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What's the difference between emt and em2?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 2:26 pm
by Sporadia
I have copies of ..\YAV\effects\emt_telemetry_temple_lp01.wav and ..\YAV\effects\emt_telemetry_temple_lp02.wav from Marth and the WULFMAN's audio rips. The PS2 version of the game is supposed to use files called em2_telemetry_temple_lp01 and em2_telemetry_tempe_lp02 instead. What's the difference between the emt and em2 versions of these sounds? Can I make the em2 sounds out of the emt sounds using software like audacity?

Re: What's the difference between emt and em2?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 9:03 pm
by Teancum
I might be wrong on this, but the em2 prefix might be for PS2. It used lower quality sounds to fit into memory.

Re: What's the difference between emt and em2?

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2022 1:43 am
by AnthonyBF2
It's most likely lower quality versions for PS2. The PS2 has 2MB total for dedicated sound memory, and remember the game has to stream music, announcer VO, and play all the other sounds like guns and explosions.

Re: What's the difference between emt and em2?

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 5:14 pm
by Sporadia
Thanks for confirming that the emt and em2 contain the same sound effect. My question is how the PS2 wav file is different from the other wav file. If I wanted to open the emt wav file in audacity and alter it to make it the same as the em2 file, what alterations should I make? How is the em2 file formatted? What are the technical differences between the em2 file and the emt?