
OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "cw_music")
-- OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "global_vo_quick")
-- OpenAudioStream("sound\\global.lvl", "global_vo_slow")
OpenAudioStream("sound\\yav.lvl", "yav1")
OpenAudioStream("sound\\yav.lvl", "yav1")
OpenAudioStream("sound\\yav.lvl", "yav1_emt")
SetBleedingVoiceOver(REP, REP, "rep_off_com_report_us_overwhelmed", 1)
SetBleedingVoiceOver(REP, CIS, "rep_off_com_report_enemy_losing", 1)
SetBleedingVoiceOver(CIS, REP, "cis_off_com_report_enemy_losing", 1)
SetBleedingVoiceOver(CIS, CIS, "cis_off_com_report_us_overwhelmed", 1)
SetOutOfBoundsVoiceOver(2, "cisleaving")
SetOutOfBoundsVoiceOver(1, "repleaving")
SetAmbientMusic(REP, 1.0, "rep_yav_amb_start", 0,1)
SetAmbientMusic(REP, 0.8, "rep_yav_amb_middle", 1,1)
SetAmbientMusic(REP, 0.2, "rep_yav_amb_end", 2,1)
SetAmbientMusic(CIS, 1.0, "cis_yav_amb_start", 0,1)
SetAmbientMusic(CIS, 0.8, "cis_yav_amb_middle", 1,1)
SetAmbientMusic(CIS, 0.2, "cis_yav_amb_end", 2,1)
SetVictoryMusic(REP, "rep_yav_amb_victory")
SetDefeatMusic (REP, "rep_yav_amb_defeat")
SetVictoryMusic(CIS, "cis_yav_amb_victory")
SetDefeatMusic (CIS, "cis_yav_amb_defeat")
SetSoundEffect("ScopeDisplayZoomIn", "binocularzoomin")
SetSoundEffect("ScopeDisplayZoomOut", "binocularzoomout")
--SetSoundEffect("BirdScatter", "birdsFlySeq1")
--SetSoundEffect("WeaponUnableSelect", "com_weap_inf_weaponchange_null")
--SetSoundEffect("WeaponModeUnableSelect", "com_weap_inf_modechange_null")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplayUnitChange", "shell_select_unit")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplayUnitAccept", "shell_menu_enter")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplaySpawnPointChange", "shell_select_change")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplaySpawnPointAccept", "shell_menu_enter")
SetSoundEffect("SpawnDisplayBack", "shell_menu_exit")
AddCameraShot(0.908386, -0.209095, -0.352873, -0.081226, -45.922508, -19.114113, 77.022636);
AddCameraShot(-0.481173, 0.024248, -0.875181, -0.044103, 14.767292, -30.602322, -144.506851);
AddCameraShot(0.999914, -0.012495, -0.004416, -0.000055, 1.143253, -33.602314, -76.884430);
AddCameraShot(0.839161, 0.012048, -0.543698, 0.007806, 19.152437, -49.802273, 24.337317);
AddCameraShot(0.467324, 0.006709, -0.883972, 0.012691, 11.825212, -49.802273, -7.000720);
AddCameraShot(0.861797, 0.001786, -0.507253, 0.001051, -11.986043, -59.702248, 23.263165);
AddCameraShot(0.628546, -0.042609, -0.774831, -0.052525, 20.429928, -48.302277, 9.771714);
AddCameraShot(0.765213, -0.051873, 0.640215, 0.043400, 57.692474, -48.302277, 16.540724);
AddCameraShot(0.264032, -0.015285, -0.962782, -0.055734, -16.681797, -42.902290, 129.553268);
AddCameraShot(-0.382320, 0.022132, -0.922222, -0.053386, 20.670977, -42.902290, 135.513001);
If people still don't know enemy heros tutorial!
Moderator: Moderators
If people still don't know enemy heros tutorial!
I installed windows xp non 64 version and is working great i'll post the script. It's sooo cool.
RE: If people still don
you left the yavin sounds in
RE: If people still don
yeah, i haven't spent enough time on it since i have swim team right after school till six
- Captain
- Posts: 468
- Joined: Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:08 pm