Map prefix names -- reserve yours now!
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 9:32 am
Okay, since we only have three letter prefixes to name our map folders, I thought it best that each one of us reserve our three prefix so that nobody overwrites anyone elses. Once I get home, I'll post the default map prefixes. This post will be constantly updated with the reserved prefixes in the following format:
DAG - Dagobah - Shipped with the game
NEW RULE: - You may only reserve two maps at any given time. If we reserve 8-9 maps per user we're going to fill up quickly, AND run out of prefixes quickly. Those who gave me prefixes to start on need to give me three total again. Once you release a map, you can have a new prefix.
Currently reserved prefixes:
COR - Coruscant - Shipped with the game
DAG - Dagobah - Shipped with the game
DEA - Death Star - Shipped with the game
END - Endor (Bunker) - Shipped with the game
FEL - Felucia - Shipped with the game
GEO - Geonosis - Shipped with the game
HOT - Hoth - Shipped with the game
KAM - Kamino - Shipped with the game
KAS - Kashyyk - Shipped with the game
MUS - Mustafar - Shipped with the game
MYG - Mygeeto - Shipped with the game
NAB - Naboo - Shipped with the game
POL - Polis Massa - Shipped with the game
SPA - Space Battles - Shipped with the game
TAN - Tantive IV - Shipped with the game
TAT - (tat2.lvl) - Tatooine (Mos Eisley) - Shipped with the game
TAT - (tat3.lvl) - Jabba's Palace - Shipped with the game
UTA - Utapau - Shipped with the game
YAV - Yavin 4 (Temple) - Shipped with the game
*BF1 conversions
BS1 - Bespin: Platforms - worked on by Teancum
BS2 - Bespin: Cloud City - worked on by Teancum & TAW-Judderman
GO1 - Geonosis Spire - worked on by Darth-Derkie
KM1 - Kamino: Tipoca City - for whoever converts it
KS1 - Kashyyk: Islands - worked on by Darth-Derkie
AT5 - Kashyyk: Docks - worked on by TAW Artemis
NB1 - Naboo: Theed (Daytime) - worked on by the TAW
NB2 - Naboo: Plains - worked on by TAW clan member
RV1 - Rhen Var: Citadel - worked on by TAW_Pinx
RNV - Rhen Var: Harbor - worked on by Darth-Derkie
TA1 - Tatooine: Dune Sea - worked on by Teancum
YV2 - Yavin: Arena - worked on by Teancum
*User maps
AMD - Argua: Maze of deception - By Bobafett16
AR1 - Unknown - by Aramyl
AUR - Unknown - by Ace_Azzameen_5
BHW - The Bounty Hunter Wars - By Bobafett16
BOE - Unknown - by ruasoh
CAL - Mon Calamari - by [GT]EraOfDesann
CI1 - To Be decided - By Carbine Impulse
CI2 - To Be decided - By Carbine Impulse
CO1 - Coruscant City - by Rends (released)
CO2 - Coruscant Streets - by Rends
CSP - Courscant Platforms - by Lead_Pilot
DAN - Dantooine
DJE - Dantooine: Jedi Enclave - By Teancum
DUB - Dubrillion: Lando's Folly
EBQ - Ebaq 9: Destiny's Way - by tkrausse
EW2 - Unknown - by Erathoniel
GJT - Gungan Jedi Testgrounds - by Slayer_Hunter_J
GKG - Geonosis: Killing Grounds - by motorxmania
HAR - Haruun Kal: Jungle - By Teancum
IG2 - Rhen Var: Ice Gate - by Astute
KAL - Kalee - by Schizo
KOR - Korriban - by Darth_chooie
KSH - Unknown - by Deathmaster
KYK - Unknown - by ruasoh
MAN - Unkown Name - QDin
MET - Methlyn: Ruins - by [GT]EraOfDesann (BF1 conversion)
MK1 - Movie Kashyyk - by flippy11
NEL - Nelvaan - by Schizo
OUT - Tatooine: Outskirts - by [GT]EraOfDesann (BF1 conversion)
PIG - Attack Of The Piggies - by [GT]EraOfDesann (BF1 conversion)
RE1 - Rise of the Empire #1: New Era Begins - by MajinRevan
S10 - Space Geonosis - by Teancum (released)
SCH - Unknown - by Aramyl
SPC - Space coruscant - flippy11
TP1 - Unknown - by Mekko
TWB - Tuun Waar - by Darth_Chooie
VAA - Unknown - by Alpha
VES - Veriss - by [GT]EraOfDesann
YKT - Yktecsh: Ruins - by Epena
YVB - Yuuzhan Vong Base - by Super_Shadowman
DAG - Dagobah - Shipped with the game
NEW RULE: - You may only reserve two maps at any given time. If we reserve 8-9 maps per user we're going to fill up quickly, AND run out of prefixes quickly. Those who gave me prefixes to start on need to give me three total again. Once you release a map, you can have a new prefix.
Currently reserved prefixes:
COR - Coruscant - Shipped with the game
DAG - Dagobah - Shipped with the game
DEA - Death Star - Shipped with the game
END - Endor (Bunker) - Shipped with the game
FEL - Felucia - Shipped with the game
GEO - Geonosis - Shipped with the game
HOT - Hoth - Shipped with the game
KAM - Kamino - Shipped with the game
KAS - Kashyyk - Shipped with the game
MUS - Mustafar - Shipped with the game
MYG - Mygeeto - Shipped with the game
NAB - Naboo - Shipped with the game
POL - Polis Massa - Shipped with the game
SPA - Space Battles - Shipped with the game
TAN - Tantive IV - Shipped with the game
TAT - (tat2.lvl) - Tatooine (Mos Eisley) - Shipped with the game
TAT - (tat3.lvl) - Jabba's Palace - Shipped with the game
UTA - Utapau - Shipped with the game
YAV - Yavin 4 (Temple) - Shipped with the game
*BF1 conversions
BS1 - Bespin: Platforms - worked on by Teancum
BS2 - Bespin: Cloud City - worked on by Teancum & TAW-Judderman
GO1 - Geonosis Spire - worked on by Darth-Derkie
KM1 - Kamino: Tipoca City - for whoever converts it
KS1 - Kashyyk: Islands - worked on by Darth-Derkie
AT5 - Kashyyk: Docks - worked on by TAW Artemis
NB1 - Naboo: Theed (Daytime) - worked on by the TAW
NB2 - Naboo: Plains - worked on by TAW clan member
RV1 - Rhen Var: Citadel - worked on by TAW_Pinx
RNV - Rhen Var: Harbor - worked on by Darth-Derkie
TA1 - Tatooine: Dune Sea - worked on by Teancum
YV2 - Yavin: Arena - worked on by Teancum
*User maps
AMD - Argua: Maze of deception - By Bobafett16
AR1 - Unknown - by Aramyl
AUR - Unknown - by Ace_Azzameen_5
BHW - The Bounty Hunter Wars - By Bobafett16
BOE - Unknown - by ruasoh
CAL - Mon Calamari - by [GT]EraOfDesann
CI1 - To Be decided - By Carbine Impulse
CI2 - To Be decided - By Carbine Impulse
CO1 - Coruscant City - by Rends (released)
CO2 - Coruscant Streets - by Rends
CSP - Courscant Platforms - by Lead_Pilot
DAN - Dantooine
DJE - Dantooine: Jedi Enclave - By Teancum
DUB - Dubrillion: Lando's Folly
EBQ - Ebaq 9: Destiny's Way - by tkrausse
EW2 - Unknown - by Erathoniel
GJT - Gungan Jedi Testgrounds - by Slayer_Hunter_J
GKG - Geonosis: Killing Grounds - by motorxmania
HAR - Haruun Kal: Jungle - By Teancum
IG2 - Rhen Var: Ice Gate - by Astute
KAL - Kalee - by Schizo
KOR - Korriban - by Darth_chooie
KSH - Unknown - by Deathmaster
KYK - Unknown - by ruasoh
MAN - Unkown Name - QDin
MET - Methlyn: Ruins - by [GT]EraOfDesann (BF1 conversion)
MK1 - Movie Kashyyk - by flippy11
NEL - Nelvaan - by Schizo
OUT - Tatooine: Outskirts - by [GT]EraOfDesann (BF1 conversion)
PIG - Attack Of The Piggies - by [GT]EraOfDesann (BF1 conversion)
RE1 - Rise of the Empire #1: New Era Begins - by MajinRevan
S10 - Space Geonosis - by Teancum (released)
SCH - Unknown - by Aramyl
SPC - Space coruscant - flippy11
TP1 - Unknown - by Mekko
TWB - Tuun Waar - by Darth_Chooie
VAA - Unknown - by Alpha
VES - Veriss - by [GT]EraOfDesann
YKT - Yktecsh: Ruins - by Epena
YVB - Yuuzhan Vong Base - by Super_Shadowman