YIPPPPEEEE!! We have the tools! Here are some screens from my first Munge with the tools! IT WORKS!!! This is not a map announcement, just wanted to show everyone they work!!!!
A little LUA change
I love these statues!
Crashed Landing ship.. HHHMMmmmm
Last edited by Vyse on Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Trans wrote:Vyse is it much like the BF1 tools *hopes it is*
Yes it is some what like the first tools. Except there is a whole setup now with steps to setup your data file. The munge is completely different and there is about 200 new folders in the data file I don't get yet but thats just from glancing around the folders. If you could get around pretty well with the first tools, you will pick it up just fine! There is a ton of animation folders!
Put a new screen up. Now to try and make my own side! WHA HA HA HA
flippy11 wrote:i cant open BF2_mod tools it ssays "the aplication has failed because binkw32.dll was not found re installing the aplication may fix the problem"
lol had that happen to me as well. Really freaks you out!! You have to open it thru the start menu. start>programs>lucasarts>SWBF2>modtools.