So far, LuaDec crashes on SWBF2's scripts.
And it can't be used on SWBF1's scripts, as LuaDec is only for Lua 5.0 (SWBF1 uses 4.0).
I could try building a decompiler for Lua 4.0 I suppose... Way back when, luck3y was considering doing so. I think Nimlot has considered it as well. But that's a matter for the SWBF1 modding forum.
Really Late Edit:
Leviathan, when you said "LuaDC" I was thinking you meant LuaDec.
Yes, as Nimlot says, LuaDC is for 4.0. But as far I know, nobody was ever able to get it to work with SWBF1 scripts. It was built for Homeworld, I think, which I presume uses different settings (probably "double" instead of "float" for numbers). I don't think the source code for it was released, so we couldn't rebuild it with the proper settings.