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How To Swap Sides/Factions In Conquest [Tutorial]

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 6:51 pm
by KadeEclipse
A Tutorial on how to swap Sides/Factions in Conquest E.g. Republic VS Empire

1. So to Start modding battlefront II, the first thing you need to install is the BF2 ModTools which can be found here: ... s-sdk-2020
2. Once you have them installed you need to find the folder called "Data"

3. Inside this folder you will see "_BUILD" then inside you will see "Modtools VisualMunge.exe" Run that

4. Here you can set your mission Name, Description, GameMode and World Name (WorldName is just a abbriviation of your FullWorldName & ABC is just an Example) When you are finished press "Create World". it should look like this:

5. Next go back to "C:\BF2_ModTools" you will see a new folder appear under data called "Data_ABC" (Again ABC is just an example)

6. Next lets say you want to have a mission Empire VS Republic on Coruscant. First Step would be to go to the "assets" folder above the data folder and find the Coruscant scripts found here "C:\BF2_ModTools\assets\scripts\COR" You will see a folder like this:

Here you can see multiple files, these are abbreviations of the mission scripts for example:
"cor" stands for Coruscant & "1" is the first (and old) Coruscant Map "c" stands for Clone Wars, "g" stands for Galactic Civil War, "_c" stands for Campaign, "_con" stands for Conquest, "_ctf" stands for capture the flag
what we want is cor1c_con which is Coruscant Clone Wars Conquest & cor1g_con which is Galactic Civil War Conquest. So open that in Notepad/Notepad++ or whatever you have.
7. Now leave that file open and go to your Data_ABC folder and follow this "data_ABC\Common\scripts\ABC" you will see "ABCc_con.lua" this is your missions Clone Wars Conquest. Open it & copy everything from cor1c_con (to highlight quickly you can do CTRL+A) now highlight everything in ABCc_con and paste what you copied into it it should be identical to cor1c_con. you can now close Cor1c_con
8. Now scroll down till you find this:

Highlight the CIS section and then copy the IMP side from cor1g_con and paste it over the CIS. It should look like this:

9. Now find this:

And replace all the CIS parts with the IMP ones from cor1g_con again and it should look like this:

Now you can do through and find any mention of CIS and replace it with IMP (I always replace them as i find them so its its all caps keep it that way and same for the lowercase bits) Now if done correctly we have a proper REPvIMP Mission Script but because this is a Clone Wars battle its only pulling sound files from the Clone Wars Era so the empire will have no sound. Luckily theres a mission on the campaign which fixes this.
10. So go back to your BF2 ModTools folder and in the assets folder we need to find "kam1c_c" which can be found here "C:\BF2_ModTools\assets\scripts\kam" Open it and go down to where you find this:

Copy it and paste it over the sound file in our mission script which used to be "ReadDataFile("sound\\cor.lvl;cor1cw")" and you should be left with this:

Now your mission script should be complete. Press Save
11. Now go to your Data_ABC folder and go here "data_ABC\_BUILD" and once again run "Modtools VisualMunge.exe"

Change the "Sides" section to "EVERYTHING" and it should look like this:

Now press "Munge" when finished if done correctly, you will find a box on your screen that says "All Done - Go Run Battlefront II" press okay and do what it says.
When in game go to the "Instant Action" tab and you should see you mission name. Mine for example is Alphabet as you can see in the image:

Once loaded ingame you should see it states the teams Empire or Republic. So there you go! you have a Imp vs Rep Conquest battle!

Happy Modding! I hope i helped you out! :D

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