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Mission LUA and editing troopers textures?

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 5:04 pm
by busterkinkade
How is it done? People seem to crack it but then dont tell anyone how it is done!? And I know one of our members is writing a tutorial but if anyone has done it please tell me! I have tried, but peicing together what people have metioned and this talk about the MISSION.lua (which doesn't seem to exist) has completely confused me! Help!

RE: Mission LUA and editing troopers textures?

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 5:21 pm
by LordofEntropy
When people refer to the mission script (.lua files) they mean files like ModIDc_con.lua, ModIDg_con, and so on (where c_ is the sides-clonewars/gcw-and _con in the map type--conquest. These files are found in C:\BF2_ModTools\data_ModID\Common\scripts\ModID. When you mod textures, you have to tell the script files to load the new textures from the mod's side folder, instead of from the game's default side folders. To do this, you find:

Code: Select all

where rep.lvl can be replaced by SideName.lvl and change it to:

Code: Select all

The dc: simply tells the game to load the textures for the map from the side folder in your mod database, instead of the default sides folder. To mod textures, copy the side folder of the side whos textures you wish to mod, then mod the textures, recolor, whatever, save, and munge from _BUILD in your mod's folder.

RE: Mission LUA and editing troopers textures?

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 5:23 pm
by Lord-Bandu
mission lua is in

mod***\ common \ scripts \ ***

*** being your mod/map 3 letter name.

you can find the tga files of all the troopers in the assets folder..... just run a windows search for trooper.tga or vanguard.tga etc

RE: Mission LUA and editing troopers textures?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:55 am
by busterkinkade
Thanks! I understand now, I'll send some pics when I'm done.