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Weapon Damage Mods

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:31 am
by JoeMomma
How do I change the weapon damage? I cannot find it in any of the ODFs anywhere.

It must be something simple I'm overlooking... any help would be great.


RE: Weapon Damage Mods

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:55 am
by Lord-Bandu
DO a search on this forum sure some1 else had this problem then 00m-9 found the damage parameter in the odf

RE: Weapon Damage Mods

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 1:12 am
by JoeMomma
I searched.. still nothing. I can do it with jedi, but that's different.

RE: Weapon Damage Mods

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 7:46 am
by Qdin
This was solved by OOM-9 I tihnk... :)

it seems that they've used some kind of 'standard' damage depending on the weapon (and also where you hit, because if you hit them in the legs with a sniper, it don't give much damage)

but as far as I remember, just add the same codes for the damage like in SWBF1 :) in the weapon's .odf :wink:

RE: Weapon Damage Mods

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 11:06 am
by Bobafett16
To make weapons more powerfull - shoot faster etc, u have to go into your Mod-Tools folder and go into assets/sides, copy the common folder to your data_ModID/sides folder, and then go into the common folder you just put into your sides folder and go into odfs and then u just open up the thing you want to mod with notepad,now just modify weapons powerfullness etc. but do you know how to get it ingame?

RE: Weapon Damage Mods

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 4:34 pm
by LordofEntropy
You can either mod ALL the class weapons (ie. all sniper rifles) at C:\BF2_ModTools\data_LOL\Sides\Common\odf or just one side's weapons at C:\BF2_ModTools\data_LOL\Sides\XXX\odf. at the second, i believe you must add the lines Damage = XXX, etc to the weapons/ordanance files. Reload times, scope, rapid fire, trigger style etc are all part of the weapon file, and the damage, penetration, etc are all part of the weapon_ord files (ordanance).

@Bobafett: do you mean get in a map you made? or get weaps into all maps? for maps you made just munge from the _build folder and it should work (tested). To get it in all the maps, go to C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Battlefront II\GameData\DATA\_LVL_PC\SIDE and paste XXXshell.lvl and XXX.lvl over the originals, and it should work (also tested).

Also, modding the Common weapons, munging, and pasting your SID.lvl and SIDshell.lvl into C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Battlefront II\GameData\DATA\_LVL_PC\SIDE seems to affect ALL sides... not sure why.

EDIT: forgot to add that modding one sides weapons will override that sides use of the common weapons. IE, if i make the republic's sniper rifle do 10000 damage and make the common sniper rifle do 1 damage, the republic's will do 10,000 and everyone elses will do 1