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Movies Research (FAQ) - Preview Videos

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:24 pm
by [RDH]Zerted
People have been asking for my notes, so heres some of them. I'll try to keep the first few posts updated with whatever everyone discovers until we get everything working:

What We Can Do So Far:
-Replace the retail ingame.mvs with one containing your custom moive. Note, this will remove all the retail movies and is not shippable with your mod map.
-Play any custom movie in the shell from any file through a modified shell

Steps For Replacing ingame.mvs:
Tools Needed:
-RAD's Bink Compressor

-You are using the English version of the game
-You already have done some SWBF2 modding
-You have the hard drive space for video files

1) Download and install RAD's Blink Compressor
2) Create the video you want in a format supported by RAD (RAD supports a lot of formats)
3) Run 'RAD Video Tools'
3a) Select your media file (polmon01.avi for this example)
3b) Click 'Bink it!'
3b1) Pick the video settings you want
3b2) Click 'Bink' to convert the media file to .bik
3b3) You should now have a file called polmon01.bik
3c) Not required but for fun, you can smack it a few times too.
3d) Close 'RAD Video Tools'
4) Create a new Conquest mod map called MOV
5) Copy "BF2_ModTools\assets\Shell" to "BF2_ModTools\data_MOV\"
6) Create the folder "BF2_ModTools\data_MOV\Shell\movies\us"
7) Copy polmon01.bik into your new folder "BF2_ModTools\data_MOV\Shell\movies\us"
8) Edit "BF2_ModTools\data_MOV\Shell\movies\PC\ingame.mlst"
8a) Delete everything inside the file
8b) Add the following text: ..\..\Shell\Movies\us\polmon01.bik
9) Edit "BF2_ModTools\data_MOV\Common\scripts\MOV\MOVg_con.lua"
9a) Add "ScriptCB_PlayInGameMovie("ingame.mvs","polmon01")" on a line by itself after "function ScriptPostLoad()"
10) Open VisualMunge for our map MOV
10a) Check 'Common'
10b) Check 'Shell'
10c) Click 'Munge'
10d) Ignore any 'Unable to write movie data' errors for everthing but "..\..\Shell\movies\PC\ingame.mlst"
11) IMPORTANT: Backup "GameData\DATA\_LVL_PC\MOVIES\ingame.mvs"
11a) You can do this however you want. I normally copy it to ''
12) Copy "BF2_ModTools\data_MOV\_LVL_PC\Movies\ingame.mvs" to "GameData\DATA\_LVL_PC\MOVIES\ingame.mvs" replacing the existing retail file
13) Run SWBF2
14) Play your MOVg_con map
14a) Your custom movie should be displayed right after the loading screen
15) Exit the game
How To Make A Preview Video (for v1.3):
Video Suggestions:
-Keep it short
-Keep its file size small
-There is no audio, so don't include any
-Don't expect any viewers to be able to read any ingame text
-The video will be displayed in a box of 150 by 150 (pixels?)
-There is a one second fade in and a one second fade out. If you do not want the fading, use 'preview-loop' instead of 'preview'
-The video loops until another map is selected
-If you can create the two video formats, both pre-movie.mvs and pre-moviepal.mvs should be used

Tools Needed:
-A video recorder such as Fraps, XFire, webcam, etc...
-RAD Game Tools:
-Optionally the FC Mod (for Freecam):

1) You have SWBF2 and its mod tools installed
2) You have done some modding before and you sort-of know what you are doing
3) You know how to pick your own video capture/recorder tool
4) You have a map you want to add a preview video to (this example uses a map named PVE, so whenever you see PVE or pve, replace it with your map's code)
5) Your map has had its 'Common' munged at least once
6) You are not using the PAL version of the game. If you are, pre-movie.mvs should be pre-moviepal.mvs. I think that is the only change (can't test it as don't have the PAL version).
7) You have the Custom Era shell installed or a mod which includes it installed.

1) Have SWBF2 installed
2) Have the SWBF2 mod tools installed
4) Install RAD Game Tools

Create the video:
1) Start Battlefront and load your map
2) Start your video capture tool and create whatever video you want to make

Convert the video:
0) Note: the following values are only suggested values. They may be changed for each video. The goal is to make the video as small as possible without losing too much graphically quality
1) Open the RAD Video Tools
2) Select your video and click 'Bink it!'
3) Set 'Compress to data rate (bytes)' to 750000
4) Select the radio button 'multiple of the overall data rate:' and use 3.0
5) Set 'Scaling compression' to 'No scalling'
6) Set 'How many frames to preview during bandwidth allocation' to 12
7) Set the width to 150 and the height to 150
8) Set the contrast to 8
9) Set the 'Smooth %' to 3
10) Check 'De-interlace'
11) When you are done changing the settings, click 'Blink' to convert your video
12) Wait for the tool to finish converting your video.

Munge the video:
1) Move and rename your bik video to data_PVE/Shell/movies/PC/preview.bik
2) Create a movie list text file called pre-movie.mlst in /data_PVE/Shell/movies/PC. When munged, this file will turn into the pre-movie.mvs, which contains your preview movie embedded inside.
3) In pre-movie.mlst, type in the path to your video. Example: ..\..\Shell\movies\PC\preview.bik
4) Optional step (prevents a munge error): Create shell.req in data_PVE/Shell
5) Optional step (prevents a munge error): In shell.req, add:


6) Run VisualMunge for you map
7) Click 'Unselect All'
8) Check 'Shell'
9) Click 'Munge'
10) When the munge has finished, you will find your new pre-movie.mvs in data_PVE/_LVL_PC/Movies

Add the video:
1) Pick a location for your movie file. It can be placed anywere, but the recommended location is GameData/addon/PVE/data/_LVL_PC/movies
2) Copy your munged video (pre-movie.mvs) to this location
3) Open the addme.lua (data_PVE/addme/addme.lua) file from your mod map
4) Around line 23 is the line that you edit to change your map's game modes. Edit this line to include the movie file, the movie name, and 'dnldable = 1' (dnldable is optional). An expanded example is shown below. Its important to note that the 'movieFile' does include the file name of the video, but does not include its '.mvs' extension or the 'pal' part for PAL users. Also, the 'movieName' is the name you used in movies.mcfg's MovieProperties() Name variable:[code]sp_missionselect_listbox_contents[sp_n+1] = {
movieFile = "..\\..\\addon\\PVE\\data\\_LVL_PC\\TMP\\movies\\pre-movie",
movieName = "preview",
dnldable = 1,
isModLevel = 1,
mapluafile = "PVE%s_%s",
era_c = 1,
mode_con_g = 1,
mp_n = table.getn(mp_missionselect_listbox_contents)
mp_missionselect_listbox_contents[mp_n+1] = sp_missionselect_listbox_contents[sp_n+1][/code]
5) Run VisualMunge for you map
6) Click 'Unselect All'
7) Click 'Munge'

Viewing your video in SWBF2
1) Start the game
2) Go to the IA or MP map selection screen
3) Click on your map
4) Watch the preview video box for your video
Shell Changes For Preview Video Support
1) Setup a mod map for shell editing
2) Add in the lua changes for the map selection screens' video loading sections
3) Pick a name for the movie file (pre-movie.mvs) and pick the names for the embedded movies (preview and preview-loop)
4) Edit the movie configuration file at data_CUS/Shell/movies/PC/shell_movies.mcf to include:[code]MovieProperties()
Segment("preview", 1.0, -1);

Segment("preview-loop", 1.0, -1);
}[/code]5) Munge a new shell and replace the game's shell with the new one
Related Topics:
SWBF1 - FlyBy Movie
New Movies Tutorial

File Extensions (best guesses):
.bik - Movie file format for SWBF2
.mcfg - Movie Configuration File
.mlst - Movie File List
.req - Files required for VisualMunge

Segment("preview", 1.0, -1);
}[/code]Name - the name of the movie
Inherit - a MovieProperties template normally defining fade in/out times
Movie - the movie file the named movie is embedded in
SegmentList - a listing of the movie's segments
Segment - exact usage is unknown - maybe the different movies in the mlst file (don't think so)?
// - Comments out a line in the mcfg file
Observed File Name Formats:
xxxmon01 - Map entering video (xxx is map's ID)
xxxmon02 - Map exiting video (xxx is map's ID)

Folders of Interest:

REQs of Interest:
ingame.req? (has the script game_interface)

Lua Information and General Ideas

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:29 pm
by [RDH]Zerted
Notable Game Functions:

Notable Lua-Defined Functions:

Notable Comments:
movieName = string.sub(movieName,1,4)
-- normal looks like this: "movies\\fly.mvs"
-- normal pal looks like this: "movies\\flypal.mvs"
--downloadable content looks like: "dc:movies\\RHN3.mvs"
--downloadable pal looks like: "dc:movies\\RHN3pal.mvs"

Notable Variables:

Some Thoughts:
This may not be the correct way to do it as the 'Movies' checkbox in VisualMunge isn't used.
[RDH]Zerted has been able to get one step further in adding a new movie name (the example used the existing polmon01) to ingame.mvs, but the steps for that have yet to be written.
We need to get a custom movie ingame without replacing the retail ingame.mvs.

Re: Custom Movies Research

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:42 am
by Eagle Eye
very nice tut! you explained everything and its just what i need :wink:

Re: Custom Movies Research

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:38 pm
by [RDH]Zerted
Following those two notable comments, did the new XBox maps have movies with them? And if so, what folder were its .mvs files stored?

Re: Custom Movies Research

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:50 pm
by Commander_Cody771
Yes, a very good tutorial. Nice work :thumbs:

Re: Custom Movies Research

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:10 pm
by HobGoblin_264
Very nice, this should be a sticky so it's easier to find. :runaway:

Re: Custom Movies Research (FAQ)

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:36 am
by theultimat
Pardon the huge bump, but I thought it was better to ask here than making a new thread. Is the Bink compressor free?

Re: Custom Movies Research (FAQ)

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:43 am
by Redline
it not working :(

-You are using the English version of the game

Is that really important and why?

Re: Custom Movies Research (FAQ)

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:56 am
by [RDH]Zerted
Yes, the bink compressor (RAD Game Tools) is free.

I added in that English comment because the USA uses NTCS and most of Europe uses the PAL video format. I have the English version and only tested everything with NTCS. I haven't tried making any PAL videos (but it should still work).

Re: Custom Movies Research (FAQ)

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:13 am
by Redline
ok , thx for the fast answer, but at the moment the movie isn't working.
I'm looking for the mistake now.


Hmm...It doesn't work , I did everthing what you've written in your tutorial, but battlefront loads the normal video from the polis massa mission.

Re: Custom Movies Research (FAQ)

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 3:05 pm
by AceMastermind
The *.mvs files in:
Star Wars Battlefront II\GameData\DATA\_LVL_PC\MOVIES

are just "ucfb" containers that have viewable *.bik movies crammed inside.

Search for the header in a hex editor to jump to each one:
42 49 4B 69
copy the data to the end of that block then paste into a new file named:
and you'll be able to watch it in the Bink video player.

CRAWL.MVS has 2 movies
INGAME.MVS has 39 (the header suggests 38 though :? )

*.bik format ... _Container

Re: Custom Movies Research (FAQ)

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:11 am
by Anakin
is it also possible to make a movie for the background with this?

Re: Custom Movies Research (FAQ)

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:13 am
by Marth8880
Technically, yes. It's just that nobody knows (or rather, has posted) how to do so.

Re: Custom Movies Research (FAQ)

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:14 am
by Anakin
ok than i won't do it. i think that would be to much for me

Re: Custom Movies Research (FAQ)

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 3:04 pm
by [RDH]Zerted
AceMastermind wrote:are just "ucfb" containers that have viewable *.bik movies crammed inside.
So you're saying we just need a tiny program to insert custom videos into ingame.mvs and non-shell maps will be able to have custom videos too? I wonder if the game will complain if ingame.mvs gets too big. We might need a .mcfg and/or .mlst change to the movie working too. If so, that may or may not cause problems. It would have to be tested.

:sleep: I really need to get more into hex editing
Marth8880 wrote:yes. It's just that nobody knows (or rather, has posted) how to do so.
Full screen background videos was the first thing I got working. It took more effort to shrink the video down for the map preview video box (that no one uses :| ). I lost the exact changes required when I lost the v1.3 source code. However someone could redo them by modifying the shell through an addme.lua or a cGC script. I don't have time for that.

Re: Custom Movies Research (FAQ)

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 4:36 pm
I know Marth, when he said "nobody," he meant outside the staff like you, FragMe!, and Acemastermind.

Oh, and Marth uses the preview video box. :wink:

Re: Custom Movies Research (FAQ)

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 4:56 pm
by Marth8880
Yeah! The preview video is so cool and easy to set up! :o Gee, if only there were some sort of documentation for the 1.3 patch that people would actually read that explained how to do so... :roll:

Re: Custom Movies Research (FAQ)

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:48 pm
by GAB
Sorry for the bump but I'd like to add contribute with some things I concluded after some tests.

I don't know if this has already been pointed out by some other member. If so, this will be the most useless wall of text on GT and I'm going to be ashamed. :P :oops:

Anyway, while I was modding these days, I found a .mcfg file called ingame_movies located at data_MOV/Common/mission (I'll use MOV as the modID in this post). I opened it and noticed it has configuration parameters for every single movie played before and after the campaign levels. Below is an example from the Coruscant level of the campaign. You can also open the file yourself and see all of the stuff in there.

Code: Select all

// Coruscant
        Segment("cormon01", 1.0, 0);
After seeing this I got quite interested and decided to dig a bit more into this.

I found that this particular file (ingame_movies.mcfg) is present only in two req's available in the Data_MOV folder. inshell.req and mission.req.

I decided to see if the game movies are really dependent on this file. After seeing it was only called by two reqs (inshell and mission) I guessed that the retail ingame_movies.mcfg could be only in the shipped inshell.lvl or the mission.lvl. I played a couple of campaign levels with the inshell.lvl deleted from the game's folder and the movies loaded perfectly.

CONCLUSION: The inshell.lvl is irrelevant to movies. Onto the mission.lvl.

Since you can't even get a loadscreen without the mission.lvl I had to munge a new one but without the ingame_movies.mcfg file it. Guess what? The movies did not load. There was just a brief blackscreen and then the spawn selection screen showed up.

CONCLUSION: the ingame_movies.mcfg is relevant to load movies because they will not load if a mission.lvl does not have the file munged in it.

But all of this does not solve our main problem which is the disability to load custom movies without replacing the retail ingame.mvs.

One thing that called my atention was that every MovieProperties() block in the ingame_moveis.mcfg had a Movie("ingame"); parameter in it. Now here's what Zerted wrote about these parameters in the first topic of this thread:
[RDH]Zerted wrote:

Code: Select all

        Segment("preview", 1.0, -1);
Name - the name of the movie
Inherit - a MovieProperties template normally defining fade in/out times
Movie - the movie file the named movie is embedded in
SegmentList - a listing of the movie's segments
Segment - exact usage is unknown - maybe the different movies in the mlst file (don't think so)?
// - Comments out a line in the mcfg file
Maybe most of you may have already figured out where I'm going with this.

All this stuff makes me form a theory:
The reason we can only play our own movies replacing the retail ingame.mvs is because, in the shipped mission.lvl, there's an ingame_movies.mcfg with the line Movie("ingame"); which always points for the ingame.mvs.

So if we munge the mission.lvls that go in our addon maps with an ingame_movies.mcfg that has the configurations for our movie and the line Movie("nameofyourmvsfile"); we should be able to load them from a .mvs with a name different than "ingame", therefore not replacing the retail one.

I hope more people are able to test what I posted here and maybe we can develop more into this Movies topic.

Sorry, for the long post and for the long text. I'm not very good at writing, but I did my best to make it clear what I wanted to point.

EDIT: Here's what Psych0fred sent me about movies. It confirms statements from above and add some other things as well:
Psych0fred wrote:Looking at what shipped as far as I can tell it works like this:

The lua script (for example pol1g_c.lua) calls the movie like this:


When the lua script makes the call it is opening ingame.mvs, which is actually a bunch of munged movies all packed into a single binary file, and it loads a single segment of that file, an individual movie referenced (not necessarily named) as polmon01 in the ingame_movies.mcfg

ingame_movies.mcfg has a section that looks like this:

// Polis Massa
Segment("polmon01", 1.0, 0);

When the mission lua script calls the segment it is actually calling Name of the MovieProperties() above. The actual file referenced by that property is what appears under Segment above and is defined/loaded in the ingame.mlst file. It just so happens the names are the same, but it's important to recognize what name is being called where and by what file.

And when you look at Shell\movies\PC\ingame.mlst you'll see a line that loads the actual movie (pre-munge)

ingame.mlst is just a list of bik movie files that are the source files before being munged/converted to data the game uses.

As a side note common\mission\pol_movies.mcfg defines the subtitles for the movie.

So ScriptCB_PlayInGameMovie("ingame.mvs","polmon01") in the mission lua calls MovieProperties() Name("polmon01") in the ingame_movies.mcfg file which in turn defines the properties for the movie file polmon01 loaded/referenced by the ingame.mlst file.

Some other important notes:
ingame_movies is loaded by the common\mission.req
This is actually loading the contents of the file Common\mission\ingame_movies.mcfg
ingame_movies.mcfg is the config file which defines all the ingame movie properties.
All of the movies have properties defined here. If you are adding a movie that doesn't already exist, this file needs to be updated with properties for your new movie, re-munged and distributed with the updated common files. It should be possible to set up standalone files and configs outside of those that shipped with the game/shell, but either way you have to make sure whatever new assets you add you understand where that are being stored and loaded and referenced so you can make sure to include them with your world. All of these files are included in the shell, mission or common.req files so if you are adding something that has not been included in the appropriate req or an additional req you add and load for your world only, it won't work.

I know I'm not telling you exactly how to do what you want, but knowing how it works should help you sort out how to get it to do what you want it to.

I hope this helps.
Later I asked I it was possible to load an ingame movie from a .mvs with other name than "ingame". I also asked why a configuration I was trying wasn't working. I was getting this error:

Code: Select all

Message Severity: 2
Segment 0x3936077a does not exist in movie 0x436ddf48
He replied:
Psych0fred wrote:Yes any name can be used. For whatever reason, it's not finding the movie you set up.
My best guess is one of the files you created is not being included in a req file.
Otherwise I have no idea what the problem is.

Re: Custom Movies Research (FAQ)

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 2:42 pm
by Marth8880
Whoa, wait a minute, holy crap, what? psych0fred's back? :o I thought he went missing or something a while back! Well I'll be an unswish penguin! Huh! Regardless, this is fantastic information! Thanks!

Re: Custom Movies Research (FAQ)

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:17 pm
by GAB
I'm not sure if he's back or not. I just contacted him via e-mail.