
In this forum you will find and post information regarding the modding of Star Wars Battlefront 2. DO NOT POST MOD IDEAS/REQUESTS.

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Second Lance Corporal
Second Lance Corporal
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Post by SG-17 »

So the PS2 version of swbf2 uses this ugly blur anti-aliasing filter. You can use a cheat device like CodeBreaker to disable it, but I want a more permanent solution.

Does anyone have an idea as to where in the game files this blur anti-aliasing would be?
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Re: Anti-aliasing?

Post by cbadal »

I haven't looked into the PS2 version as closely as the XBOX version, but I've not come across any asset inside a PS2 .lvl that I can think of that might control this.

There is a dedicated a discord server for SWBFII Console Mods here:

AnthonyBF2 and Shaymin frequent that server and and may know the answer.
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