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Minimum flyer height? [Solved]

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 9:20 pm
by kiprobin
So I put a bunch of starfighters in my land map, and they all spawn in way above the ground, even though i put the spawn points on the ground in ZE. For this map, I actually lowered the ground to about -250, so that way I could make super high mountains with bf2's max height of 327 ish. When this started happening, I raised one of the fighters up a little in ZE, and lowered another one, while leaving the rest where I originally put them. I munged and ran the game, and the fighter I raised did indeed rise above the rest, floating even higher off the ground, but the fighter I lowered was still level with the fighters I left alone.
This leads me to believe that there is some minimum flyer height (only flyers - all my other vehicles work fine) preventing them from spawning below -200.
If this is the case, how would I change it? I see the max flyer height in the lua, but not the min flyer height. My map is nearing completion and it would be a total pain to redo the ENTIRE terrain 50 meters up just for these flyers spawning too high, so any suggestions would be appreciated

Re: Minimum flyer height?

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 9:58 am
by Teancum
I feel like I ran into this issue before myself. I had to raise the height back up, although I don't recall how much.

Re: Minimum flyer height? [Solved]

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 7:57 pm
by kiprobin
Solved! And so simply I feel stupid for this even being a problem. Since there's the line:

in the lua, I tried adding:


right beneath it. It worked first time of asking. I feel stupid now haha. Also, by default the min fly height seems to be -200, though my experiment shows that it can clearly be lowered to at least -251