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Dedicated Servers
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 10:47 am
by Emraz
Has anyone tried even the simplest of maps made with the swbf2 mod tools on a dedicated server to see if they run ok. Or tried the swbf1 map conversions on a dedicated server?
Also if 'tweaking' is done to get them running on a dedicated server instructions how to do this would save people many many hours of work.....
RE: Dedicated Servers
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:06 am
by Emraz
Asking this as I believe there was initial problems with swbf1 mod maps being included into dedicated servers. Has anyone tried adding a mod map into a dedicated server for swbf2?
How is it done?
RE: Dedicated Servers
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 5:34 am
by reklan
This would be a great idea.... There were many great maps on BF1, that didn't get the play they should have as they wouldn't run on a dedicated server...... Planet Fall : Sector X was one of these... I'm just grateful that Corusant: streets did work on the dedcated.....
RE: Dedicated Servers
Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 6:36 am
by Emraz
Great.... Been speaking with some guys on the dedicated server I use and the introduction of maps in swbf2 is relatively easy. Shouldnt be a problem like in swbf1. Howevr, if the troops are messed with like more splash dam on rockets less range on engineer guns etc this could cause some probs Im told. New maps using same troop configs should be fine.
Re: RE: Dedicated Servers
Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 4:01 pm
by TAWArtemis
Emraz wrote:Great.... Been speaking with some guys on the dedicated server I use and the introduction of maps in swbf2 is relatively easy. Shouldnt be a problem like in swbf1. Howevr, if the troops are messed with like more splash dam on rockets less range on engineer guns etc this could cause some probs Im told. New maps using same troop configs should be fine.
Please post instructions. In 1 you had to edit a few files to make the maps work on a dedicated server. I was not aware of any maps that would not work in 1 online if you wanted to take the time to alter the scripts and related files.